Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: DSDragon FDK: Three Squares a Day - Can't Complain - 09/18/06 06:25 PM
Here's the feedback thread for my newest fic, Three Squares a Day - Can\'t Complain .
Cute little fic that ties up loose ends with Jack. Nice job. Laura
Thanks. It came out a bit more "cute" than I'd've liked, but I'm glad you like it. smile
smile Great little vignette! I loved it.

This bit, I really liked. Very witty:
So he figured he should probably thank Lex Luthor the next time he rose from the dead—which he was bound to do sometime.
Yeah... one should definitely always expect that Lex will come back from the dead at some point. hehehe! I love that you put that in. smile
That, and the first line of the fic were my favorite ones to write this time. Thanks for the comments!
Whatever happened to Jack?
Well done!! I always wished they would have kept Jack around.
I remember, at the beginning of season 2 (when it first aired, that is), I was about 11, and my whole family and I kinda wondered where he was too. Thanks for the comments!
Cute, but it seemed to end rather suddenly. It seemed more a start to a story instead of just a vignette.

Still looking for the next part of ...Parent's Love...
Nah, it was just a fluffy little vignette about how Jack likes his job. Kinda dumb, but I've learned that until I get the dumb little ideas out, I can't think of anything for the other ideas.

The next part of Parent's Love IS out. I posted chapter two a few weeks ago - it's not much, just a bit of transition - but no one commented. Here's a link: A [Parent\'s] Love That Risks Nothing . . . Chapter 2/?

I just realized - after looking at the FDK thread for that chapter - that there WAS one comment for it, and that you are the one who commented. *slaps forehead* Ok, chapter 3 . . . still trying to figure out what should happen next. I have this great idea for a scene, but I'm not sure it'll fit. I'll be working on it though . . . along with an essay I'm planning called (or at least about) "Why I Liked Superman Returns and How I Can Disprove Some of the Complaints Others Have Had About it." (Yeah, just about . . . that would be a stupid title for an essay.)

(I read a couple of negative reviews at Amazon today, and the writers of those particular reviews seemed to forget things about the movie--as well as the previous four--that would have disproven what they'd been complaining about, so I decided to debunk them. Still gathering info.)
Darcy, you may be the Queen of the Vignettes on this board. You do such a wonderful job with them, I'm a bit envious. I have a hard time writing chapters less then 5,000 words, and you say so much with so little! It's totally excellent.

I'm looking forward to the next Darcy tidbit, be it MLTV or canon-spanning epic. Great work.
Why, thank you, Terry. I must say though, I'm a bit envious of the people who CAN write "canon-spanning epics," since I've never been able to write anything longer than 50 standard 8½ X 11" pages myself.

I get so caught up in what is and isn't necessary for the plot of the story that I end up considerably shortening any story I try to write. It seems that vignettes and fics with very short chapters are all I'm capable of writing at the moment.
Cute little vignette! And very well written. Thanks for sharing. laugh

Thanks, Sara!
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