Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Classicalla A New Hero Part 28/? - 09/27/06 05:49 AM
Okay, here's the next part. I hope you enjoy it! Finally, we get a wedding....

And Meowoof makes a little appearance, too.

<Around words indicates telepathic thought.>

~In front and behind speech, indicates Kryptonian is being spoken.~

Note: If you think the incident with Trace is too far fetched, believe me it isn't. It happened to the son of a very good friend of mine.


From Part 27:

Jon, Zared, and the other two young men all re-appeared in the office at the same time. Zared's face registered shock. Jon was smiling and had tears running down his face. The other two young men dropped to their knees then prostrated themselves in front Clark.

These two young men were identical twins and they looked very much like Zara. Clark knew who they were even before they spoke. His mouth was hanging open. 'Oh, my!' He had never expected this.

Jon looked at Zared and smiled. <I held you when you were a baby.>

Zared smiled at him and said, <Yeah. I gathered. Well, I went to New Krypton. Guess what... Those guys are my...>

The two young men spoke in Kryptonian. "~Beloved Father, Lord Kal-El, how be you this lovely evening?~"


A New Hero Part 28

Zared's eyes got really wide as his mouth dropped open. He looked at Jon, <Well, I was going to say that those guys are *my* brothers. I guess I'd be wrong. They are *our* brothers.>

Jon was feeling pretty shocked himself. <Uh-huh. Hmm... Dad doesn't seem very surprised.>

Jon and Zared looked at each other as if each was asking the other with their expression if indeed their father had known about these newly found brothers of theirs. They both turned their gazes to their father and looked at him with great expectations.

Clark had closed his mouth, and he knew Zared and Jon were awaiting answers, but his gaze stayed riveted on these two young men - these two sons that he thought he would never ever see again. He grinned as he wondered what Chloe's and Claire's reaction would be upon finding out they weren't the only identical twins in the family. The oldest, K'al-El was prostrated on Clark's left. His name meant that he was named after his father - similar to calling a child the 'Second' or 'Junior'. Clark was amused as the second twin, Los-El, sneaked a quick peek at his father. His name meant 'A gift', but as Zara had explained this name was also meant to honor Lois. He thought back to Trey's explanation of these children.

Although ultimately it proved to be the right thing to do, Trey had violated both he and Zara and against both of their wills had implanted Zara with two embryos. Trey had not taken into account that one of the embryos might split into twins. Zara had had triplets. He had very mixed feelings about this. One the one hand, Zared had come into his family because of this. On the other hand, he had two sons that he did not know, and while he had always held them in his heart, he had never expected to know them.

Only one other person on Earth had ever known about the twins. And when Lois had found out, she had been very upset and sad. She had been very dismayed that Clark would never see these children or get to be a father to them. He wondered what Lois would think now. His eyes widened, and he swallowed hard.

Jon and Zared both cleared their throats and nodded towards their brothers who had remained politely silent. Clark had an idea that in Kryptonian society, they'd stay in their bowed positions forever if he didn't speak. He looked up briefly at Zared and Jon and then turned his attention back to his other two sons. He turned his hands palms up and said in Kryptonian, "~Brothers in bonds, I greet thee thrice.~" He smiled. "~Now please, Lords El, arise.~" The did so, but they kept their heads bowed. "~You can look at me.~"

They looked up at him with emotion filled faces. "~Father,~" they said together.

Clark smiled. "~Do you speak~ English?"

K'al answered in very broken English. "The... small time." Then he smiled.

Clark rubbed his forehead. "~O... kay. The English can wait. I'm sure we all have lots of questions, but right now we have a wedding to get to.~" Clark perused them and looked at them from head to toe. They both had on black clothing. He thought that they may look a bit odd, but that they would be okay to go to the wedding dressed like this. They must be dressed as what could be called casually, because neither currently sported a House of El symbol. "~Your brother Zar-El is getting married. I'm... Wait, do you know of Zar-El?~"

They both nodded. Zared looked perplexed. Clark had never told him that for most people on New Krypton, he had simply ceased to exist - with Mike's help. Otherwise, he would never have been allowed to come to Earth. He would have to explain that to Zared later.

