Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: LaraMoon FDK: Not-So-Split Decision (1/1) - 12/05/06 11:02 PM
Awwww!!! I love it!

I love the way you write these little things, it's short and all sweet and... well, I'm all happy now!!

More, please!

(or can we get the sequel to that, ie: when he finds out he wins and she finds out he beat himself? LOL)
Posted By: woody Re: FDK: Not-So-Split Decision (1/1) - 12/06/06 01:28 AM
I agree, your prose is most poetic.
Posted By: MrsMosley Re: FDK: Not-So-Split Decision (1/1) - 12/06/06 06:00 AM
Posted By: jackiek Re: FDK: Not-So-Split Decision (1/1) - 12/06/06 06:54 PM
Love it!

Posted By: Capes Re: FDK: Not-So-Split Decision (1/1) - 12/12/06 09:43 PM
While I usually don't have time to read your longer stories, I have always appreciated your grammar and style choices, so I gave this short one a look.

He’d won, even if he didn’t know it yet.
Very poetic. Nicely done.
Posted By: Classicalla Re: FDK: Not-So-Split Decision (1/1) - 12/12/06 10:06 PM
Posted By: angelic_editor Re: FDK: Not-So-Split Decision (1/1) - 12/13/06 01:18 AM
You guys are too good to me, I swear! *hearts the feedback love*

Lara, Woody, Mrs. Mosley, Jackie, Capes and Classicalla, your comments have just left me all aflutter. (Did I just type *aflutter*? Because I think I did. Am I a so-called "normal" 23-year-old? Hmm.)

Ahem. Sorry. Too much Starbucks in one day, finishing up a big project at work. The point is, such comments just leave a big ol' grin on my face that's impossible to wipe away. Thank you so much! I'm just amazed that these little vignettes manage to touch readers! It's humbling and so so so encouraging, and then, to get such glowing comments on my writing style from you guys?

I love the way you write these little things
your prose is most poetic
I have always appreciated your grammar and style choices
!!!! *happy dance* Amaaaaaaaazing! clap

Thanks so much for reading and for the wonderful feedback! *yet more happy, caffeinated dancing*

And Lara, I won't completely rule out such a sequel, but mercilessly editing the next installment of a long-ish WIP, "A Million Little Pieces," has taken over my word processor and the bit of free time I have to devote to the boards these days! (But you know you're more than welcome to write that sequel -- Ann did that for what I thought was a one-off vignette of mine and what she wrote gave me *chills.*) laugh
Posted By: Classicalla Re: FDK: Not-So-Split Decision (1/1) - 12/13/06 01:42 AM
(But you know you're more than welcome to write that sequel -- Ann did that for what I thought was a one-off vignette of mine and what she wrote gave me *chills.*)
Ooohh... What were they?
Posted By: angelic_editor Re: FDK: Not-So-Split Decision (1/1) - 12/13/06 01:52 AM
Classicalla, it was a super-short, two-part vignette called Some Kind of Fantasy . I wrote the first bit on an introspective lark and posted it, then Ann responded with a sequel that simply took my breath away. (It was also just uploaded to the archive.)

Thanks for the interest!! blush
Posted By: Classicalla Re: FDK: Not-So-Split Decision (1/1) - 12/13/06 01:54 AM
Shouldn't you be in bed (like I should), oh fellow Kentuckian?
Posted By: angelic_editor Re: FDK: Not-So-Split Decision (1/1) - 12/13/06 02:06 AM
Bwahaha! That would totally be the smart, savvy thing to do, especially considering I have to be at the Herald-Leader in less than six hours. laugh I totally blame Starbucks. Not even midnight bar trivia put a dent in my caffeinated self!! smile1 Thank goodness I was a barista who worked uber-early shifts through four of my five years at UK -- it's the best training around for operating on a severe sleep deficit!! (Well, besides being a med student and/or working in a hospital!)
Posted By: Classicalla Re: FDK: Not-So-Split Decision (1/1) - 12/13/06 02:17 AM
Sleep deficit... I learned all about that working long shifts as a nurse. (That's also the reason I seem to be permanently stuck in a 'midnight' shift world - even though I no longer work that shift. Well right now I'm not working at all...)
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