Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: LaraMoon FDK: A New Hero 41/? - 01/01/07 05:57 PM
oooh! First, first!!

I'm so glad you were able to post a new part, Nancy! I've been looking forward to it!! smile

Los pursed his lips and raised an eyebrow. “I guess.” He leaned his forehead to hers. <I don’t want to leave. I want to be with you. Always. Would you consider coming with me? I mean, if I can’t stay here. I really don’t want you to have to deal with the hassles of being a part of the ruling house. And I don’t want to go. I feel like this is where I belong.>

With tears in her eyes, she nodded. <We don’t know if it *is* possible. But if it’s possible for me to go, then I will go. I will go where you go. Where you stay, I will stay. Your people will be my people.>

<That’s beautiful, Mari.>
Awww! Beautiful! smile

<~I’ll *kill* him!~>

Los’ head snapped up. “~Mother!~” He looked at Mari with fear. “My mother is here…”
That's not going to be a fun family reunion, I sense...

a sexual victim’s unit policewoman, Marishka Mansfield
mmmmm... inspired by L&O:SVU, I presume? wink

‘damn green and red crystals
Ahhh! Well, Red K explains a lot, doesn't it.

“You know… the glasses aren’t what does it Clark… It’s the attitude. I’m still just seeing Clark.”
Yeah, I agree there. The attitude makes a big difference. smile

She’s married to one of the richest guys in the world. She married Bruce Wayne.
Huh? Really? Whoa, talk about a surprise!!

I have asked the Queen of Wheat for her hand in marriage. She has accepted.
hehehe! The Queen of Wheat... I'd forgotten that - it's so cute.

And she doubted that Marisol and Los could ever be together.
frown that's sad....

<Marisol is royalty?>

<Yes, she is. Do I have your blessing?>

K’al bit his lip and nodded. <Yes.>
oops... someone's going to be mad when they find out Queen of Wheat is not really a title of nobility.....

smile Nice part! Looking forward to the next!
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: A New Hero 41/? - 01/01/07 11:51 PM
Good to have you back with this, Nancy.

“I know you haven’t said so, but I can’t help but think that that Healer Zor-Te person delayed your surgery for some nefarious reason.”
It seems like all of Krypton is conspiring against Los.

<We don’t know if it *is* possible. But if it’s possible for me to go, then I will go. I will go where you go. Where you stay, I will stay. Your people will be my people.>
This is so beautiful. It's interesting that these words were spoken by a woman (Ruth) to another woman (her mother-in-law, Noomi). Nothing like that is said by a woman to a man in the Bible. That's probably because a marriage was hardly a union between equals in Biblical times.

“I… know we used protection before, but… I… Give me a baby… your baby. I have an idea you can assure that would happen.” She looked at him hopefully.

<You… want to have my baby? Even if it means I might not be here?>

She nodded solemnly. <Yes, I do.>

He kissed her. “Yes, I can assure a pregnancy… with our baby.”
So that is how David came to be? wink Well, he wasn't conceived in this chapter.

The person in the shadows moved slightly and very nearly spoke. And that person was quite frustrated because they kept switching from spoken to telepathic speech, and Los was very effectively keeping any other telepathic person from ‘hearing’ their unvoiced conversation.

He looked up. “Did you hear something?”

Marisol smiled. “Just my thundering heartbeat.” She laid her head against his chest and sighed contentedly.
Imagine that Zara is spying on Los (and Mari) at a time like this.

“I love you, too.” She kissed him and put her arms around him. His hand drifted to her breast. She then pulled back from him and put her hand over his as if asking to him to keep her heart safe from all harm.

“Her father is Ching… my mother’s husband.”

<~I’ll *kill* him!~>

Los’ head snapped up. “~Mother!~” He looked at Mari with fear. “My mother is here…”
What a way for Zara to reveal her presence!

