Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: TOC FDK: A New hero Part 23/? - 09/03/06 10:34 AM
He was determined to find that bitch, Margeaux. He thought he'd found her so many times before, but he'd always been wrong. Even when he realized it wasn't her, he still killed to ease the pain. He killed for the sexual delight and pleasure it brought. This was her fault. She had made him find other ways of fulfilling his needs. He wasn't sure how she'd done it, but she had. She had tricked him so many times. Too many times. Those times were over for now his quest to find *her* was nearly fulfilled. She had ruined his life. This time instead of just killing to ease the pain or killing for the sexual delight and pleasure it brought, he would kill *her*. She would suffer.
Well, this guy is some cheese, onions, salami, peperoni, tomato sauce, mushrooms and pickles short of a pizza, that's for sure. He is the kind of guy I don't love to hate. He just gives me the willies.

Zared was panicky. He couldn't find Jenni. She had mentioned she was tired and thought she was going to lie down. He'd looked in his room. She wasn't there. He looked in the guest room where she had been staying until today. She wasn't there. Where could she be?

He was so frantic that he couldn't think. He saw Jon but couldn't even tell him what was wrong. All he could say was, "Jenni."
I love Zared's concern for Jenni.

Zared didn't answer. He just ran to Jenni and grabbed her in a big hug. "Oh, Jenni! I was so worried. Margeaux... his wife... Our baby... I was so worried."
And I love that he accidentally blurts out the news about Jenni's pregnancy.

The crowd started dispersing but there was still lots of murmurs. Zared pulled Jenni to him. "I'm sorry, honey. I just got so panicked."

"It's okay, sweetie. I would have liked to have seen what happened when everyone started speculating when we get married, but... Oh, well. Surely there had to be talk about me staying here anyway."
And I'm glad that Jenni understands, and isn't angry with him.

"No, let's announce it. But not the date. I still want a small ceremony."

"Okay." He clapped his hands. "Hey, everybody, Jenni and I have talked about it and decided to tell you we are getting married fairly soon."
And I'm glad they're telling everybody they are getting married.

Bruce looked at Marilyn. "So Clark gonna be a grandfather. Did you know about that?"

Marilyn answered, "No, but I suspect Hannah does. She talked to me today, Bruce and I didn't know what to tell her. She very much wants to have sex with Jon. I think she is pushing it a little too hard."
This is interesting. Bruce and Marilyn are discussing the sex life of their future son-in-law's brother, and also their daughter's sex life.

"Hmmm.... Maybe it's because they have been friends for so long and have shared so much that now because they are involved she sees it as a natural extension of their relationship. I can understand. So Jon is reluctant? I'm surprised that a teenage male would be reluctant when a young lady is throwing herself at him. Surely he can't be shy. We've caught them skinny-dipping on more than one occasion."
I like it that Bruce understands Hanna's wish to become intimate with Jon. It's also interesting to hear him speculate about Jon's reluctance.

"Well, that's been a while. Hannah thinks it has something to do with Zared and Jenni. She thinks there is more to the story than she knows. She says Zared used to have a 'wild' side."

"Oh, that must have been about the arrest. Ooops. I guess I'm not supposed to really know about that."
Yeah, well - Batman would know about that sort of thing, wouldn't he? I wouldn't want a guy like him anywhere near me. I mean, he'd know absolutely everything about me.

"For what?"

He leaned over and whispered in her ear. "When he was fifteen he was arrested for propositioning a police woman pretending to be a prostitute. I don't know the whole story, but when I asked Clark about it, he blushed profusely and mumbled something unintelligible."
Yeah, well, that was unusually naughty, I think. Here in Sweden, the law says it's permissible to be a prostitute, but it's against the law to proposition a prostitute and buy sexual services from her (or him).

Zared walked over to them. "Hey, Mr. Wayne, Dad wanted me to check to see if you thought things were going okay. I mean other than the fact that I stuck my foot in my mouth."

Bruce and Marilyn both looked at as if they had a secret. Marilyn bit her lip. Bruce said, "Yes, everything seems fine. Clark did a good job with security. And, well, you know everyone would have found out about the pregnancy anyway. Have the police been notified about Anamarie's sister?"
And speaking about the devil....

Bruce just grinned. "I was telling Marilyn a bit about your... umm... colorful history. Don't worry. Our lips are sealed."

"Colorful... Uh... Never mind.... Just don't say anything."

Marilyn looked at Bruce and said, "Bruce, you were teasing him." Bruce just shrugged.

Zared would have asked his dad if Bruce knew about the 'incident', but his dad was asleep.
Ah, well. Just as long as you don't try to pull that sort of little stunt again, Zared.

