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Tank (who figures he'll leave it up to the gentle readers to come up with something)
Good!! thumbsup

I liked the way Lois stopped Perry smile

Jose wave
Cool beans! thumbsup

Love the scene with Perry, that was the only way she'd be able to have any hope of staying at the Planet. Nice dialogue.

I also loved the way she planned out the whole gangster encounter! Bumping Clark outta the way and oops! getting shot..gotta love that gal!

Lois clenched her jaw against the pain, then strained to speak. "Give it a few more seconds."
laugh LOL!

I hope that the wrap up will be what I'm hoping for? How WILL you finish this?! huh

Arggggggggggggghhhh - part four! And I still haven't managed to catch up with part two yet! grumble

Right...soon as I get back from this afternoon's appointment, I'm doing nothing else until I'm caught up. Honest injun. /me would make a girl guide salute at this point but it's hard to do with paws

Comments pending... wink

LabRat smile
This was wonderful, Tank!

LOVED the conversation with Perry - beautifully done!! I'm glad Lois realized that conversation was a pivotal one in their relationship and that Perry was big enough to accept it! Great job!

LOL on Lois anticipating each event as they unfolded and how she tripped Clark out of the way of the bullets - very clever!!

Love this new universe that you've forced upon Lois, as crazy and upsidedown as it seems, it's a wonderful twist on things.


Missy (who doesn't know how Tank is going to wrap this up in one more segment - unless there is another sequel planned... laugh )
Exactly what Missy said, especially the signature line smile1
Swordfish! ROTF! This is one hell of a roller coaster ride. But I am hanging on for dear life. Laura ( who is still trying to shake the image of Lois and Perry being intimate out of her thoughts! Blllyyyyicckkk)

Great part. smile1
This is so great. thumbsup

Just excellent!

An excellent part! thumbsup

I can't wait to see how you wrap this up.
Please post the next part ASAP.

Tricia cool
Oh, boy, but I'm loving this, Tank. What a fascinating, intriguing universe you've set up here - I agree though that there's plenty of scope here for more than just one more segment, so curious to see how you wrap this one up.

From a very funny initial segment you've moved on to produce some genuinely poignant moments among the fun and a Lois who is admirable in her attempts to deal with all the shocks. goofy

In this last segment, I especially loved Clark's awe of his new partner's knowledge and those last two lines were absolutely perfect. Wonderful! LOL.

Looking forward to the final part...and hoping perhaps for a sequel at some point. This is just too good to miss out on.

LabRat smile

Just like everybody else, I'm finding this new universe more than interesting. The way Lois dealt with Perry and his feelings for her was great.

It's fun seeing Clark so amazed at Lois's reactions, at how she deals with teh story and all. If he only knew!

Dying to see how you wrap this up!

Hi Tank,

Just caught up with this story and I'm enjoying it very much. You've created a very intriguing universe and managed to mix poignancy and humour together very successfully. Can't wait to see how you wrap this up in one more part. I'm hoping that you might be thinking of a sequel. wink

Yours Jenni

My favorite quoted quotable was "What's your secret and can I have it?" Excellent placement!!!!

Everyone is right...you can't stop with just one more installment. Another epic universe is born! smile1

(If your body falls apart on you, will that leave you more time to write???)

another great part
ditto others
I love your universe
more soon and I'll try to stay caught up
Thanks to all for the nice comments.

I won't be going into any great detailed responses here as it is painful to type (and I'm holding off on my pain killers till bedtime), but it seems that most of you got out of this instalment what I hoped you would.

Yes it is one crazy world that Lois has gotten herself into, and it gets a little crazier in the next instalment, as you shall see.

Tank (who wonders which of the gentle readers will guess the slight twist coming up in the last instalment)
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