Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Sheila FDK: Superman Divided 4/7 - 11/09/06 01:49 PM
You really meant it when you said that part 4 would end with a cliff hanger! dizzy

“Oh, we already have the upper hand, Lois,” Richard said as he turned to walk back inside the building. When he came walking back out, Clark felt a sickening weakness go flooding through him. His legs faltered and he dropped down to his knees in front of Richard.
Does Richard have Kryptonite to weaken Clark to submissive mode? And let us not forget that Jason will be effected by Kryptonite as well. I can see that happening and Richard putting two and two together and getting "Jason is Superman's child!"

Wow! I am really anxious to see/read what comes next. This was very well written! notworthy
Posted By: Matrix Re: FDK: Superman Divided 4/7 - 11/09/06 02:25 PM
Hi Sheila!!!

Thanks for the fdk. And yes, I did say it would end on a cliffhanger (so will the next part too... I would say unfortnately, but, well, I like cliffhangers. wink )

First, I want to point out one thing. *If* Richard has Kryptonite, regardless of why he has it, it won't affect Jason. If you remember from the movie, Kryptonite didn't affect Jason when Lex exposed him to it (my own personal theory is that this was due to him being only half Kryptonian... and half human - which I also think is the reason he can be super and still have allergies... his human half allows that - he has "mixed" DNA - but of course that's just my theory) and this story is also based on "Supermen United" and in that story I mentioned the fact that Jason wasn't affected by Kryptonite.

Okay, so that aside...

Does Richard have Kryptonite? And, if so, why? Would he really go over the edge that far? Just to have Lois?

Hmmm, interesting, is it not?

I was afraid a lynchmob might come after me when I posted this part (I think Framework4 was ready to get the rope out in the other thread smile ) but your comments make me feel better. Maybe not everyone will lose their faith in me. wink

Thanks for your support and saying this was well written. I appreciate it.

-- MR angel-devil
Posted By: alcyone Re: FDK: Superman Divided 4/7 - 11/09/06 05:42 PM
I admit that its uncomfortable for me, since I always tended to see Richard as the bigger person (Christ figure muahahaha). But that's all right, I'm not outraged or anything, and I'm one of these people that is really flexible with characters. And it's interesting to have Richard be that desperate. I still feel for him, but damn I don't think killing the ex is gonna help. Doesn't stop dudes all around the world, but still. Chances are he's going to just alienate the crap out of her. Tsk, tsk. That's no way to treat a lady.
Posted By: Matrix Re: FDK: Superman Divided 4/7 - 11/09/06 06:12 PM
Hi Alcyone!

Your comments cracked me up.

Just remember, this was intended as a cliffhanger... wait till we get to the other side. wink

But thanks. I'm glad I didn't alienate you. laugh It's funny... I'm positive that most everyone would like to see Lois end up with Clark, but yet I really expected everyone to throw rotten vegetables, their shoes, large household appliances... at me after they read this part. Because they would naturally think I had paired Richard up with Luthor and was letting him try to "off" Superman.

I'll be anxious to see what everyone thinks after the next part. Oh, but it's a cliffhanger too... so maybe those appliances are coming back out again. goofy

Thanks for the fdk!

-- MR angel-devil
Posted By: MrsMosley Re: FDK: Superman Divided 4/7 - 11/09/06 08:14 PM
He really wished it could be Clark, but the longer he thought about it, the more he realized it needed to be Superman. As Jason’s powers developed further, he was going to need Superman to help him figure things out and help him learn how to control them.
No! Superman can't be a dad. He isn't real!!! Besides, I have the strong impression that Jason already knows Clark is Superman, so really it doesn't have to be one or the other.

As he watched Jason playing and laughing, enjoying himself, he realized something – something he had known all along but was even more sure of now – whatever happened with him and Lois, whatever he lost or gained... it had all been worth it.

It was a good thing Clark was normally a very calm and patient man because, right now, he wanted nothing more than to go snatch that child up and spank his bottom right in front of the other kids.
Can you imagine if Superman did that? The media would have a field day.

“Even grown ups,” Clark continued. Especially grown ups.

As he watched his son walk away, he whispered softly, “My friend, my son.”

“I think he wants to move me there because of you.”

He didn’t even bat an eyelash. “Lois, I would still come for you and Jason even if you moved... to Antarctica. I would still be there for you. You know that, don’t you?”
Of course he would. I would be suprised if Richard doesn't suspect it as well, deep down.

