Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Sue S. FDK - Blue, A Halloween Fic 1/? - 10/31/06 03:52 PM
You posted! Yay!

I thought this was a really fun twist on the usual characterizations of Lois and Clark both and very true to the way we saw them portrayed in the early days of season 1. I especially loved Clark ignoring her harrassment of him. And the line about not being sure whether to kiss her or kill her.

Back with more when you post the rest...

Post header edited by Admin to include part no.
Posted By: SuperRoo Re: FDK - Blue, A Halloween Fic 1/? - 10/31/06 07:39 PM
Oh Clark is coming on tough! Excellent. I am enjoying this mystery. I like Lois' to the point attitude - very S1 I think as well!

I'm in line waiting for part two. smile1
Posted By: MrsMosley Re: FDK - Blue, A Halloween Fic 1/? - 10/31/06 07:59 PM
Lex as a wife/girlfriend murderer. Hmm. That suprises me only because he likes to control people and killing them seems like the easy way out. As he said himself once upon a time, it implies that he can't deal with the problem more creatively.

“Then you’re implying you can’t find a story here. I have to admit, Lois,” he went to sit down at his desk casually and leaned back on the chair. “I never pegged you for a quitter.”
Clark sure does know how to push Lois' buttons.

This time Lois laughed out loud, a grating arrogant laugh that never failed to raise his hackles.
So it is possible for Lois to annoy Clark. Good.

He was just so tired of being dismissed; she treated him more like an errand boy than a partner. After the initial rush of excitement for his new job had passed, her behavior started getting on his nerves more and more with each passing day.
Oh, this is just getting better and better. Lois often is a pain in the behind, and /me is happy when Clark recognizes that.

About ten minutes after turning in her story, Lois Lane from the Daily Planet had called the Clare Interior Designs office and insisted on speaking to Teresa Clare, Margaret’s older sister and only living relative.
Definitely S1 Lois.

Clark is snooping! Go on, supress those Boy Scout instincts!

Nothing can harm you, he told himself.
Love that he has to remind himself of this. Although obviously this must be before he discovers kryptonite.

The figure fell, landing on the ground with a fleshy thump, something rolling away from it and Clark was frozen in horror.

Even in the darkness he could tell it was too short.

Too short.
This is worthy of a horror movie.

Lois stood up and offered him a hand. “Come on, let’s get you home.”
As I said, she can be a pain, but there are times when, really, you just can't help loving her.

This story is seriously creepy. And on a different note, you have portrayed Lois and Clark's characters excellently. I especially like all the reminders that Clark is human in attitude even if not in body: he can get irriated, scared, jump to conclusions and then change his mind about them.

Great stuff.

P.S.: Is it possibly someone who is jealous of the women in Lex's life, like Mrs. Cox?
Posted By: LaraMoon Re: FDK - Blue, A Halloween Fic 1/? - 10/31/06 08:15 PM
nice start! I'm real curious to find out what comes next!! smile
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