Chloe and Claire were still watching from above. Chloe made the mistake of mentioning Alex in conversation. Claire's face fell. "Oh, I'm sorry, Claire. Did you break up with him?"

"Well, we talked and I told him how I feel. But he was pretty upset - mad. In some ways, I can't help but feel like we were meant for each other. I mean, when he kisses me, my knees feel like they are going to buckle. Isn't that the way it's supposed to be? As a matter of a fact, I feel that way anytime he's really close to me."
Aarrgghh! You know I like Claire, Nancy. I mean I think she has good taste in some respects. She doesn't like the fact that her Dad is romancing Caitlyn, after all. And then you give her a boyfriend named Alexis? Are you sure he isn't Luthor's son?

"It's hormones, Claire," Chloe said. "Even if he is 'the one', which I seriously doubt, he shouldn't be pushing you to have sex. I heard part of what you said to Caitlyn when I passed by the kitchen. You've done a lot more than what you told her, haven't you?"

"I.. yeah."
So it's even worse than Claire has told Caitlyn.

"Hmm... Well, he managed to get all my clothes off of me. It happened almost before I knew it."

"Claire! Did he.."

"No, I managed to stop him, but I had to hurt him."

"Hurt him?"

"I tried to get him off me, but I ended up having to shove him. I bruised him."
He sure as heck deserved that, Claire!

"I don't know how he managed to get me naked so quickly. He'd barely kissed me. The way I understand things, I wasn't ready and he almost..."
He tried to rape her????? And she doesn't want to break up with him? Nancy, that girl hasn't got her head screwed on right. Don't tell me you are making her behave that senselessly just because she doesn't like Caitlyn!

"Claire, you have to tell dad!"

"No, no! I'm not going to cause a big fuss. Dad might break his neck or something. Just let it be, just let it be."
Clark's going to break a boy's neck? For trying, but not succeeding, in raping his daughter? Not likely, Claire.

Bill said, "Wow, wonder what's going on here?"

"I don't know, but two of Clark's kids graduated from high school, today. I guess they are having a party. I'm surprised, though, since Jenni Green and Superman are here."

"Do you really think he's staying here?"
Now that's interesting. Henderson and Mayson Drake are coming to Clark's house, and they are talking about Superman.

"Well, yeah, it makes since. He and Clark are good friends. Where else is going to stay? I don't think he really lives anywhere."

"Oh, come on, Mayson. He has to sleep somewhere."

"You think he sleeps?"

"Well, of course he does."
Hmmm, this is getting more and more interesting. You know what tends to irritate me most about those stories where Lois is at her most starry-eyed and where she is determined that she is going to, well, marry Superman? It's the fact that Lois is never asking herself what kind of life she would have as Superman's wife, if Superman really was a full-time superhero. As such, where would he live? And where would she live, assuming she she would live with him? And how much - or how little - money would he earn, seeing that Superman doesn't charge for his services? Really, how much of an ordinary life could a full-time Superman have? And what kind of life could she have with him?

Okay, Mayson starts wondering about Superman's private life and his place of residence:

Maybe he does have some little place. Maybe he's got something in the mountains. Or who knows? Maybe he lives in the North Pole and is Santa Claus' neighbor."
I loved that!!! (Insert Santa icon here!)

"I heard him mention a 'Fortress of Solitude' once, but I think it was just a joke. It probably doesn't mean a thing, though. Heck, it could even be a tree house for all we know."

"A tree house? Oh, come on Bill."
And this is almost too funny. As you know, though, the idea that the Fortress of Solitude could be a tree house belongs in the LnC universe only and nowhere else in the Superman mythos, unless it's included in Smallville.

Bill shrugged. "So you and Clark, huh? I would never have thought about that."

Mayson blushed as they walked up to the house, "Well, you know we used to date. We just started again."
And Mayson truly believes she is dating Clark! My god!

Clark sat up in bed and yawned a little. "Hey, sweetie. I'm glad you are still here." Meowoof, who had been lying beside Clark, also stretched, and demanded that he pet her. He complied with her wishes.
Hey, I want my Meowoof Fan Club button!

Suddenly Clark's eyes widened. "Caitlyn, get undressed and get in the bed with me. Now!"


"Do it! I don't mean *that*. I'll explain, just do it!"
What? What? Hey! Stop! Wait, let me get out of here first, before....

Jon knocked on Clark's door. Clark said, "Come in."

Caitlyn whispered, "No!"

"I said go with it." He looked up and smiled when Jon walked in. "Jon."

"Dad! You... " Jon turned a lovely shade of magenta.
Yeah...that's the color of my face, too.

"Pretend like you are asleep. Then 'wake up'. Okay?"

A knock came on the door. Clark answered sleepily, "Come in."

