Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: stopquitdont When Galaxies Divide 17 - 12/14/06 03:39 PM
Krypton: same time

Swallowing a mouthful of herbal tea, Lois made a face. What she wouldn't give for a good cup of coffee. She briefly wondered if it was too late to ask Kal to contact her father and ask if he'd bring some.

She'd been awake all night searching through everything she could think of once more. Sometime nearing dawn she'd finally made a connection she hadn't before. During the trial of Jor-El and Lara, Nor had testified that Jor had personally ordered him to go to Earth without taking the shot to suppress the effects of the yellow sun. Lord Ti-El had also testified against his own brother. Again, Lois' suspicions concerning Ti were stoked. Could *he* be the one hiding their son from them? She decided that it was time to relate that information to Kal.

The First Lord had just emerged from his chambers when she made it to that section of the Palace.

"Milord, I'd like to speak with you," she told him, noticing that he seemed more determined this morning than he had in weeks.

"I was on my way to my state room. I want to leave for Carn before anyone knows I'm gone."

"You can't do this," she told him as she almost ran to keep up.

"I can and I will," he told her without breaking stride.

Lois didn't say another word until she and Kal were inside his state room. His eyes hadn't held such cold resolve since the day he stepped from the transport on Earth. He was in pain, and that pain was causing him to lash out. Did he realize just how emotional he'd become?

Did he know seeing him as she'd always known he could be was something to behold? And it only tightened the knot in her gut to watch him. With each passing day her feelings for Kal only grew. After last night, she knew she was doomed. There was no way she could deny what she felt for Kal any longer.

Did she even want to?

Of course, she did! Having feelings for Kal would only bring her heartbreak.

But now wasn't the time to think about that. The life of a man was at stake. As much as she wanted Nor, and Ti for that matter, punished for what they'd done, there was no way she wanted Kal to be responsible for anyone's death. It would do far too much damage to him. Even if Council spared his life for his actions, she was sure he'd condemn himself.

Her son's life depended on the actions of this man. She needed Kal whole, able to realize his full potential. If he killed Nor, Jordan was doomed. If her guess was right, Ti planned to raise their son much as he'd done with Kal. She needed the First Lord to find Jordan and just maybe, with time, and help from a stubborn little boy, Kal might one day discover another side of himself.

"Don't continue the cycle," she said softly. "Don't do what he's done."

"What?" He looked up at Lois from where he'd been rummaging through his desk, brows furrowed in confusion.

"Lord Kal, if you do this, you've stooped to their level. You just can't do this."

"Their level?"

"I think I know who might have Jordan, and it's not Nor."



"My uncle? Why would he have my son?"

"Maybe because he wants to do with him as he's done with you."

Kal waved a dismissive hand and continued his search through his desk. "I'm sure Ti's done things that are unethical, but..."

"You can't see him for who he is, can you? From the beginning he's wanted to break you. He's lived to do that. And by killing Nor, you will." She stepped closer, prepared to do whatever it took to keep Kal from killing Nor because she was sure the other lord would never tell Kal what he really didn't know. If her suspicions were correct, Ti was in some way responsible for Jor and Lara's deaths. Kal should be aware of this. He didn't have to believe her, but if it would give him something to think about, that's all she could ask. "Lord Ti is not who he appears to be. I think he ordered Nor to take me and Jordan from Earth."

Kal finally stopped what he was doing and looked up at her. "I might not like some of the things Ti has done..."

"And if you knew he'd had something to do with your parents' deaths, would that change how you feel?"

Kal's eyes widened as her implication sank in. "What? I've read the transcripts."

"Yes, but have you read everything? Have you seen the holograms from your father's research? The private archive? Did you introduce yourself to the man on a personal level?"

"I know who my father was!"

"Do you?"

Kal tore his gaze from Lois'. He was obviously upset by what she'd said, but she'd had no choice. She should have shared her suspicions with him long before now. Maybe then she nor Jordan would have had to suffer.

"Why would you say this?" he finally asked her.