“Well, it seems that when we strip searched him that we found some nasty scars on one of his thighs. I asked him about it and he begrudgingly told me that he was in a dirt bike accident about four years ago out in Kansas. Said he landed in an area with a bunch of… as he called it ‘damn green and red crystals that were… very sharp’. But ‘very’ was not the word he used. It was crudely descriptive. He told me that some of those crystals are still embedded his leg. I have an idea that it’s probably kryptonite.”
Oh, my God! The nasty Alex is a walking Kryptonite weapon!

Clark sighed heavily. “I would say that if I could get close enough to him that I could tell you if it’s kryptonite, but if some of it is red, it’s hard to tell what it will do to me.”
Red and green Kryptonite. Damn.

“Euphoria. I wonder… Claire told me that when she got around Alex she felt like she was in love and that he was the most wonderful person in the world. She even went out with him a couple of times after he raped her. If that’s what happened to her… that would explain it. The effects usually wear off, but… if she kept getting re-exposed...”
Ooohh!! So that's why Claire thought she was in love with him!

And Caitlyn is sort of connected everywhere. Now she is Hannah's aunt.

“~Mak. Mak took care of you when you lost the baby? She barely has any experience. She’s not even through school and her education has progressed somewhat slowly. I don’t think she’s even taken her test to be called a Healer yet. Why wasn’t there someone with more experience with you?~”
This feels like more conspiracy against the House of El. (Or maybe against the house that Zara belongs to.)

“~Not you, too. *Lord* K’al-El is threatening to *make* me marry her. You *promised* that I could pick my own mate.~”

Zara sighed. “~Edrika has told me that she knows what K’al and Rya did and that she also knows of your subterfuge. And, even though she may have been bluffing, you have now confirmed that what she has said is true.~”

Los stood up and angrily said, “~So you are telling me that I have to pay for K’al’s impropriety?
Don't you just love the ways of Krypton?

“~A mere concubine,~” Zara quietly thought. She closed her eyes tightly feeling her son’s pain. But she would do what she had to do. Sometimes duty extracted a high price.
Yes, well, isn't it nice to feel so noble when you are sacrificing the happiness of others in the name of your own selfless duty and the best interests of your clan?

Normally there wouldn’t be anything really wrong with marrying someone from another planet, but… you are a Lord. You must behave in a certain manner. And she could never return with you. She would not be able to survive.~”
Why wouldn't Maribe able to survive on Krypton? Because her constitution isn't sturdy enough for her to survive on that world, due to her human genes? Or because she would be assassinated if she married Los and went to Krypton to live with him there?

Zara was shocked. “Drull’s daughter?” Her eyes were sad. “~As you said, Ching is no rapist. I suspect that Lord Nor did this to undermine my faith in Ching. You know how you were conceived. This is probably how this other girl was conceived also. The rape was probably a cover.~”
Was Mari conceived the way Los was conceived?

Zara smiled sympathetically. She understood being in love with someone that you might not be able to be with. And she doubted that Marisol and Los could ever be together.
Are you saying that Zara could be in love with Clark?

Hannah flew off to Gotham City to see her mom. She walked in Wayne Manor to find Marilyn in the study reading a book. “Hey, mom. Dad out being batty again?”

Los thought forcefully, <I’m not interested. What is this all about, K’al?> He paused and said softly, “I told you that I plan on furthering my relationship with Marisol. She is the Queen of Wheat.”

“The…” K’al paused in thought. He was both happy and sad. Happy that his brother had found love. Sad that Edrika was potentially a venomous snake that was going to cause the House of El no small amount of problems. <Marisol is royalty?>

<Yes, she is. Do I have your blessing?>
Lying to your brother, Los?

“Father. Claire’s tests were okay. She does not have the defect. The cyst is probably nothing to worry about.”
Oh, good.

Well, interesting chapter, Nancy! I'm looking forward to see more of Claire, in particular. And, hmmm... her twin sister has been up to something, yes?

