Lois & Clark Forums
Sorry it's been so long since I posted anything..I've been taking summer courses and they had me running through hoops if you know what I mean.

Where we left off is where Miguel is hired by Lex to "Scare" a congressman. Clark goes to see Lex and see if he can find his mistery women he's been dreaming about and Lois is still in the Congo's suffering from amnesia. Here we go...enjoy.

Strangers that meet under the moonlight 4/?

That night Clark and Lana decided to paint the town red. Lana wanted to shop at this expensive boutique where she was able to get shoes that would go with any type of wedding dress she decided to go with.

Clark wasn't the type of man that enjoyed hopping, at least not for womanly things, so he said to Lana "I think I'll be more comfortable down the street at the men's boutique."

Lana replied by saying, "Oh Clarky why can't you help me pick out my wedding shoes. You know that a girls' wedding is the most important event in a girls' life."

"I know but I don't really feel comfortable here."

"Well alright but don't you go off saving someone or anything."

"If it means that much to you then I won't but if it's your parents then it will be on your head."

"Oh daddy would be able to protect him and momma, you should know that by now."

"Oh that's right, your daddy owns a pistol right. I guess that means the burglar will get what he deserves right."

"Well of course silly."

"Okay I'll leave you to your shoe picking now. Bye."

"Bye sweetypie."


As Clark was exiting the store he heard a cry for help. He knew exactly where it was coming from but he knew if he went then it would make Lana furious. He tried to ignore it and continue down the street to the store but he was afraid that they were in real desperate need of his help.

He finially decided to go help and let Lana yell at him for an hour or so. That was better then knowing he could have saved someones life but didn't..He flew into the air so fast that no one would have seen where he went unless their eyes went straight to the sky.

As he approached the place where he heard the cry for help, he touched down and scanned the area to see if anyone was watching. Luckily no one was around and he was able to blend in with the surroundings.

He started walking and saw two men with knives putting a black cap over a womans head and beginning to push her in the direction of their vehicle.

Without hesitation he used his heat vision and heated up their knives which made them fall to the ground. Then he used his super breath to knock them across the almost empty parking lot.

After he was sure the two men were knocked uncounsious he went over to the woman and took the cap off her head.

"Thank you so much for helping me. I don't know what they wanted."

"You never know what people like that want. Are you sure they didn't hurt you."

"Yes I'm sure."

"Don't worry, I'll take good care of these two."

"Ok and thanks again for whatever you did to them."

"I'm just glad your ok. Now go home and lock your doors."

After she got into her car and drove off, Clark grabbed the two would be kidnappers and flew them to the police station dropping them off right by the front doors and flying off.


When Clark got back to the store, Lana was there waiting for him.

She greeted him by slapping him across the face.

"Okay, I guess I deserved that." Clark responded.

"How could you go off yet again when I told you how I felt about your trying to save the world." Lana said this while tears were running down her face.

"I just couldn't hear the cries and then not do something to help."

"So what are we supposed to do now. Just forget this ever happened. Well I can't do that."

"Well I just can't let someone get hurt." Clark was furious at how she just seemed to not understand where he was coming from.

"So what do you think we should do now. I still love you and want to marry you like we planned."

"I don't think I can marry someone who doesn't want me to help when they know it's within my power."

"So what does that mean. You want to call off the wedding and go our separate ways." Lana was crying even harder now.

"Yes that's exactly what I'm saying." Clark had trouble getting out those last few words. He didn't want to call it off exactly but he didn't want to keep dating someone who hated part of who he was.

to be continued.....
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