Mayson walked in first followed by Henderson. Clark watched and had to keep a straight face as Bill Henderson almost succumbed to a fit of laughter.

Clark said, "Oh... Um... Mayson.. Uh... Bill. Why.."
Ooohh! You sneaky Clark, you!!!

Caitlyn raised up, "What's wrong Clark? My ClarkiePooh? Oh, my!" She pulled the covers up around her. "Mrs. Drake-Smith. Police Chief Henderson."
ClarkiePooh? Is our round robin haunting your story, Nancy? goofy

Clark had cleverly positioned the sheet in such a way that he was covered, but it left no doubt that he was naked under the sheets. Mayson and Bill could see an entire length of leg, the side of his hip, and the side of his torso.
You're making me embarrassad, too.... Bad Nancy!
Bill answered, "Well, Mayson said he was here... Maybe we ought to let you two get dressed."

Caitlyn giggled, "That might be a good idea." Mayson and Bill walked out and shut the door. She whispered and said, "Clark, you are positively evil!" She started to get up and he pulled her back to him. "Clark!"
Yes you are, Clark!!! devil

Bill grinned at Clark and said, "So, is Superman here? We want to make sure he's safe."

Clark said, "He's fine."

Bill looked at Clark and said with a straight face. "Yes, I would say he's fine, too."

Clark once again wondered if Bill Henderson knew his secret. "Uh.. why are you here?"

Bill answered, "We want the police here. We want everyone to have police protection."
Yes, I think Henderson knows, Clark.

When Bill walked out, Caitlyn also walked out. She gave Clark a sympathetic look.

Clark looked at Mayson, "Mayson, you have been very quiet."

"I.. thought..." Tears showed in her eyes.
So now he's going to disabuse her of the illusion that they can be together.

"I'm sorry, Mayson. I saw the broadcast this evening. I know I led you to believe that maybe more could have happened between us if you hadn't been hurt, and maybe that's true, but that was a long time ago. I don't know where you got the idea that anything could happen now. I thought I made it pretty clear that Caitlyn and I were in a relationship. Why ever did you say in a television interview that you were dating me? Or.. you might as well have said that."

"I guess I got carried away. I guess I thought you were offering me more now. Yes, you made it clear that you and Caitlyn were in a relationship, Clark. I just don't think very well when it comes to you. I just love you so much. I do stupid things."
Well, she seems to accept it.

She turned her head sideways. "You know when I first came in, Clark, your chest was bare. I thought you had a little more hair on it than that."

"Huh?" He tried to remember if Mayson had ever seen his chest. "Hadn't she just seen him in a muscle shirt?" He shrugged.

"Do you wax it now? I wouldn't have thought you'd do that."

"No. I've never really had any hair on my chest. Maybe just a little on my belly."

"Oh. Are you sure?"
Come on, Mayson. He isn't your boyfriend. Leave his body alone.

"Yes, Mayson. I'm sure." She approached him and pulled his shirt up then touched his chest. "Mayson, what *are* you doing?"

"I just need to do this." She ran her hand down his chest and to his abdomen. She approached his waistband then quickly ran her hand inside his sleep shorts and grabbed his manhood. "Mayson!!" He took her hand and quickly removed it. "Mayson, I can't believe you did that!"
Neither can I!!! Oooohhh - wow!!! But you know, Nancy, I'm a little ashamed of myself right now. Guess what? Because I thought it was just a little funny, all things considered. But if a man had done the same thing to Lois, I would have been furious, you know? Sigh. I've got to admit it. There is a sexist streak in me.

"I'm sorry. It was.. I just needed to know something. I never slept with you did I? I mean, I've dreamed about it many, many times. But that's all it was. A dream. Your body is very nice, but it doesn't match my dreams. Why didn't you tell me I was mixed up?"
And well.... At least Mayson is convinced, now, that she and Clark have never been lovers.

A while later, Chloe and Claire were floating quietly and Claire was sniffling. She said, "Dad's something, isn't he? He actually let that woman think she'd slept with him. It must be sad to be so in love with someone and know they can never love you back.
Yes, that is sad, Claire.

But, oh boy, I can't wait to tease him about what she did."

Claire giggled, "Me either. I can't believe he reacted so calmly. It's not like every woman just grabs your.." She succumbed to a fit of giggles.

Chloe said, "Claire! I hope you weren't watching that closely."

"Well, no, but I saw where the hand went. It was pretty obvious."
The girls saw it! And they are giggling! I'm not the only female who thought it was a little funny. (Which does not necessarily speak well of us females.)

<Girls.> Clark mentally sighed. <I'm never gonna live this down, am I?>

<Uh-huh. Never.> They both answered.
And you've got to admire Clark here. The long-suffering, tolerant father.