Posted By: Classicalla Re: FDK: A New Hero 41/? - 01/02/07 11:44 AM
Thanks, Lara and Ann!!

a sexual victim’s unit policewoman, Marishka Mansfield
mmmmm... inspired by L&O:SVU, I presume?
I wondered if anyone would get that. Did you also get the play on ‘Marishka Mansfield’? The mother of one of the stars - Marishka Hargitay, was Jayne Mansfield (blond bombshell actress).

oops... someone's going to be mad when they find out Queen of Wheat is not really a title of nobility.....
Hehe… Who says they will find out?

It seems like all of Krypton is conspiring against Los.
No, but sometimes it does seem that way in life, doesn’t it. And, then too, he’s a highly placed, highly important politician who has to put up with all that entails… and he truly wants no part of it.

Imagine that Zara is spying on Los (and Mari) at a time like this.
She was hoping not to be found out.

“I love you, too.” She kissed him and put her arms around him. His hand drifted to her breast. She then pulled back from him and put her hand over his as if asking to him to keep her heart safe from all harm.

What a way for Zara to reveal her presence!
Yep, she slipped…

Oh, my God! The nasty Alex is a walking Kryptonite weapon!
Yes, he is. Let’s just hope Bill Henderson can do something about that.

And Caitlyn is sort of connected everywhere. Now she is Hannah's aunt.
Olympe’s idea. Thanks, Mellie.

This feels like more conspiracy against the House of El. (Or maybe against the house that Zara belongs to.)
Political connections…. Not really a conspiracy in this case, though. Mak was just very inexperienced and Los was worried about his mother.

Why wouldn't Maribe able to survive on Krypton? Because her constitution isn't sturdy enough for her to survive on that world, due to her human genes? Or because she would be assassinated if she married Los and went to Krypton to live with him there?
Because at this point, Zara thinks Marisol is human. I’m pretty sure that it was established on the show that a human could not survive the harsh conditions on New Krypton. Of course, things could have changed on that rock, or they could have been wrong… No assassinations in sight.

Was Mari conceived the way Los was conceived?
No. But Hannah might have been.

Are you saying that Zara could be in love with Clark?
Could be. She’d be a fool not to be. And Ching got pretty jealous of Clark because he thought Zara was falling in love with him when Ching and Zara were on Earth to take him back to New Krypton. But I was more thinking about when Zara was in love with Ching and thought she could never be with him because he wasn’t royalty.

her twin sister has been up to something, yes?
Something… yes.
Posted By: LaraMoon Re: FDK: A New Hero 41/? - 01/02/07 12:48 PM
I wondered if anyone would get that. Did you also get the play on ‘Marishka Mansfield’? The mother of one of the stars - Marishka Hargitay, was Jayne Mansfield (blond bombshell actress).
hehe! Yep, that's what I was referring to... Not just the fact you had an SVU officer there. smile I'm addicted to the IMDb - I get lost there for hours easily - I know zillions of "useless" little facts on movie stars. wink
Posted By: mariadferdez. Re: FDK: A New Hero 41/? - 01/02/07 01:31 PM

Great part! thumbsup

Brandy smiled. “But even with that, I’ve always thought something must have happened to cause her to suddenly not even contact us. I asked her about it and she said that something did happen, but she wouldn’t say what.” She laughed then. “And you always tease me about marrying one of the richest guys in Metropolis. Well, get this. She’s married to one of the richest guys in the world. She married Bruce Wayne.”
Marilyn know Clark is Superman does Caitlyn know Bruce is Batman? eek

Caitlyn is older than Marilyn? eek

“~How long have we been gone from your perspective?~”

“~Two mez.~”
eek What is two mez.

Zara sighed. “~Edrika has told me that she knows what K’al and Rya did and that she also knows of your subterfuge. And, even though she may have been bluffing, you have now confirmed that what she has said is true.~”

Los stood up and angrily said, “~So you are telling me that I have to pay for K’al’s impropriety? And that you would *let* this woman blackmail you?~”
OMG! Let’s hope Lord Kal-EL have power over Zara.