"I'm just telling you what I've observed. Don't say you've never wondered."

"What does that have to do with this?" he shouted, his carefully controlled emotions finally bursting loose.

"Nor and Ti have been acquainted for quite some time. I'm told they have often shared seats at the gambling tables in El. Maybe they shared a few conversations. Possibly about a certain planet where Kryptonians could be rulers if they weren't given a shot to stop the effects of the yellow sun." She paused briefly, making sure she had Kal's full attention. "Ti testified against his own brother at a trial where Nor also testified. Ti was the one that introduced the motion *not* to charge Nor with any crimes involved with the destruction on Earth. Why would he do that? The land of Ti's province borders Nor's."

Kal turned from her to look out the window, the sun was just starting to rise over the horizon.

Lois took the few steps to close the distance to him and tentatively placed her hand on his arm. "Please consider this to be a possibility. Jordan's life depends on it... Kal."

His head snapped around and their eyes locked. She'd said the right thing, saying his name. Kal's eyes softened and he glanced at her hand on his skin.

"I'm begging you. Help me find a connection here so we can bring our son back. But don't make the worst mistake of your life by going to confront Nor."

"Why is it so important for me not to do this?"

"I don't want you to ruin who you are, who you could be. If you kill him, even if the law sides with you, it will eat you up. And there are others who need you to be whole, need you here. Be strong... for Patia, and for Jordan."

She squeezed his arm and watched as fire danced behind his eyes. Knowing she had him, she pulled out the most powerful weapon in her arsenal. "Be strong for me. *I* need you here," she whispered.

Kal turned to face her fully, the spark in his eyes raging into an inferno. He opened his mouth once, twice, three times, but didn't speak. Unable to say a word, he closed his eyes and dropped his head back to take several deep breaths. When he opened his eyes again, they were filled with tears. Anguish had replaced the fire and Lois watched him struggle to keep from reaching out to hold her.

He finally tore his gaze from hers, cleared his throat, and rushed from the room.

She'd reached him; she'd known she would. What she hadn't known was the incredible guilt she'd feel now. Using herself as a bargaining chip was pure manipulation. Kal cared for her, probably loved her-- as best a man could who had never *felt* anything before. To use that connection for her gain was wrong.

And it hurt her just as much as she was sure it hurt him. His affection was not one-sided. Her feelings for him had mounted until they were overwhelming, making it painful to just see him day after day. The way he'd looked at her as he fought to keep from saying something he knew would do them no good was absolute torture.

Jordan! Jordan! Jordan! She'd just have to repeat her mantra over and over. *He* was all that mattered right now.


The doors on the east side of the Palace burst open and Kal sprinted toward the forest on the other side of the lawn. He ran as fast as he could, trying desperately to out run his very being. He was deep into the thicket of trees before he stopped, bending to catch his breath.

"WHY?!" he shouted at his surroundings. When an answer failed to come, he dropped to his knees. "Am I cursed for the remainder of my days? How in Zor's name do I live in the house with this woman?"

He shifted and settled so that he sat on the leaves, his knees bent, then wrapped his arms around his legs. Life was so unfair. Never before had he seen it that way. He'd been born into a life of privilege, wealth, position. Education painted his adult life to be one of pleasure, satisfaction. His station allowed him to have anything. The world and everything in it was his for the taking. Until now, he'd been content. Now, the very thing he wanted was the one thing he could never have... not without cost.

And he was unwilling to pay the price.

"Jordan", he whispered to himself in an effort to breathe again through the excruciating pain.

Could Lois be right? Could Ti have his son? Had his uncle done the things she suspected? Could he have had something to do with his parents' deaths? If so, how?

Why? What purpose would it serveto have Jor and Lara executed?

He should have studied those transcripts long ago. He should have researched everything, not just read them over. The fact was, he'd never been curious enough about it to do so. His time, and his worries, were always taken up by other issues. He'd become ruler of two worlds at such a young age. Since then, he'd struggled to keep one world from ultimately destroying the other.

