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Posted By: Anna B. the Greek FDK: Superman Is Hot! Rewrite - 09/26/06 03:23 PM
Hey there, Classicalla,

Not that I didn't enjoy the original fic, but I loved this one even more smile I think it's more well-written and also leaves less room for misunderstanding what has actually happened.

They had considered the name John Doe, but there was that presidential candidate that had been such a darn nice guy...
LOVE that quote lol

I had lots of fun reading this story! Keep up the good work! smile

See ya,
Posted By: LaraMoon Re: FDK: Superman Is Hot! Rewrite - 09/26/06 05:56 PM
smile Nice rewrite, Nancy!

I don't remember if this was in the original:
Much to Clark's chagrin, the Messenger rescue would include the infamous burp.
LOL! Great that you noted this. wink Much to my chagrin, they filmed such a thing. geez!

Clark actually surprised himself until he realized that Clark Kent played Superman every day. Of course he was a great actor!
(and hey, he fooled Lois for two years and I really don't believe she's that galactically stupid!!)

I like how you made it end. smile Nice!

and about this:
But there was even a bigger surprise for Clark: Superman was *hot*! Imagine that!
...well, come on! Of course Superman is hot! He did say that he looked like the actor they got to play Clark, right - well, dude... that guy is *hawt*! hehehehe!
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: Superman Is Hot! Rewrite - 09/26/06 07:45 PM
I loved the rewrite too, Nancy! goofy

And I loved that the producers of the Superman movie figured out that Superman's clothes had burned up during his fall through the Earth's atmosphere. I loved how Clark got beet red when he confessed this fact to them, too! goofy

Since I was dense enough not to get why Clark turned out to be such a great actor in this movie (because he was playing two versions of himself every day, of course, so he really knew how to act) I was glad that you pointed it out in your rewrite.

And I loved the little epilogue, of course!

Great job, Nancy! This is an adorable vignette!

Posted By: Matrix Re: FDK: Superman Is Hot! Rewrite - 09/26/06 09:40 PM
Nice Nancy. I too, like the others, enjoyed all the little additions to the story.

And the bit about John Doe... that was priceless!

Okay, I'm gonna take a moment here to pick on our favorite Ms. Naughty Toc... I mean Ann.

Ann, seriously, one of these days you're gonna have to get around to watching Lois & Clark. The show is out on DVD now - do you have any excuses? Tell me... I want to hear them...

The reason you don't understand the "John Doe" joke is because you haven't seen that episode. It's in season 4 - entitled "Meet John Doe". Tempus runs for president as John Doe. He uses a machine called the subliminator (which I borrowed for one of my stories if you'll recall) to convince everyone that he is a "darn nice guy".

Loved that you threw that in there Nancy!

And the mentioning of Clark being such a good actor. Of course he is! Fooled Lois from day one!

Please write some more of these delicious little vignettes. I love your writing!

Thanks for the fun!

-- DJ angel-devil
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: Superman Is Hot! Rewrite - 09/26/06 10:02 PM
Thanks for enlightening me, DJ. Okay, everything makes sense now. Superb use of the John Doe reference, Nancy! clap

As for why I haven't seen the LNC episodes - well, how about sending a DVD player my way? And installing it? And making sure my old VCR player still works so that I can still play my one million old VCR cassettes? (Not that I ever watch them any more, but just in case I got it into my head one day that I wanted to?) By the way, do you know how much I watch TV these days? I check out the news (a bit sloppily) and the weather report (religiously). That's about it. Watch all the LNC episodes? Can't you guys tell me about them instead? Pretty please?

Posted By: Classicalla Re: FDK: Superman Is Hot! Rewrite - 09/27/06 04:51 AM
The LnC eps are also available on line.

DJ, I think I caught something else that Anne isn't getting because maybe it's different in Sweden. What's so funny about the name John Doe is that anytime you have someone in the states that is a victim of crime - usually murder - or some accident and they land in the hospital, and no one knows their name, they are called John or Jane Doe and then a number is attached to that. Don't ask me why. I have no idea. And then there are really a few people with those names - poor folks.
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: Superman Is Hot! Rewrite - 09/27/06 12:03 PM
Actually, Nancy, I did know that John Doe is police-speak for, well, "unidentified male victim" or something. And Jane Doe is the female equivalent.

I definitely agree that this makes it even funnier!

Posted By: Classicalla Re: FDK: Superman Is Hot! Rewrite - 09/27/06 07:04 PM
Hey, thanks, Anna, Lara, Auntie Toccie, and DJ for reading my story!!
Posted By: John Lambert Re: FDK: Superman Is Hot! Rewrite - 06/22/13 07:51 PM
I just read this and realized that it is unclear that the people thing they are getting Superman as an actor. It might help if you made that clearer.
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