"~Okay, I'm going to take you into the dining room and seat you. I want you to sit quietly... and please don't try to talk to anyone. Okay? Most of the people here do not know who I am, so please don't refer to me as Kal-El or Lord Kal-El. Call me Clark instead. And call Lord Zar-El Zared.~"

Jon looked at Zared and snickered. <Lord Zar-El! I've never heard Dad say that before.>

Zared looked back at him, and answered, <Well, if I'm *Lord* Zar-El, then you must be *Lord* Jonathan Samuel Clark-El, so there!>

They both burst into laughter but quickly became silent at a look from their father. Clark looked at them and said, "You both stay here."

He walked with K'al-El and Los-El and sat them down in a couple of empty chairs. He put his hands on both of their shoulders in an assuring gesture.

Then he walked to the room Jenni was waiting in. He knocked then entered the room. She was on the verge of tears. He smiled at her. "Jenni, your groom awaits. And it's only 45 minutes late."

Danny was now sitting with his daughter. "Oh, my. I was afraid Zared had gotten cold feet. And Jenni said she kind of knew what was going on, but she wouldn't tell me. What..."

Clark held his hands up in front of him. "Later... later. I doubt you would... or will believe it anyway. Just go walk your daughter down the aisle. Okay? Give me minute to get Zared to the proper place." Danny nodded and took his daughter's arm in preparation of leading her out of the room. Clark thought to Zared and Jon, <Okay, get to your proper places, gentlemen.> Then he hurried to the large dining room that had been turned into a wedding hall and quickly took his seat at the front. He nodded for the music to start.


Caitlyn had been worried, but her fears had finally been relieved. She, like everyone else, had been wondering what was going on. When she saw Clark in the tuxedo, her heart melted... or maybe it did flip-flops. She wasn't sure, but she knew he had to be the sexiest man in the entire world - no the universe. Who would ever think that any man could look so good in a tuxedo. As the music started, she slightly cocked her head toward him. Her eyes were wide, and her lips were parted. She was sure drool was running down her chin. If they hadn't had that conversation earlier about waiting, she thought she would dragged him off to his bedroom right that minute. She thought, 'Get a grip, Caitlyn! The man just had major surgery.' Then she reasoned with herself that it had actually been three weeks, and he was healing faster than humans, and...

Clark leaned over and taking a quick gaze at her lovely bosom, he said very softly, "You look beautiful, honey." He laid his hand on her leg and then looked in her eyes. "Are you okay?" She was wearing a black dress that nicely - very nicely - accented her breasts. His breath caught, and he stared at her.

"I'm fine. It's just that... Well, I've never seen you in a tuxedo... and..." She quickly looked at her shoes. "Later, Jenni's coming."

Clark numbly nodded. "Later."


A petite lady with long red hair sat down next to the twins. "Well, this seat looks available. Is it okay if I sit here?" They both stared at her but didn't answer. They seemed quite perplexed that she had sat beside them. Finally, Los-El nodded yes. She grinned. "What's wrong, cat got your tongue?"

Los looked at K'al and thought, <~Cat?~>

K'al looked back at him and thought, <~What's a cat?~>

Meowoof decided to instruct these young men on the virtues of catitude as she jumped up between them. They both looked at her as if they had never seen such a creature, but then of course they hadn't.

The lady looked at both of them like they had lost their minds. "It's a *cat*!"

K'al couldn't help but speak aloud as he looked at the lady and spoke in broken English, "And.. these cat.. take your tongue?"

She giggled and said, "No, of course not. It's just an expression. What? Are you from Mars?" Then she looked at their clothing and gave them both closer scrutiny and noticed that they looked very much like Zara. She muttered, "More like New Krypton. You are Los-El and K'al-El, are you not?"

They both looked at her like the cat *had* gotten their tongues. Neither said a word.

