Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Classicalla Challenge Fic: Unlucky in Love? - 01/07/07 02:57 PM
Unlucky in Love?

Here's my response to Marcus Rowland's challenge:

Twenty minutes from first idea word to post. laugh

There's a bit of edited text in italics.

Lucy Lane had been unlucky in love. She dated one guy who had tried to kill Superman. She’d dated another guy who was a pimp and had tried to involve her in the business - quite forcefully. That situation had required a little help from Superman. Why couldn’t she be lucky enough to find a guy like that? Lois had found a guy almost as great - Clark Kent.

She was still working her way through school. She thought that her parents could have helped with college, but they couldn’t stop fighting long enough. She sighed as she watched another customer walk in for lunch at Steak and Milkshake Shoppe where she worked. She walked over to the gentleman that had just sat down. He looked up at her with the most amazing smile she had ever seen. She took a deep breath and her heart fluttered. But then she immediately thought that she just couldn’t do this again. She’d rather be alone.

Tom Wells looked at Lucy Lane and thought she was beautiful. She had that certain something that he had always looked for. But he was in a relationship, wasn’t he? It wasn’t a great relationship, but he did have what he could call an almost girlfriend. It wasn’t like he was living with her or sleeping with her so there was nothing wrong with a little flirting, was there? He flashed her what had been called his ‘amazing’ smile. “What’s good?”

Lucy stumbled over her words. “Well… the.. uh… the… special is good. It’s nothing fancy, but it’s good.” She quickly told him what it included.

He nodded and indicated he would take the special. “Sounds good. And how about a strawberry-banana shake? I hear that your shakes are top-notch. That’s why I came here.” He flashed that smile again. “But now that I’m here, I can see many more reasons to come back.”

Lucy blushed and grinned before she walked away. She thought to herself, ‘Oh, my god, I’m in trouble. He’s gorgeous and he’s flirting.’ She put in his order and then proceeded to make him the best strawberry-banana shake she’d ever made. She took extra special care with it.

Tom tasted the milkshake and sighed contentedly. He had noticed her name tag and had watched her make the shake. “Lucy, this is marvelous.”

Suddenly Lucy’s boss called, “Lucy, you can take a break. Your next order won’t be up for a few minutes.”

Tom’s eyes twinkled. “Lucy… Lucy, take your break here. Sit down and talk to me.”

She was reluctant. She didn’t want to get in trouble. But finally her good sense fled and she sat down. For the next ten minutes they talked more and learned more about this man than she’d ever learned about another man. It didn’t seem possible to learn so much so fast, but they just seemed to click.

Tom smiled again and said, “Lucy, go out with me. Tonight. I promise you won’t regret it.”

She smiled sweetly and nodded. She wondered if she had finally found a great guy.

The date was great. Life was great. Six weeks later, Lucy Lane became Mrs. Thomas Wells. Yes, life was wonderful.
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