Lois & Clark Forums
<DJ dances happily>

Yeah! Sue! drool
Okay, this is going to be weird fdk, because I haven't actually gotten around to finding time to read the story. <g>

But do want to say that I'm delighted to see you start to post a PG13 version here, Sue, because I've been rather jealous for months that this one would never be submitted to the Fanfic Archive. laugh So, this has quite made my day and here's hoping I'll see it in my mailbox soon. wink

Oh, and many thanks for setting up a TOC for it, too. twins

LabRat smile
Seconding what Labrat said. smile Hope you submit this to the archive when you're done, Sue. smile I do like your writing style and also your comment about acting contrary to your principles - that alone has got me interested. smile

And thanks for the assurance that neither L or C dies smile

Faustain Bargain PG?!? Are you sure, Sue? goofy
Faustain Bargain in PG???? Is that even possible? It'll be a lot shorter, that's for sure! smile

Just poking fun at ya, Sue. You're a great writer, so if you say you can do it, I know you can.

EDIT: Just read it, since it is here and I have nothing to do while waiting for chapter 18 in the nfic forum. I have no real life, you see. smile But back to my point. I had forgotten how good this chapter was! (July was a long time ago.) Some of my favorite quotes:

Dudley Do-Right without the horse
And now he was sitting there nibbling on his pencil and it was driving her absolutely take-that-thing-out-of-your-mouth-you-don't-know-where-it's-been insane.
Clark had no doubt refined his technique on Rachel Harris or some other corn-fed gingham-wearing farmer's daughter who voted for his 4-H project at the county fair
In retaliation, he put the pencil back in his mouth and deliberately sucked on the eraser. Both Cat and Lois let out faint gasps.
"I may not remember who I am, Lois. But I do know how I feel. And I know what I want."
/me scratches head.

There's a PG version?

laugh Without spoiling anything, it just makes me laugh hysterically that the "friends with benefits" line you use to describe the story can have a PG version, but I can't wait to read it! Not that I don't know what's going to happen LOL...but it's just fun to read it again!

Happy writing!
I've been too busy to leave feedback until now, but I was delighted to see a PG version.

I was going to say that I thought the initial pencil' part was acceptable to be posted as PG-13 then I saw Lisa's feedback. You added it! Yeah!!!

(I guess we won't have any Part 8.5, eh??)
I can't wait to see you pull off a non nfic version of this. laugh

And I just read those promises you made and feel a bit better about the story now. *runs off to give you some fdk in the nfic folder now that she isn't upset anymore*
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