Zara was shocked. “Drull’s daughter?” Her eyes were sad. “~As you said, Ching is no rapist. I suspect that Lord Nor did this to undermine my faith in Ching. You know how you were conceived. This is probably how this other girl was conceived also. The rape was probably a cover.~”


“~And the matter will be investigated thoroughly - telepathically. If my husband is guilty then he will suffer the consequences.~”
Tell that to Marilyn Wayne. mad

Hannah flew off to Gotham City to see her mom. She walked in Wayne Manor to find Marilyn in the study reading a book. “Hey, mom. Dad out being batty again?”

Marilyn raised an eyebrow. “I wouldn’t let him hear you calling him ‘batty’. You’ve never actually met the Batman. Believe me. He’s not your dad. He’s scary as Hell.”

“A different person, huh?”

Clark chuckled and put his hand on Los’. “I’ll do what I can to help. I suppose I should go talk to her. Or perhaps ‘Lord Kal-El’ should speak to her formally.”

“Later.” Los frowned. “I think mother is also going to try to push me into a marriage with Lady Edrika.”
Why later? hyper
Posted By: Classicalla Re: FDK: A New Hero 41/? - 01/02/07 02:03 PM
Thanks for the feedback, Maria!

Where is Ching?
Oh, he’s around… wink

Marilyn know Clark is Superman does Caitlyn know Bruce is Batman?
Not yet… She will soon.

Caitlyn is older than Marilyn?
No, Marilyn is the oldest sister - older than Brandy, Jessi, and Lyndon, too.

What is two mez.
Something that I made up as a measure of time on New Krypton. 1 mez is approximately 3 weeks or so.

Tell that to Marilyn Wayne.
It will be complicated…

“Later.” Los frowned. “I think mother is also going to try to push me into a marriage with Lady Edrika.”
Why later?
Los wants to talk to her first.
Posted By: Lara Joelle Kent Re: FDK: A New Hero 41/? - 01/02/07 02:07 PM
Well, I finally got around to reading the final version. I know, took me long enough, but it couldn't be helped.

I’d like to thank Olympe for all of her suggestions for this part.
Well, you know by now what happens when you discuss ideas with me... I just get some of my own. Sometimes of the most silly nature...

And Caitlyn is sort of connected everywhere. Now she is Hannah's aunt.
Olympe’s idea. Thanks, Mellie.
Well, not quite my idea. But when I read a part where Marilyn turned up after we had discussed the idea of the whole 'lyn' thing (as in Caitlyn, Brandilyn, Jessilyn...), I thought I had figured something out... Until then, the resemblance (Marilyn) was just coincidence. smile1

Mari put her hand on his chest. “I know you haven’t said so, but I can’t help but think that that Healer Zor-Te person delayed your surgery for some nefarious reason.”
Well, I'm wondering about that one, too.

She rubbed the side of his cheek and whispered, “I… know we used protection before, but… I… Give me a baby… your baby. I have an idea you can assure that would happen.” She looked at him hopefully.
This is so beautiful. Where is the 'hug Los and Mari' button?

He swallowed hard and whispered. “Her father is Ching… my mother’s husband.”

<~I’ll *kill* him!~>
This so had me laughing! What a way for Zara to find out!

“Well, it seems that when we strip searched him that we found some nasty scars on one of his thighs. I asked him about it and he begrudgingly told me that he was in a dirt bike accident about four years ago out in Kansas. Said he landed in an area with a bunch of… as he called it ‘damn green and red crystals that were… very sharp’.
Well, this explains why Claire always went weak in the knees when she was near him.

But Chloe never felt that way around him, but she may have never been close enough.
Or maybe her feelings were directed at someone else? Like Ben? So, how real is their relationship?

“Clark? And just who would Clark be?”

“Clark is a friend. And I have to go. Are you coming this weekend?”
Just a friend. Caitlyn starts to sound like Lois...

“And you always tease me about marrying one of the richest guys in Metropolis. Well, get this. She’s married to one of the richest guys in the world. She married Bruce Wayne.”
Well, guess who deserves some teasing?