She could feel the moisture forming in her eyes even as she fought against it and she could feel her face involuntarily tightening as her eyebrows knitted together and her nose contracted. She could feel the quiver in her chin as the last of her control melted away.
great descriptive words

“I’ve gotta go,” he said suddenly, interrupting her.
To the bathroom? (sorry, sorry laugh )




chills in my stomach

He wondered - if Richard had it all to do over would he have still tried so hard to save Superman?
Probably. Richard is a good man.

“Oh, we already have the upper hand, Lois,” Richard said as he turned to walk back inside the building. When he came walking back out, Clark felt a sickening weakness go flooding through him. His legs faltered and he dropped down to his knees in front of Richard.
WHAT!!!??? Ok, I completely take back what I said above about Richard being a good man. I am in shock. This was the last thing I expected. I know Richard is angry and jealous, but I didn't think he would harm Superman.

Great chapter, DJ.
Posted By: Laurach Re: FDK: Superman Divided 4/7 - 11/09/06 09:52 PM
wow! good chapter, more soon. Laura
Posted By: Mister Data Re: FDK: Superman Divided 4/7 - 11/09/06 10:13 PM
Holy Hannah!!!

Richard must really love Lois or really hate Superman..

Posted By: Ultra Woman Re: FDK: Superman Divided 4/7 - 11/10/06 04:13 AM
Evil DJ is back with a vengeance... [Linked Image]

He really wished it could be Clark, but the longer he thought about it, the more he realized it needed to be Superman. As Jason’s powers developed further, he was going to need Superman to help him figure things out and help him learn how to control them.
No! Superman can't be a dad. He isn't real!!! Besides, I have the strong impression that Jason already knows Clark is Superman, so really it doesn't have to be one or the other.
I agree wholeheartedly with Lisa. Superman can't be a dad. grumble

A challenge that wasn’t lost on the other child. He reared back to push Jason again, but this time Jason pushed him. The kid flew back about six feet and fell down hard on his butt.
He needs urgently to learn how to control his powers.

“I know. I’m sure you wouldn’t hurt anyone on purpose,” Clark said softly, reassuringly.

Jason hung his little head and his response sent a chill down Clark’s spine. “Yes, I would.”

“No, you wouldn’t,” Clark argued in his behalf. “You’re a good boy. You just don’t understand how to deal with the strength that... that’s been given to you.”

“I hurt the man with the piano,” his son said softly. “He was a bad man. He was going to hurt mommy.”

“What happened?” Clark prompted him gently.

“He was going to hurt mommy!” Jason said a little louder. “On the bald man’s boat.”

He was talking about Luthor’s yacht. What had happened? “And you stopped him?”

Jason nodded at him, still not looking up at him. “I pushed the piano at him. I was mad and I pushed it hard.” A little tear slipped out of one of his eyes. “He wouldn’t get up.”

Clark’s breath caught in his chest. Jason had... killed the man?
This is one thing I loathed in the movie. Jason is a child and has already killed a man. Superman never did. First time Jason used his powers it was to kill. [Linked Image] It's got to be traumatizing for him. How is it going to affect him in the future? [Linked Image]

Jason nodded his head in agreement and got from the ground. “I saw you last night,” his little voice said softly.

Clark swallowed. “When?” he asked, getting up and dusting himself off.

“When you came to my room. I pretended I was asleep. I saw mommy hug you.”
Hee hee. blush Smart boy.

Clark would never have a relationship with Jason if she moved halfway around the world from him.

Well that wasn’t exactly true. Superman could. Superman would find them no matter where they moved.
But Superman can't have a relationship with Jason. It'd put the boy in danger, doesn't she see it? [Linked Image]

Didn’t Richard realize that?

Probably not, but then again, he didn’t know that Jason was Superman’s son, either.
And how long she intend to keep up the farce? Jason is developing his powers, for crying out loud! How is she going to keep it from Richard? hyper

Posted By: Matrix Re: FDK: Superman Divided 4/7 - 11/10/06 07:55 AM
Well, good morning all! I'm finally feeling like a human today. I think I'm on the downslope of my cold.

But why couldn't I have been sick on Friday? Working on gorgeous 70 degree Friday - there's something wrong about that isn't there? wink

Okay, back on track...