"Hmmpphh.... Yeah, that's who you are." At their puzzled looks, she said, "I'm Lois Lane Kent. Glad to make your acquaintance, but I never thought you'd be on Earth. Oh... guess I shouldn't have told you who I am. I'm just here for the wedding then I've got to go back to my own time - the past. Don't mention me, please? Well, you can tell Clark, but no one else."

They both gave her odd looks, but they nodded their agreement.

K'al-El looked at his brother and asked, <~Did you understand what she said?~>

<~Some of it. I understood that she knows who we are, and she is evidently the one Father married.~>

K'al-El nodded his agreement.


It was *finally* time - or past time - for the wedding to start. The formal dining room was decorated simply but beautifully. Jenni was mostly happy, but just a little sad, too. She had tried and tried to call her mom, but her mother had never bothered to return her calls. She really hadn't expected that she would, but she was still a little disappointed. This was her mother, after all.

Jenni was a beautiful bride. She was wearing her grandmother's wedding dress. Hannah and Maggie had helped her with the last minute make-up touches and getting her hair just right. She was glad she had managed to not cry and ruin her 'face' before Zared had decided to come back from his little trip. He had better have a really good explanation for this because she was a little angry with him.

She began walking towards the altar with her father, Danny. Zared turned and looked at her, and the love that shone in her eyes made any anger that Jenni was feeling flee.

When she reached his side, he smiled at her and whispered, "It was worth the wait. You are stunningly beautiful. I love you."

Lucy's husband, who was a minister, married the young couple. They chose traditional vows and the ceremony was simple and lovely. Zared took her in his arms and gently kissed her. Mr. and Mrs. Zared Kent were a beautiful young couple.

They had a small reception afterward. A petite red head walked up to Jenni and said, "Congratulations, Mrs. Kent."

Jenni smiled and wondered who this lady was. "Thank... you. Umm... Do I know you?" She asked, wondering if this was someone Zared had invited.

The lady smiled and touched Zared on the sleeve. He turned towards her and paled. "Mom," he whispered.

"Hi, honey. Just wanted to congratulate you. I gotta go now. Bye."

Lois didn't leave right away, though. She waited until she located each of her children. She smiled as she saw each of them. As she was turning to leave she felt a tug on her dress. She looked down to find Lara standing there. She looked up at Lois and said, "I think I know who you are."

Lois knelt next to her and said, "So you think you know who I am? Let's keep that our secret. Okay?"

"Okay, Mother."


Jenni turned to Zared and said the first thing that popped in her head. "Red hair?"

He answered back, "Wig."

"I can see being a Kent is going to be lots of fun. Alternate dimensions. Time travel. And was she a ghost or was she real?"

"I think she was from the past. And you don't know the half of it. I just found out I have two other brothers."

"Oh my!"

"Oh, *me*!"


Ellen was greatly pleased that she was going to be a great-grandmother and of course let everyone at the reception know that. Clark just chuckled. He had feared Ellen would be upset. He wondered what Sam would think if he were still alive. Ellen fussed and clucked over Jenni and over Clark, saying they should have called her to help with their care. She told Clark to please not climb any more mountains. Ellen had never found out the family 'secret'. Lucy knew and Sam had found out, but for obvious reasons, Ellen had never known. She patted Clark's cheeks saying, "Oh, wouldn't Lois be pleased to be a granny?"

Clark burst out laughing causing everyone to turn his way. "Well, Ellen, I'm sure she would have been pleased to be a grandmother. I *don't* think Lois would have been happy to be a *granny*." He gave Ellen a hug and thought he was glad she had made her comment about Lois comical. Otherwise, he knew he would not have reacted very well at all especially since he had seen Lois talking to Lara. Before he could get to her, she was gone. He sighed and just smiled. No tears of sadness could be allowed at a wedding, now, could they? He shook his head, thinking that he should have known that Lois would find a way to come to Zared's wedding. He had a good idea she'd be at all her children's weddings. He wondered if she knew that Jenni was pregnant.


Clark wasn't paying attention to where he was going, and he nearly ran into Chloe and Claire. They were giggling like... well, like fifteen-year-olds.