Caitlyn nodded. “Yeah. Her daughter, Hannah, is dating my…Clark’s son.”
Well, Marilyn and Caitlyn have a lot in common: Both are married to a millionaire with a secret identity. Oh, but cailyn doesn't know the second part yet, does she?

But at least I examined her rather than Zor-Te. He would not have kept it quiet. As it is now, we can blame it on my inexperience.
Hm, I start to dislike this Zor-Te character. He doesn't happen to be related to 'Lady Edrika'?

“~How long have we been gone from your perspective?~”

“~Two mez.~”
Two mez, that's sightly less than two months, right? (I believe you claimed that a kryptonian pregnancy took nine mez = seven months...) That'd make the time about six weeks. Doesn't that help with the issue of K'al's and Rya's impropriety?

I suppose the ‘protector’ is with you?~”

She nodded. “~I’m sorry my son. You really love her, don’t you?~”
So, where on Earth is Ching? Figuring out the piano? Visiting Rya? Or where?

“~And the matter will be investigated thoroughly - telepathically. If my husband is guilty then he will suffer the consequences.~”
laugh Is this the ruler or the wife speaking?

Hannah flew off to Gotham City to see her mom. She walked in Wayne Manor to find Marilyn in the study reading a book. “Hey, mom. Dad out being batty again?”
I think poor Bruce deserves some more in the way of respect. Or would Hannah like to be asked whether she is in stripesy mode?

K’al softened and hung his head. <I don’t mean to be harsh, Los. I’m worried about the Thanae. I should be there. I’m worried about mother. I…>
Oh, K'al still doesn't know that his mother is visiting! clap

“I told you that I plan on furthering my relationship with Marisol. She is the Queen of Wheat.”
True enough!
<Marisol is royalty?>

<Yes, she is. Do I have your blessing?>
But that's an outright lie! Still, I agree with Los. Some things are worth it.

Los opened the door. <K’al. Zor-Te’s stubbornness has left me with damage that is probably irreparable. I know you aren’t aware of it, but I’m in constant pain.
Isn't that a good enough reason for Los to stay on earth, so he might benefit from the superpowers he gets there?

Clark was alarmed. “*Zara* is *upstairs*?”

Well, you already know how much I liked this part. Do I have to repeat myself? laugh Okay, okay. It was wonderful. Not that much in the way of tension and action, but a lot of interaction. Something different, but very well done.
Posted By: SNL Re: FDK: A New Hero 41/? - 01/02/07 03:00 PM
Hi Nancy, razz has been arrested. Get that Kryptonite out of his legs and throw him into the toughest prison and throw away the key. Maybe send Mayson Drake there too? (well... here's hoping...)

Please let their Royal Highnesses - Lord Los and Her Majesty the Queen of Wheat get married quickly and let Clark, Zara and K'al put that spoilt madam in her place. Perhaps the T5/Mike/Lois can be employed to provide evidence to get that lady off from Los's back? - I'm certain that Ann would be very happy to see Lois in the story again! Of course K'al can be over rules as his father, who technically is still the Great Lord of New Krypton has spoken, neither Zara or the spoilt brat could say anything?

Of course if that troublesome lady should appear, I'm certain that Meowoof and Two Bark could scare her off without any other interuptions - just remember how you wrote that she sorted out the Mutilator....

Looking forward to much much more.


Posted By: Classicalla Re: FDK: A New Hero 41/? - 01/02/07 03:23 PM
Thanks, Mellie!

Mari put her hand on his chest. “I know you haven’t said so, but I can’t help but think that that Healer Zor-Te person delayed your surgery for some nefarious reason.”
Well, I'm wondering about that one, too.
I was thinking more along the lines of those occasional physicians that have a god complex and get VERY upset when you disagree with them. I haven’t seen too many that take it to extremes, but there was that doctor that threw a chart at me years ago because I asked a question. I worked with one doc years ago that would get very upset if his patients questioned anything he recommended and if they didn’t ‘back down’ and accept what he said as law, he would dismiss them. So Zor-Te was one of those types.