Hi Lisa!

strong impression that Jason already knows Clark is Superman, so really it doesn't have to be one or the other
Hmm, I have a strong impression about your strong impression... wink

Can you imagine if Superman did that? The media would have a field day.
Hah! No kidding. They almost have a field day if any regular parent tries to discipline their kids. Sheesh...

great descriptive words
Thank you! blush

To the bathroom? (sorry, sorry )

Probably. Richard is a good man.

WHAT!!!??? Ok, I completely take back what I said above about Richard being a good man. I am in shock. This was the last thing I expected. I know Richard is angry and jealous, but I didn't think he would harm Superman.

Great chapter, DJ.
Hee hee. Well, I have to keep you all guessing and wondering about me from time to time - don't I?

Thanks for the fdk Lisa!

Hi Laura! Thanks! Glad you are enjoying it and thanks for the fdk.

Holy Hannah Batman! Hee hee, sorry James, I couldn't resist. That was funny. And, um, we'll see... Thanks for the fdk!

Hi there Andreia!

Evil DJ is back with a vengeance...
Yes, did you really think I could keep her bottled up for too much longer? Wait till you read the next post... ahem... anyway...

This is one thing I loathed in the movie. Jason is a child and has already killed a man. Superman never did. First time Jason used his powers it was to kill. It's got to be traumatizing for him. How is it going to affect him in the future?
I agree. Thought it was a little harsh to let him "kill" the guy in the movie. I was trying to show that it did "shake him up" and that's why he had tried not to fight the kid on the playground, and why it upset him after he pushed the kid. He's confused, and afraid of his own strength.

And how long she intend to keep up the farce? Jason is developing his powers, for crying out loud! How is she going to keep it from Richard?
Mmmm, good questions, and one's that "may" get answered in the next part <DJ whistles nonchalantly>

How was Luthor able to keep hold from Jason if he isn't affected by Kryptonite?
cough*smallspoiler*cough - the movie never actually showed us if Jason was "invulnerable" or not. I tend to think "not" since he was sickly and had allergies... If he's not "invulnerable" - it would be a little easier for Luthor to hold him. Plus as I mentioned above, Jason may be a little afraid to use his powers. He only seems to use them when under emotional stress - or maybe better said -- when he gets distressed or mad (no HULK jokes here, please).

Oh, boy. The evil cliffhanger.
Ah, yes, the evil cliffhanger. You knew there would have to be at least one, didn't you (but of course I managed to squeeze in two)

Thank you all so much for the fdk! I'll have the next part up sometime today!

-- MR angel-devil
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: Superman Divided 4/7 - 11/10/06 12:00 PM
As usual, I have almost no time, DJ, but I liked this part a lot. I have to say that I see this Clark - or rather, this Superman - as someone who is quite different from Dean Cain's Clark and Superman in the ABC TV show. In the TV series, it was unquestionably Clark who was the real person, while Superman was the disguise, but I really don't think that that is true about the Man of Steel that we have met in the movies. I think that Christopher Reeve's Clark was too dorky for anyone to take seriously, and Brandon Routh's Clark seemed extremely shallow, only skin deep. In part one of this story, you wrote this about your version of "Movie-Clark":

Clark didn’t wear just any kind of suit, either. Half the time besides just wearing a suit, he also wore a vest with it. He layered his clothes. It was the same with the times when she’d seen him in casual clothing. He usually had a sweater on with a shirt underneath it. He used his clothing to hide and disguise the exquisite muscular physique beneath it.
And this:

When he was Clark, he was so bumbling, so awkward, so... Clark. But when he was Superman...
And in part three, you wrote this:

What would people think if she turned Richard down and insisted on going to lunch with Clark? They’d think she was off her rocker.
You have described this Clark as someone who carefully covers his body with layers of clothing, someone who is bumbling and awkward, and someone no woman in her right mind would be thrilled to have a lunch date with. This doesn't sound like "our" Clark, Dean Cain's Clark. Dean's Clark is very handsome, and many women, not just Lois, find him attractive. What about Cat Grant and Mayson Drake?

