Lois & Clark Forums
wow wow wow and to have to be honest I love this epilogue even more and I can't wait for the sequel. Sounds really promising.

So I will read the first story once more in the archive before you start posting, so I'll remember ever single detail.

Can't tell you how happy that made me that you're writing an epilogue. party party party

Oh how should I wait a few weeks? This is so cool. Thank you DJ!
Awwww! Hi Tahu! Glad you are so excited!

Yes, I my GE just finished editing the story - it will probably be on the archive in completed form next weekend.

I hope you enjoy New Misgivings as much as New Beginnings. It's going to be darker - both the A and the B plot. But it has plenty of happy, waffy moments as well.

Thanks for the fdk Tahu!

(Oh, and I'm so glad you liked this epilogue even better - so did my GE... laugh )

-- DJ angel-devil
Midterms have taken over my life, but I'm quite excited about an epilogue! Hmm, darker you say... spider

Anyway, hopefully I can make some time to read tonight!

Excellent! Clark plagued with guilt over Lana's death....sounds about right!

Can't wait for the sequel....
Hi Jen! Excited about an epilogue? Didn't you read the nfic version? Well, this version is very similiar - just minus the *n*. The *n* couldn't be there for the story to go where it needs to go.

But yes, the sequel will be darker. Definitely darker. Not just b-plot wise, but also a-plot wise, with the introduction of a new villain.

I hope you find time to read the epilogue re-write and the sneak peek tonight too... and enjoy.

I should be back in a week or two with the first official post on the sequel.

Thanks again Jen!

Hi Chris!

Yes, poor Clark... those guilt trips do bad things to the poor man.

Glad you're looking forward to the sequel.

Thanks for the fdk!

-- DJ angel-devil
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