This so had me laughing! What a way for Zara to find out!
And wait till she actually gets hold of Ching.

Or maybe her feelings were directed at someone else? Like Ben? So, how real is their relationship?
Hehe… We’ll see.

Hm, I start to dislike this Zor-Te character. He doesn't happen to be related to 'Lady Edrika'?
Nope. Just a jackass.

Two mez, that's sightly less than two months, right? (I believe you claimed that a kryptonian pregnancy took nine mez = seven months...) That'd make the time about six weeks. Doesn't that help with the issue of K'al's and Rya's impropriety?
Yes, two mez is about six weeks. And yes I said nine mez = seven months. And yes that helps the issue of K’al’s and Rya’s impropriety immensely. No one on New Krypton needs know anything about the time difference, do they?

Is this the ruler or the wife speaking?
Mostly ruler. I can imagine what wife would like to do… He’d really suffer the consequences, wouldn’t he?

I think poor Bruce deserves some more in the way of respect. Or would Hannah like to be asked whether she is in stripesy mode?
She’s still getting used to the whole ‘hero’ idea. She doesn’t quite realize the seriousness of it all yet. And Marilyn corrected her right away.

Well, you already know how much I liked this part. Do I have to repeat myself? Okay, okay. It was wonderful. Not that much in the way of tension and action, but a lot of interaction. Something different, but very well done.
Yes, thanks for your wonderful beta!

Thanks for your comments, Stuart!!

I'm intreged to learn more about Zara's visit. I hope that together with Clark they sort out K'al - the spoilt brat needs a lesson or two in good manners and behaviour. Or perhaps the Lady Raya might have that wonderful task.
Yeah, he’s a spoiled brat. Los should be the leader instead of him (but he won’t be). But he did bless his brother’s union with Marisol, so he’s not completely heartless… He does love his brother.

Ah.. Shame... Evil Alex has been arrested. Get that Kryptonite out of his legs and throw him into the toughest prison and throw away the key. Maybe send Mayson Drake there too? (well... here's hoping...)
Yeah, it might serve Mayson right to go to prison.

Please let their Royal Highnesses - Lord Los and Her Majesty the Queen of Wheat get married quickly and let Clark, Zara and K'al put that spoilt madam in her place. Perhaps the T5/Mike/Lois can be employed to provide evidence to get that lady off from Los's back? - I'm certain that Ann would be very happy to see Lois in the story again! Of course K'al can be over rules as his father, who technically is still the Great Lord of New Krypton has spoken, neither Zara or the spoilt brat could say anything?
Oh, Lady Edrika will be put in her place all right. And yes, Clark might make his will mightily known.

Of course if that troublesome lady should appear, I'm certain that Meowoof and Two Bark could scare her off without any other interuptions - just remember how you wrote that she sorted out the Mutilator....
Yes, those mighty swipes are wicked. My cat, for whom Meowoof is somewhat based, has a brain injury that sometimes results in seizures. The last time it happened, Rascal was in my arms and his claws came out and I got some nasty swipes down my arm. I had to have a tetanus shot, and one of those ‘scratches’ was deep enough for stitches, but I used the glue stuff instead. And just think how bad it would have been done if Rascal had done it on purpose? Maybe Meowoof will have to do something on purpose - and make her the hero!

Thanks, guys!!
Posted By: Shelley Re: FDK: A New Hero 41/? - 01/04/07 01:00 PM
Oh please let Kal-El fix it. He would do great at putting everyone in there place
Posted By: Classicalla Re: FDK: A New Hero 41/? - 01/04/07 01:33 PM
Thanks, Shelley!! Yes, Kal-El (Clark) will fix things up, but K'al-El has already softened up a bit - he still has a lot to learn though.
Posted By: mariadferdez. Re: FDK: A New Hero 41/? - 01/11/07 06:03 PM
Where are you? grumble
Posted By: Classicalla Re: FDK: A New Hero 41/? - 01/12/07 01:27 PM
This weekend! I promise!!
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