My point is that for Brandon Routh's reporter-cum-Kryptonian, Superman is the real person, the one he thinks of as himself, the one aspect of himself that requires the least amount of acting on his part. So I very, very, very much appreciated Superman's way of approaching Jason in this chapter. I'm glad he came to the boy in his superhero persona, and I'm glad he tried to instil the kind of values in his son that a young boy with superpowers must believe in. I very much liked the way he acted as a father, Superman style. Frankly, I believe this Superman has more to offer Jason than this Clark. Richard is doing a better job at being a "real" and "normal" human male than this Clark may ever do. In short, Richard may be a better human role model for Jason than Clark can ever be, sorry to say. But Superman can offer things to the "super" side of Jason that no one else on the earth can give him. So in fact, DJ, I whole-heartedly approve of Superman's (and your) decision to make Superman the father of Jason, rather than this Clark.

But of course I agree with all the concerned people here that Superman can't officially be Jason's father. On the other hand, people, how easy would it be to make this Clark the official father of Jason? How likely is it that Lois would have had a whirlwind one-night romance with Brandon Routh's Clark that resulted in the conception of Jason? In my opinion, if the other people working at the Daily Planet don't think that Clark is much of a lunch date, they are not going to buy the suggestion that Clark turned on his Don Juan charm once and just swept Lois off her feet. If Brandon-Clark can't find a way to be more self-assured and honest-to-God real as a person, I have a very hard time imagining him as the official father of Jason or the official husband of Lois Lane.

Anyway, I much appreciated this chapter. I think you have captured the main characters from the Superman movie extremely well, and I think we must accept that they are not the same people as the ones we saw in the ABC TV show. We should not expect this Superman and this Lois to act or think like Dean Cain's Clark Kent or Teri Hatcher's Lois. You have - what do you American's say? Caught the ball and run with it? - and now you are building a believable, fascinating and gripping story about the "Superman Returns" characters.

Wow, what a cliffhanger, by the way! So, uh, with my feelings about deathfic, surely I'm about to pelt you with rotten tomatoes now, eh? No, honestly, don't worry, DJ! This was not a bad cliffhanger at all, only a totally intriguing one (and it didn't feel like the kind of horrible situation that would lead to somebody's death).

Finally, let me just say that you are the master at commenting on other people's comments! This little snippet had me laughing out loud and sighing with envy at your absolutely incredible ability to say just the right thing at the right time, without necessarily saying anything at all, and at the same time making us even more intrigued than we were before:

strong impression that Jason already knows Clark is Superman, so really it doesn't have to be one or the other

Hmm, I have a strong impression about your strong impression... wink
Delightful!!! clap

Okay, DJ, I quoted a few things even though I didn't quote anything at all from the chapter that this thread is devoted to. Ah, but honestly, the others had already said so many great things about this part, so I had little to add and preferred to get lost in the maze of my own rambling instead....

Anyway, I love your story, DJ! clap clap clap

Posted By: Matrix Re: FDK: Superman Divided 4/7 - 11/10/06 01:12 PM
Hi Ann!!

Hah! You like my responses? I let my muse write them - but half the time I think she's gone off the deep end and people are going to wonder what the heck I'm talking about. goofy I hope you're still speaking to me after the next part (which I hope to be posting in the next hour)...

Thank you all very much!

-- MR angel-devil
Posted By: Classicalla Re: FDK: Superman Divided 4/7 - 11/16/06 10:53 AM
A challenge that wasn’t lost on the other child. He reared back to push Jason again, but this time Jason pushed him. The kid flew back about six feet and fell down hard on his butt.

As he watched his son walk away, he whispered softly, “My friend, my son.”
Jason could have heard that!

faux pass
I believe this is faux pas

“Oh, we already have the upper hand, Lois,” Richard said as he turned to walk back inside the building. When he came walking back out, Clark felt a sickening weakness go flooding through him. His legs faltered and he dropped down to his knees in front of Richard.
Okay, I no longer feel sorry for Richard. He’s just turned into a creep.

This is one thing I loathed in the movie. Jason is a child and has already killed a man. Superman never did. First time Jason used his powers it was to kill. It's got to be traumatizing for him. How is it going to affect him in the future?
Well, he didn’t mean to kill the man. It was an accident. And kids are amazingly resilient. If he is traumatized, it would be more because the adults around him made it that way.

Holy Hannah Batman
Okay, you guys would have to do this. I know very few of you are following A New Hero, but I really had to laugh at this. I have a character in that story named Hannah. And she’s Batman’s daughter (adopted daughter). Glad I hadn’t ever heard Holy Hannah before or I suppose she wouldn’t have been a Hannah… :rolleyes:

Well, hey, if you guys can't see Lois having a fling with Clark Kent / aka Brandon Routh, you can send him my way....
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