His eyes sparkled and he grinned. "What are you two up to?"

They both giggled even harder. Then Chloe leaned toward Clark and said quietly, "Daddy, Grandmother Lara had red hair didn't she?"

"Yes, you know that. Why?"

Claire answered in a pout. "Well, I didn't! Here I've been wondering where the red hair came from."

He looked a little surprised. "Haven't you seen the drawings I've done of her?" She shook her head no. "Hmmpph... I'm not sure how that happened. I'll show them to you later this evening. Okay?" He hugged her. "We'll have to wait a while on the globe. I can't get to it right now."

"The globe?" they both said with great interest.

They had wanted to see the globe for some time, but Clark hadn't never shown it to any of his children. He wasn't sure why he hadn't, he realized. He just hadn't. He just shrugged and indicated that he needed to mingle with the other guests.


Clark started to approach his two Kryptonian sons when he saw Cat Grant. She was softly crying. Her ex-husband, 'The Ex' as she called him, had been cruel and had beaten her. This was not the same Cat that he had known 20 years ago. She was very much a different woman. Even though they were no longer together, 'The Ex' could still rattle Cat. He was pretty sure this was what had happened this time, too. He sat down beside her and put his arm around her. "Hey."

"Oh, hi, Clark. You look incredible for someone that just fell off a mountain." She flashed him a little smile.

"Yeah, well... I just have to make sure to rest a lot. What's wrong, Cat? 'The Ex' causing you problems again?"

"Oh, yeah, you know how he is," she said sadly. He is supposed to get Trace once a month. He doesn't show up for six months then he shows up today and decides to take him for the day. It's technically his weekend, so I couldn't say no. Trace didn't want to go, and he was nearly in tears. He just called me and said they were in New York City, and that he had had enough of his father. He wants to catch a bus home. The last time his dad came around, though, he did that, and the court got mad at me. It doesn't seem to matter that Trace doesn't want to be around his father, or that his father hasn't seen him in six months, or that...." She sniffed.

"What time is he supposed to have him back home?"

"Fifteen minutes," she huffed.

"Well, then, I don't know how Kergan could get upset about Trace catching a bus. If they are in New York, then he isn't going to get him home in fifteen minutes."

"I know. I wish Superman wasn't sick. I'd see if you or Jimmy could contact him to go get him. Then I wouldn't have to worry about..." Suddenly her eyes lit up. "What about those new guys? Do you think one of them would help?"

Cat's phone rang, taking her attention away from Clark, and she motioned him away.


Jimmy looked up and saw Clark speaking with his wife. Nearly everyone had been totally shocked when he and Catherine Grant had married five years ago, but Cat was a different woman than the one he'd had a crush on all those years ago. She also was no longer a gossip columnist. She was an award winning investigative reporter. Many years ago, she had decided she no longer wanted to be just a gossip columnist, and a lot of people had been very surprised when she won a Kerth.

Jimmy had also been hurt in his previous marriage. He, along with many other people, thought he and Angela had the perfect marriage. He had no clue that she had started seeing another man until he found them together in their bed. That had been eight years ago. She had just shrugged and said, "I love him, Jim. I don't love you anymore, and I want out." He had been devastated.

His phone rang shaking him out of his reverie. It was Trace, who actually considered Jimmy to be his dad. "Dad... I need help. Kergan has decided that I should experience... a... brothel. It's a bad part of town, I can't get through to the police, and I'm scared."

Chloe had been nearby and heard the call. She touched Jimmy on the arm. "We'll take care of it. Can I have the phone?"

Jimmy said, "Trace, I found some... help. Just go with it. Okay?"

Jimmy assumed that Chloe was going to give the phone to Zared or Jon so they could trace Trace via the phone.


Clark finally approached his two sons both of whom still sat quietly and hadn't moved. "~Would you like something to eat?~" He asked quietly. He noticed that they were quite enjoying Meowoof's company.

They both nodded. K'al said proudly, and as if he was telling his father something of great import, he said, "~It's a ~ ...*cat*."

Clark just nodded. He was very amused, but he knew he could not laugh.