But the rest of this chapter is too horrible for me, Nancy. The Mutilator is on the loose. He's got some device which makes him more or less invisible. He's attacked a guard and taken his uniform, so now he's posing as a guard. And he's just found Margeaux, AnaMarie, and Jenni.

Unbearable! Oh well, I really don't think you are going to let the Mutilator get away with too many things this time, Nancy!

Posted By: Classicalla Re: FDK: A New hero Part 23/? - 09/03/06 11:12 AM
Saving my spot.
Oh, you are so funny, Ann.... [Linked Image]
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: A New hero Part 23/? - 09/03/06 11:42 AM
Yes, well, but I've added a little more now!

Posted By: mariadferdez. Re: FDK: A New hero Part 23/? - 09/03/06 02:21 PM

Great part. thumbsup

He imagined one of those little gods in tights were watching this house, so he made sure they couldn't see him. He'd worked as a magician once upon a time. It was just a matter of mirror tricks. He doubted they would think to use that xray vision or one of those other special talents. Some people thought Superman could see into the infrared.
He passes the girls. hyper
Posted By: Classicalla Re: FDK: A New hero Part 23/? - 09/03/06 11:44 PM
I profusely thank you readers and feedback leavers - especially feedback leavers. I love feedback.... clap

Yeah, well - Batman would know about that sort of thing, wouldn't he? I wouldn't want a guy like him anywhere near me. I mean, he'd know absolutely everything about me.
You got it.. Batman's going to want to know everything he can about the family of the most powerful man on the planet.

This is hilarious:
Here in Sweden, the law says it's permissible to be a prostitute, but it's against the law to proposition a prostitute and buy sexual services from her (or him).
That sounds like a way to make sure the prostiute has to pay taxes.

Ah, well. Just as long as you don't try to pull that sort of little stunt again, Zared.
I think he has learned his lesson...

Then you give her a boyfriend named Alexis? Are you sure he isn't Luthor's son?
I established Alex as her boyfriend a few chapters back. No, he's not Luthor's son, but he is a creep. And you are usually so perceptive... You missed something. There is something here that's a clue....

In some ways, I can't help but feel like we were meant for each other. I mean, when he kisses me, my knees feel like they are going to buckle. Isn't that the way it's supposed to be? As a matter of a fact, I feel that way anytime he's really close to me."

Remember Claire is only 15. She isn't an adult and isn't thinking rationally. She's not sure it was attempted rape. She still thinks she loves Alex. She's not ready to tell her dad because she thinks he would push her to press charges. She knows her dad wouldn't really break his neck (it was a figure of speech), but she is afraid (irrational again) to tell her dad.

He tried to rape her????? And she doesn't want to break up with him? Nancy, that girl hasn't got her head screwed on right. Don't tell me you are making her behave that senselessly just because she doesn't like Caitlyn!
And I promise this has nothing to do with the fact that she doesn't like Caitlyn. She has warmed up to her some, anyway. I like Claire, too! I created her after all.

The Fortress of Solitude in Smallville started out being in the barn but there's really one up north, now, too.

Here's the best I can do about for a button... [Linked Image]

I tried to give you her URL, but it didn't work.
You can find her at Cosgan\'s Smiles

What? What? Hey! Stop! Wait, let me get out of here first, before....
I was afraid I'd scare you off and you wouldn't even read this part. I'm glad you did. Clark is evil, isn't he? Caitlyn is giving it right back to him.. She got her revenge when she got dressed in front of him.

ClarkiePooh - I couldn't resist.

Thanks Maria!
That was clever.
I'm glad you liked the bit about Mayson's discovery.

I admit, I thought what Mayson did was a bit funny, too, Ann...
Nancy, I'm a little ashamed of myself right now. Guess what? Because I thought it was just a little funny, all things considered. But if a man had done the same thing to Lois, I would have been furious, you know? Sigh. I've got to admit it. There is a sexist streak in me.
And Clark normally would be absolutely furious, but part of Mayson's present pain was his doing, so he was trying to see things through her eyes and help ease that pain.

Somehow, I don't think most guys would be too upset, but maybe I'm wrong. Guys? Comments? On what you really think... Not what's politically correct.

The girls saw it! And they are giggling!
Think about a bunch of giggly teenage girls.

Unbearable! Oh well, I really don't think you are going to let the Mutilator get away with too many things this time, Nancy!
Not too much more... I promise. No body else dies, but there will be a wee bit of Wham.

Hey, Maria, remember that Carlos was the security guard in charge? Of all security guards for the Mutilator to pick, Classicalla picked that one....

Yes, he is watching them. And remember when he first attacked Jenni and he liked her hair? ....dark blond hair that cascaded down her back like sand shimmering in the sun....

Thanks everybody.
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