He'd always believed the things his uncle told him about his parents, never once checking for himself. That ignorance was understandable when he'd been a child. But what about as he'd grown older?

He'd often wondered about the people that gave him life. What kind of people had they been? Was he like them in any respect?

There had just always been so many issues to concern himself with. His birth wife, the lack of an heir, a concubine that had conceived his child.

More than anything he hated seeing Lois in that light. And Jordan...

Kal scrubbed his hands over his face roughly and took a deep breath. Maybe he should at least consider searching some of Ti's holdings. It couldn't hurt...

Rising to his feet, he looked back in the direction of the Palace. And finding Jordan was imperative. The longer the child was away from them, the more he was potentially damaged from his experience.

"So help me, Ti-El, if you do have my son, Lois won't stop me from killing *you*."

A flock of birds scattered at his angrily delivered threat. Even the wildlife knew when to stay away from the First Lord.

Krypton: Year 2133 in the second cycle (or February 1992)

The two weeks Lois spent awaiting the arrival of the transport that would deliver her father to Krypton was also filled with more dead ends in the search for her son. Kal had returned to the Palace after their conversation in his state room, the wall he hid behind to protect him from his growing emotions firmly in place. He'd merely looked at her, and they'd come to a silent understanding. Neither had mentioned that conversation or their shared comfort in the parlor. They settled into an extensive search of Ti-El's holdings, but so far they had still failed to find Jordan.

Kal hadn't said anything about Ti or any of the other things Lois had said. But she'd heard rumors that he spent a good deal of time at night in the library going through the archives. He'd grown distant as well, only speaking to her when absolutely necessary. And he rarely looked directly at her, let alone touch her again.

Though she ached as much as he did, Lois recognized his attempt to put distance between them. And she appreciated his restraint, fully aware of the effort it took just to stand in the same room with her. She knew because it was the same effort she made to be in the room with him.

The hissing of the air release on the transport that had just docked brought her from her thoughts. Her father was about the tenth man to exit the ship.

"Daddy!" she shouted and ran toward him.

"Lois," Sam breathed just before he caught his daughter.

She could only hug him and cry. So many things were out of place in her life. To have Sam with her now felt wonderful.


Kal watched the reunion unfold in front of him. He smiled sadly, glad that Lois would no longer be all alone on this world. When father and daughter had spoken for several moments, he approached.

"Dr. Lane, it's good to see you again." Kal bowed slightly.

"And you, Milord." Sam was about to bend to his knees to show proper respect when Kal reached out to grasp his shoulder.

"Please, Dr. Lane. Stay on your feet."

"If you insist."

"I do." Kal didn't miss the glance from Lois. Those bowing before him had never bothered him before. There was only one person that had never bowed to him; he didn't want her to. And he didn't want her father to either. "In fact, I insist that you not bow to me like that again." Sam's eyes widened, but he didn't object. "Welcome to Krypton and thank you for agreeing to attend to my daughter."

"Thank you..." He smiled down at Lois. "For bringing me to my daughter."

"Milord?" Trey said behind him. "Your presence is requested for debriefing in the main conference room."

"Yes, Trey, I'll be there in a moment," Kal threw over his shoulder without turning around. "Dr. Lane, this is Mori." Kal indicated a guard standing to his side. "He's been assigned to your service. He will direct you to your chambers, show you the infirmary, and see that your needs are taken care of."

"You didn't have to do that, Milord," Sam protested.

This time it was Kal who looked at Lois. "Yes. I did." Kal's eyes met the doctor's, he bowed, then excused himself. His heart swelled when he heard Sam and Lois again chattering away. He wished he'd thought of bringing the doctor here weeks ago.


From the platform above the docking bay, one of the crew members paused in his task of unloading the ship. His eyes fell on the First Lord. The man looked well, albeit tense. It must have something to do with the presence of Lois Lane, which was a surprise. He'd fully expected to find the woman in the House of Carn. How had she ended up here?