Los looked up with wide eyes. "~What is that lovely noise the.. the... *cat* makes.~"

Clark's eyes twinkled as he answered. "~Gentlemen, that's a purr. Isn't it a marvelous thing?~" He scratched Meowoof's head. "~And this is Meowoof.~"

K'al said in confused amazement. "~A mowof? I thought it was a cat.~"

Clark grinned ever so slightly. "Meowoof," he pronounced clearly, "~is her name. And she *is* a cat.~"

K'al nodded with wide eyes. "~Ohh!~" He smiled widely. "~Do you know she communicates telepathically? I mean not as *we* do, but this is still quite an amazing thing.~"

Clark nodded. "~Yes, it is. There have been some studies on this, but most people choose to not believe they have telepathic abilities. Wait til you meet a dog.~"

Los-El's face was full of awe. "~Another creature does this?~"

Clark thought to himself, 'Oh, boy. They are in for a shock if they try to communicate with a whale or a dolphin.' He just nodded.

Los then said, "~We met Lois. I was named after her.~"

"~Oh, you saw her, too. Yes, I knew you were named after Lois. By the way, don't tell anyone you saw

K'al-El answered, "~I thought that was what she said to us. Why not?~"

Clark answered. "~She's a time traveler. That's the only way she could attend. At least in any way other than in spirit.~"

"~Oh.~" K'al-El nodded sadly and answered. "~I'm sorry, Father.~" Los nodded his agreement.

Clark just nodded. "~Come, get something to eat.~" Then he gave them a stern look. "~But *don't* talk to anyone. Stay right with me and if you need to communicate, do so telepathically.~"

They both nodded solemnly.

Clark looked at Meowoof and said, "You stay here... Or go play with the dogs." He made a light shooing motion with his hand, and she took off to play.


Earlier that day, Claire and Chloe had gone shopping and found some lovely wild colored wigs with sparkles in them. They also bought some fabric and had spent the afternoon sewing. They were ready for an 'official' appearance even if they knew their dad would have a cow.

Chloe walked over to Claire and said, "Come on, we need to rescue Trace."

Claire flashed a big smile and they quickly left the Kent home.

Chloe spoke into the phone. "Trace. Just keep the phone line open. We'll find you."

"Who.. who.. is this?"



As Clark was helping K'al and Los get food and explaining what the different items were, Lara ran to him and practically jumped in his arms. He quickly set her on the floor. He squatted down and spoke to her. "Daddy can't hold you right now. Remember?"

"I 'member now. Sorry." Then she leaned close and whispered, "I saw my mother."

He smiled. "Yes, I saw you with her, but you mustn't tell anyone. It's our secret. Okay?"

"'kay. 'Cause she died," she said with a child's simplicity. "Right?"

Clark nodded. "Yes."

"When did she die? I don't ever 'member seeing anything but pictures or videos before."

Clark took a deep breath and bit his lip. She would have to pick now to ask this question. 'Okay', he reminded himself. 'She probably will be quite content with a simple answer.' He smiled. "Umm... You were just a little baby."

She nodded with wide eyes. "Oh. Okay." Then she looked up at the two tall young men standing behind her Daddy. "Who're they?"

"That's a long story, baby girl. I'll tell you later, okay?"

"'Kay." She looked up at them and smiled and held out her hand. "I'm Lara." Then excitedly she added, "And I just turned four!"

Clark thought to both of his sons. <~You need to shake her hand and tell her your names and that you are glad to meet her. Only the first part of your name - not the 'El' and speak in English, please.~>

Los bent down to her. "My name.. is.. Los. I be pleased.. to meet.. you." Then he smiled.

Clark thought that although he hadn't quite gotten it right, it had been very good.

Kal then squatted down. He was a tad bit more hesitant with his English. "Me.. be.. K'al. Meet you... is.. good."

Lara smiled at both of them and didn't even seem to notice their odd English. She took off.

