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Posted By: Marcus Rowland FDK: Truth and Heroes 2 - 09/02/06 04:11 AM
Another good chapter - the Rayne plot looks like it's going to be interesting. I have a sneaky feeling I've guessed the Big Bad, but I won't say in case I'm wrong.

One continuity error, assuming that Buffy, Willow, etc. are as in the TV show:

“Red nearly destroyed the world once.” Spike said. “Deliberately. It was pretty cool.”

Unfortunately at that point in the show Spike was in Africa, getting his soul back, and didn't know anything about the events in Sunnydale until months later.

I wonder if L&C will ever remember that they once called themselves "Spike" and "Angel" when posing as criminals. Interesting coincidence...
Posted By: Terry Leatherwood Re: FDK: Truth and Heroes 2 - 09/03/06 03:38 AM
This had the potential to go all pear shaped and nuclear boomy in a big hurry.
I must say that I've never heard or read anything like that phrase. Is that a British-ism or something from the Buffyverse? I understand the 'nuclear' part, but the 'pear shaped' threw me for a second.

And Rayne teaching Lois magic like teaching a kid to drive with a Ferrari? That has tons and tons of potential! Maybe - just maybe - Lois is going to veer towards the 'dark side' during this story, surely without realizing what she's doing. Even if she doesn't, making her more powerful than Clark on some non-personal level is a very interesting twist.

And Spike not being around while Willow tries to destroy the world? Who could not tell him about that? He'd hear about it from anyone and everyone on either side of the Slayer-demon conflict.

I liked how Bill very calmly put himself in position to defend Lois without coming on all superhero-like. Another difference between Bill and Clark. And Clark's response when he flies in the window, that 'she screams, I show up, it's a Pavlovian response' was really funny. He's taking this whole situation very calmly, but after his experience in Buffy's world, I shouldn't be surprised.

The lack of supernatural activity actually bothers me. It may mean that things are going to heat up very quickly and very abruptly. I just hope everybody's insurance premiums are paid up.
Posted By: LMouse Re: FDK: Truth and Heroes 2 - 09/03/06 09:03 AM

"Pear shaped" means something that's gone horribly wrong. Not sure that it's a UK thing -- I've used it and I'm from the Southwest US.

Wikipedia doesn't list the explanation *I* was given for the term, which is that it's a reference to a mushroom cloud. (A pear upside down, if you use your imagination.)

It's one of those slang terms that have been making the rounds in writing lately. It'll probably be out of fashion in a few years ...

Re: Willow destroying the world -- Andrew probably told Spike. Andrew would. wink Plus someone would need to tell Spike why Willow suddenly had a complex about magic.

My take on Bill is that he's *very* reserved and doesn't say much unless he has something important to say or has a question. He also is extremely observant. (He's Clark, if Clark had to learn to fly under the radar as a child and avoid notice to avoid abuse or, later, notice by the authorities.)

Lack of supernatural activity is also a problem if there suddenly IS an issue -- nobody around has the knowledge or practice to deal with it.

Re: Pavlovian response. I thought about having Spike tease Clark about drooling over Lois as well, but I'm not sure how many people would get the reference.

Originally posted by Terry Leatherwood:
This had the potential to go all pear shaped and nuclear boomy in a big hurry.
I must say that I've never heard or read anything like that phrase. Is that a British-ism or something from the Buffyverse? I understand the 'nuclear' part, but the 'pear shaped' threw me for a second.

And Rayne teaching Lois magic like teaching a kid to drive with a Ferrari? That has tons and tons of potential! Maybe - just maybe - Lois is going to veer towards the 'dark side' during this story, surely without realizing what she's doing. Even if she doesn't, making her more powerful than Clark on some non-personal level is a very interesting twist.

And Spike not being around while Willow tries to destroy the world? Who could not tell him about that? He'd hear about it from anyone and everyone on either side of the Slayer-demon conflict.

I liked how Bill very calmly put himself in position to defend Lois without coming on all superhero-like. Another difference between Bill and Clark. And Clark's response when he flies in the window, that 'she screams, I show up, it's a Pavlovian response' was really funny. He's taking this whole situation very calmly, but after his experience in Buffy's world, I shouldn't be surprised.

The lack of supernatural activity actually bothers me. It may mean that things are going to heat up very quickly and very abruptly. I just hope everybody's insurance premiums are paid up.
Posted By: Classicalla Re: FDK: Truth and Heroes 2 - 09/04/06 04:30 AM
I like this part, but I personally don't like Lois messing around with Magic. I hope you scare her out of it.

I like these these two passages:

a bright peacock among the rest of the group
The buns of steel on the Man of Steel didn’t hurt that effect, either.
Posted By: Mister Data Re: FDK: Truth and Heroes 2 - 09/15/06 07:58 AM
ok, where is THREE!

grovel (we need a toe tapping graemlin...)

Posted By: LMouse Re: FDK: Truth and Heroes 2 - 09/16/06 07:59 PM
I'm on deadline for something that I couldn't put off anymore. I'll be back in a couple of weeks, once I manage to deal with the not-so-fun stuff that pays the bills.

I am very sorry for the delay in getting this out.

In the interim, while I'm not able to work on my own story, may I recommend a story a couple friends of mine wrote:


This isn't Lois and Clark -- it's Justice League -- but it's an absolute riot and worth the read. It does have plenty interaction between Lois and, umm, well, read the story. wink
Posted By: Mister Data Re: FDK: Truth and Heroes 2 - 09/19/06 12:37 PM
LMouse, wonderful little distraction, only took me five hours to read...

but I want more of your story, as well.

Posted By: Terry Leatherwood Re: FDK: Truth and Heroes 2 - 09/22/06 08:38 PM
Hey, LMouse, where's the next part? I want to see Lois turn somebody into a frog.

Seriously, I'm surprised you haven't been nagged more about this. It's an excellent story, and I like all the more for the fact that there's no way I could write it! Please find the time to do what's necessary for RL to let up out from under its thumb so that we can enjoy more of this wonderfully inventive story.
Posted By: LMouse Re: FDK: Truth and Heroes 2 - 09/23/06 09:39 PM
Posting the next bit today.

I apologize for the delay. Unfortunately, while I love fanfic, I'm very much on deadline right now and that's slowed things down. Reality sucks sometimes, but the bills need to be paid.
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