It appeared a great deal had been happening in his absence. He'd finish here and slip into the crowd so that he could make his way into the city. He didn't have his superpowers to help him now, but he'd search out the truth anyway. He was even more determined that huge trouble was brewing, and he wasn't about to stand by and watch it happen.


Lois' heart thundered in her ears as she followed Kal and the guards into a building in downtown Shar, a large city on the other side of Krypton from El. The First Lord had personally interrogated a man the day before about a meeting that had taken place inside the building they were now entering. She wasn't exactly sure how Kal had come to learn of the meeting, but the man had told him that several others had met with an important man in this building a week earlier. He wasn't sure what the meeting had been about because he'd only stood watch outside.

That wasn't what had interested Kal. The man also told him that he'd heard the crying of a small child from an open window three floors up. Someone had shouted for the child to quiet down, then silence had followed. This had been their most solid lead into Jordan's whereabouts. Not wasting a moment, a guard was assembled and they'd left for Shaw.

Kal stopped just inside a room, causing her to run into his back. He bent over, reaching for a lone toy on the bed. Lois shot around him, snatching the stuffed animal from his hand.

"It's his," she breathed through tears. "Dan bought it on a trip to California." She pulled the dolphin to her chest and looked around the room frantically.

"Tear this building apart," Kal ordered the guards. "Then comb out. Question everyone within five clicks. Find out if anyone saw who came and went here. There has to be someone who saw my son. Bring them to me!"

Lois sank to the bed helplessly. Where had they taken her boy?

"Whoever warned him will spend the remainder of his days cleaning bath chambers at the detention center," Kal spat as he jerked a drawer open on a cabinet.

His gasp caused Lois to look around. He was pulling a small shirt from inside, staring at it as if he could wish it to suddenly fill with their son. She wiped the tears cascading down her cheeks. "At least he was allowed to wear his own clothes," she commented.

Kal snapped from his trance and jerked the other drawers open. They, too, held more clothes. "Find something to put those things in. Don't leave anything. It's all evidence," he snapped at a guard. Yet, he held onto the shirt in his hands as he stormed from the room.

It was long moments later before Lois rose and made her way out to the transport. She sank into the seat and softly cried, clutching Jordan's toy.


Kal sat at the head of the table inside Council chambers, staring down at several documents in silence. He'd been that way for over ten minutes. When Trey had voiced his dislike of the situation, the First Lord had only lifted a hand to silence him. Since then, everyone had remained quiet, waiting for Kal to decide he was ready to address Council.

He'd barely made it back from Shaw when Trey approached him. Nor had demanded a hearing to claim Lois, so helpfully producing Dan Scardino's death certificate. The date was exactly six Kryptonian cycles past, and the lord refused to wait another second to retrieve his property.

Council had already heard testimony from Sam Lane, seen evidence of Jordan's existence in the form of pictures, his legal birth certificate, medical records. Being the fine physician that he was, Dr. Lane even had documented proof that Jordan was half-Kryptonian. The child's medical records alone proved that. Council had no choice but to declare Miss Lane stable.

However, with Jordan being absent in the flesh, they were hesitant to step outside the strict confines of the law and deny Nor's request to uphold the legality of his scrolls. They were also hesitant to believe Kal's claims that Ti-El might have had something to do with the disappearance of his son. There had been no time to comb through what little was discovered in the building in Shaw. Council agreed that there had been a child there from the things recovered. However, Jen-Mai had pointed out, the word of a bound concubine was the only proof they had that those things belonged to her son.

"Milord," Trey finally said. "We cannot stall any longer. The law is clear."

"I know this, Trey." Kal sighed heavily, fighting the urge to look at Lois. She sat hunched over in the seat next to him, her head down, staring at the small stuffed animal she refused to put down. What did he do here? They hadn't spoken about this day again since that night in the garden. He wasn't about to speak out unless she gave him an indication that's what she wanted. Yes, he knew she didn't want to go with Nor, be his concubine. She'd never survive that. But he wasn't exactly sure he should speak out either.

"Oh, this is ridiculous." Nor shot to his feet and reached out to snatch Lois up by her wrist. "Come on. They can fight among themselves without us here."