K'al-El hung his head, <~Father, I shame you. Please forgive me. Los-El has always had more interest in this language than I. Forgive me.~>

Clark smiled, <~K'al, it isn't an easy language. It's not as hard as Kryptonian, but it still isn't easy. And you have *not* shamed me!~>

K'al suddenly grabbed his Father in a hug. <~Thank you, father. Ching would have been furious.~>

Los-El hung his head at the mention of Ching. Clark was troubled by all this but said nothing at the time. They would have to have a long talk after the reception.

Los smiled lightly then and said softly, "Who.. was that girl? And her name... Lara...."

Clark raised his eyebrows, realizing that they had no idea who she was. He spoke in English and thought in Kryptonian (no small feat), <"That was my youngest daughter Lara. And yes, she is named after... my...um.. Lara.">

They both nodded and K'al said, <~We would not have thought that possible. Hmmm....~>

Clark smiled and led the young men over to meet the newlyweds.


Caitlyn walked up beside Clark and put her arm around him. "Clark. Who are those two young men?"

He pulled her to a quiet area of the room and whispered. "Those are my sons. I hadn't gotten around to telling you about them yet. Only Jon and Zared know about them so far." Caitlyn looked at him shock. Her look begged for an explanation. "They just arrived from New Krypton. I'll explain more later."

"Clark, that means they probably don't have powers then, doesn't it?"

"Probably not yet. Why?"

"Because I'd like to examine them. Do you know how much we can learn from non-solarized Kryptonians? I think the information could be valuable beyond words. Will you talk to them?"

Clark frowned slightly. "Do you really think it would be that helpful, Caitlyn? You and Bernie already know a lot about us."

"Yes, Clark. We do. But we can learn so much more. It's dark now, and I'd like to do this as soon as possible - before they have any exposure to sunlight. Please, Clark. Please. One day this could mean the difference between life and death for you or for members of your family."

"Okay, Caitlyn. I'll talk to them. But I'm pretty sure they will do whatever I ask, so be gentle with them." She nodded.


After the reception, Zared and Jenni decided to go to quiet little pizza place to talk. Jenni was pretty full, but Zared was always up for pizza. It seemed an odd thing to do - go out to eat after their late evening reception, but considering the circumstances, that's what they had decided to do.

They happily stared at each other. Both of them kept playing with their wedding rings. It was obvious to anyone that saw them that they were deeply in love.

Zared told Jenni all about his adventure, and she listened with rapt attention. He gave a little half grin and hoped she wasn't too mad that he had nearly ruined their wedding. "You aren't too mad, are you?"

She smiled sweetly. "No, of course not. Not now, anyway. I *was* getting pretty panicky, though." She sighed, "Wow, so you have two big brothers, and they even got to come to your wedding. And you mom... Gosh, I would never have imagined getting to meet her."

"Well, that's Lois Lane for you. She was an amazing woman. I wish you could have known her."

"Yeah, I do, too." She dropped her head and picked at her fingernails. "I tried to contact my mom. I guess she couldn't be bothered to even acknowledge my phone calls." She angrily wiped her tears away.

He took her hands, "I'm sorry, honey. I'm so, so sorry."


Chloe and Claire both knew Trace and considered the sixteen-year-old a friend. It didn't take long before Claire, the Purple Pixie and the Chloe, the Blue Fairy found him. The first one he saw was the Purple Pixie who was dressed all in purple and had purple and pink hair. She had on a cape that was made of a purple translucent fabric. The second one he saw was dressed in a blue top with blue boots and had a little white skirt on. Her cape was red, and her hair was bright blue. They were the most beautiful creatures he had ever seen.

Not only did the Purple Pixie and the Blue Fairy rescue Trace away from his father, who was intent on making him a 'man', but they rescued six girls that had been forced into under age prostitution. The police showed up and this made the news in a big way.

Just the break up of the underage prostitution ring was big news. But when The Purple Pixie and Blue Fairy flew away... Well, Chloe and Claire were going to try to do their best to hide from their father for as long as they could. They hadn't expected their 'little' rescue to turn into something so big. Yes, they were definitely going to have to try to hide from Clark Kent - if that was even possible.


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