Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: MrsMosley FDK: Superman Divided 5 - 11/10/06 01:58 PM
To Be Continued (not sure when the next post will be - it might not be till Sunday night)
Mean DJ.

Great chapter, no time for FDK.
Posted By: woody Re: FDK: Superman Divided 5 - 11/10/06 02:15 PM
Have you been taking notes from wendy, because that had to be a ten on the angst-o-meter.

Very well written.

I love how you create a "horrible" situation, then redeem it so wonderfully.
Posted By: Sheila Re: FDK: Superman Divided 5 - 11/10/06 07:44 PM
Now that was the mother of all cliffhangers and then you say that you aren't sure when the next post will be! That was just wrong! huh

Post again soon!
Posted By: Matrix Re: FDK: Superman Divided 5 - 11/10/06 08:41 PM
Hi Lisa!

No time for fdk? But that was fdk! A little anyway. Thanks. Glad you liked the chapter. Sorry, not trying to be mean... just a really busy weekend. Does it make it any less mean if I post part 6 on Sunday and then the final part on Monday?

Hello Woody! Wow, a reference to Wendy? thud I'm honored. And a perfect 10? Wow. Thanks for the fdk. Glad you're enjoying it.

Sheila!!! Okay, I'm pretty sure the next post won't be till Sunday. I'll be gone all day tomorrow and then I have company coming on Sunday. So I can't promise anything before Sunday night... but I promise definitely Sunday. And then maybe the final part on Monday. How's that?

There was so much angst in that chapter...so very well written...I felt like I was right there.
Oh thank you. I always feel a sense of accomplishment when a reader tells me that they could really visualize what was happening or that they felt like they were "right there". Yeah!

Hey, as long as you're enjoying - picture whoever you want... laugh But hopefully it's not due to my writing - I do hope I'm writing the characters with enough distinction that they do seem to be Brandon Routh and Kate Bosworth.

So I'll see you all on Sunday - deal? I may have enough time to pop on and respond to fdk - but I know I won't have the time it takes me to post a part... that'll have to wait till Sunday.

Thanks so much everyone!

-- MR angel-devil
Posted By: Shadow Re: FDK: Superman Divided 5 - 11/10/06 09:02 PM
wallbash wallbash

You get two of those for the last 2 parts! Actually got a chance to catch up tonight!

Posted By: Matrix Re: FDK: Superman Divided 5 - 11/11/06 07:18 AM
Hi Shadow!

Just a quick note to say thanks for the feedback!

But 2 wallbashers? Man! That's a little harsh. goofy

I think I've tortured everyone about enough... the next two parts have waff in them, I promise.

Okay, now I'm outta time and have to run!

Bye! Thanks everyone!!!

-- MR angel-devil
Posted By: Shadow Re: FDK: Superman Divided 5 - 11/11/06 01:50 PM

What can I say, I'm a sucker for angst and villians. The more wall bashing I do, the more I like it!

Posted By: Matrix Re: FDK: Superman Divided 5 - 11/12/06 09:38 AM
Oh, well in that case, Jen - YEAH!

But there won't be much wall-bashing in the next 2 parts. Maybe a little in part 6, but not a lot.

Okay, my company left early... so I guess I can go ahead and post part 6 early.

Getting ready to do that.

Hope everyone had a great weekend and thanks for the fdk!!!

-- MR angel-devil
Posted By: MrsMosley Re: FDK: Superman Divided 5 - 11/12/06 12:14 PM
No time for fdk? But that was fdk!
Well, yes, I suppose it was. smile So I will just add these final comments:

I really enjoyed the scene of Clark and Jason falling through the sky, especially Clark's realization that he couldn't fly and his desperate words and actions to prevent Jason from being hurt. Great work.

And I have forgiven Richard. Any parent would have done what he did.

And you posted the next part a little early, yea!
Posted By: Mister Data Re: FDK: Superman Divided 5 - 11/13/06 10:19 AM
Wendy and Tank have nothing on you. You are evil incarnate!

I very rarely tear up reading fanfic. I did just now.

James, who thought that this section deserved its own feed back, because I just know you are going to fix everything and kill Luthor, right?
Posted By: Matrix Re: FDK: Superman Divided 5 - 11/13/06 05:53 PM
Hi Lisa! Thanks for the additional fdk.

I'm glad you've forgiven Richard. I sort of thought people might - once they knew the whole story.

Hi James! Eeek! What a compliment. Thank you! Wow. blush And I made you tear up? Wow! I'm just speechless!

Thanks again for all the fdk everyone!

-- MR angel-devil
Posted By: Classicalla Re: FDK: Superman Divided 5 - 11/16/06 11:15 AM
Great part, DJ. I was biting my fingernails.

“No,” Richard said calmly, holding one arm out to stop her. He looked down at Superman. “I’m sorry, Superman. Regardless of my feelings about you right now, I would have never hurt you like this. Hell, I risked my life as well as Lois and Jason’s to save you. But Luthor said if I didn’t use this Kryptonite to weaken you and deliver you to him, that he would kill my son. I... I’m sorry.”
Lois! Clark! Tell him the truth!!

She was going to have to tell him. There was no way around it.
Tell him! Tell him!!

“No! Richard! Don’t. You’ll kill him! He’s Jason’s father!” she blurted out without further hesitation, her hands on his arms trying to pull him away from Clark.

Luthor pulled a pill bottle out of his pocket with his free hand and popped the cap off with his thumb. “So this little grommet is your progeny, huh?” Lois watched in horror as Luthor ever so slightly slid the knife across Jason’s throat, just enough that it drew a small line of blood.
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