Kal was immediately on his feet. His eyes shot to Lois' panicked ones and that was all he needed. "You will not take her from the Palace, Nor," he bit out as he reached for Nor's arm. "Unhand her."

"Who are you to stop me?"

"By my authority as First Lord, I exercise my right to claim her."

"You can't do that," Nor spat, released Lois, and looked to Trey.

"I can and I will!" Kal continued to stare pointedly at Nor, but when he spoke, he addressed the entire room. "With the Council's decision that my son was born of this woman, and because I believe my son to be alive, I choose to claim his mother as a member of my house. Her station is hereby established, voiding your contract."

"Lord Trey," Jen-Mai cut in, "I'm going to have to side with Lord Nor on this one. We cannot allow this. We are not even sure if Lord Kal is the father of Miss Lane's son. All the child's medical records prove is that her child is half-Kryptonian."

"She was the Lord's concubine," Trey pointed out.

"Must I remind you that he knew nothing of this child until two cycles ago. *If* this child is his, she's kept this knowledge from him, proving that she's less than honest. Who's to say she hasn't warmed the bed of another?"

"My son was fathered by Kal-El. You don't have to believe that. No one does as long as he and I do." Everyone focused on Lois as she spoke in cold, clipped tones. "I consider most of the people on this planet unworthy of the very air they breathe, let alone worthy enough for me to 'warm their bed'."

"Ah, Lord Kal must have had to work for what he got," Jen-Mai said with a snort. "And of course, he didn't *need* you to consider him worthy, did he?"

"Enough!" Kal demanded as he took a menacing step toward Jen-Mai.

"Since Lord Kal has so thoughtfully brought up the subject, I feel I should point out the fact that Miss Lane should have never become impregnated in the first place." Nor walked around behind his chair and waited for his guard to hand him another scroll. "This document very clearly states that Miss Lane received her sterilization procedure. Yet, she produced an half Kryptonian child. How was that? And look here," he said as he opened the scroll. "Lord Kal-El himself signed off on her paperwork."

"Nor!" Kal made a move to grab Nor, only to be held back by two guards.

"I move that Lord Kal broke the law and thus, has no rights to claim this woman. The conception and birth of their son was illegal."

Trey took the scroll, reading intently for several moments before his gaze lifted to Kal's. "With this evidence, I have no choice but to declare your claim invalid, Milord."

"You bastard!" Lois spat. She was staring at Nor. "You just can't stand it because he's been where you've only dreamt of being, can you? And so you know, he never had to force me to do a thing. I gladly went to Kal's bed. Not because I was bound to him and not because he demanded it. But because I wanted to. I wanted to the night we made our son and every time since my return to Krypton. He certainly didn't force me any of those times because I was already bound to you." She threw her shoulders back and started for the door. "What are you waiting for?" she turned to ask Nor. "You need to get started if you're going to show me you're more of a man than the First Lord."

Kal-El had to fight hard to keep from laughing aloud. She'd lost a bit of her fire lately, but she was still a force to be reckoned with. How could anyone meet that woman and not fall hard?

The Council had been stunned by Lois' remarks, unable to utter a word. Jen-Mai recovered first by smiling at Nor.

"Seems your concubine prefers the attentions of our leader."

"Oh, shut up!"

"Lord Nor, as Council chief I have the authority to overrule even the decisions of the First Lord, should he break the law. While Kal appears to have broken the law by signing that writ, I am inclined to believe that there might be a bit of truth to what Miss Lane has said."

"That she's slept with Kal-El? Please. Can't you see that's just a ploy to stop me from claiming her? I'm versed in those laws as well," Nor told him.

"When I said I believe there to be truth to what she's said, I was not referring to her relationship with Lord Kal. Though I do believe there *is* a relationship. He would not defend her as passionately if he was not fond of her. No, what I meant was that after careful consideration, I think she might have spoken the truth when she said you forced her to sign a contract."

"Since when do the words of a woman matter in state's affairs? And especially that of a concubine?" Jen-Mai asked in disgust.

"Since I made them matter," Trey told Jen-Mai. "Miss Lane has proven that her son does exist, she has worked almost desperately to find him, and she has proven him to be Kryptonian. I do believe Kal fathered her child simply because of the things her father's told me privately. Further, this woman has suffered greatly over the last few cycles. She's lost her husband and her son. I will not force her to lose her dignity as well. I order the dissolution of your contract with her." He faced Kal as Nor stormed from the room. "Lord Kal, I am not sure what the punishment should be for this circumstance. I don't really see what you've done as treasonous." He studied the surface of the table for a moment before he lifted his eyes back to Kal's. "I believe you are paying your penance. You have a son you've never met and suffer daily because he is missing. That seems punishment enough for any man. As for Miss Lane, it is you who must decide her fate now."

Kal sat back down slowly. "I wish to grant Miss Lane equal custodial rights to our son. In doing so, she becomes a free citizen. I will support her to the extent she will allow."

"Very well."

"Milord, this is highly irregular," Jen-Mai stately frantically.

"Lord Jen-Mai, it is Kal's choice to claim her or not." Trey rubbed his temples, strain marring his usually neutral features. "This entire situation has plagued me from the beginning. I could not very well step outside the bounds of the law. However, I can decide the validity of testimony. I believe that of Miss Lane to be valid. Therefore, my ruling stands."

"Trey, before you dismiss, there's something else I want to say," Kal told him. Trey nodded. "Your decision here today has proven what I've said many times. There are several ways to handle a given situation. Even ways that are not always the most expedient."

Trey held Kal's gaze for a beat before he lifted the gavel and dismissed Council.

Kal stood and hurried from the room in search of Lois.


She wasn't sure where she'd found the courage to speak out the way she'd done, but the overwhelming stress she felt almost constantly had to be displaced, if only for a moment. When she'd left the room, leaning against the wall of the corridor was as far as she'd made it before needing to take a breath. Fear had engulfed her when Nor came out of chambers. He'd stopped and looked at her, even threatened her. But he'd left without her.

A moment later, Kal burst through the doors. His smile told her everything she needed to know. Tears welled in her eyes as she heaved a huge sigh of relief.

"Why don't we go to my state room so that I can tell you what happened?" Kal asked softly.

She agreed by following him down the corridor and into his office.

"Trey broke," Kal told her the second the doors were closed. "He said that he thought there might be some truth to what you've said about Nor forcing you to sign a contract. He voided the agreement, put on record that he believed Jordan is my son, and even decided that my punishment for breaking the law is being without my son."

"I feel so empty," Lois admitted. "I'm glad I don't have to be Nor's plaything, but with Jordan still missing..." Her voice caught on a sob. "We were so close. He was there, in that room."

"I know," Kal said, taking a step toward her.

"I don't know how much more I can take," she whispered before she turned and hurried from the room.


Kal was left to watch her in silence, his own heart as pained as he knew hers to be. His eyes fell on the picture that had already found a home atop his desk. He'd almost cried the first time he'd laid eyes on the image of his son. Huge, soulful brown eyes were the focal point of a chubby cheeked face, marked by deep dimples. Unruly black hair graced his little head. He was small for his age, no doubt a trait inherited from his mother. Yet, to the First Lord, he was perfect.

There were lots of pictures of Jordan. Lois had chronicled his first years very thoroughly, and Kal had spent long hours sifting through those photographs. He'd wanted to ask her about him, have Lois introduce him through her descriptions. But he just couldn't bring himself to do that. Was it fear that stopped him? Fear that if she told him about their son he would be resigning them all to never finding him? Or simply fear of sharing such an emotional conversation with Lois?

He dropped heavily in his chair. Lois had left before he could finish telling her the details of the meeting. As much as he dreaded placing her in a position to care for herself, he hated facing the remainder of his days with her in house even more.

"Zor, grant me the strength to sustain," he whispered as he lifted the frame that held his son's picture.
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