Lois & Clark Forums
Come on guys. FIVE AUTHORS eagerly await your feedback. We worked hard on this and it is really funny. Okay, maybe I'm begging, but not for me! I'm only the editor! It only gets funnier and funnier!!!!

The other authors are

Ann (TOC)

The 2nd part was funny, but I dunno, it didn't crack me up as much as the 1st one had. The 3rd one, though... OMG! I laughed so much, my stomach hurts!

(...) the now unanimated J cup... J cup??... Priscilla (...)
LOL! I'm afraid to even ask how big that is. hehe!

"My dear Superman, you can't *say* those things out loud here. This is the PG folder!"
This is the part where I laughed the most. *That* is absolutely hilarious! I'm still laughing now, actually! laugh

Just a quicky little note about spelling on one of the ice cream flavors: "Crême Brulèe" -- should be spelled "Crème Brûlée" smile And OMG, that must be SO yum!

I'd also love to try the "Beam Me Up Scotty" flavor. Hehehe! smile

Can't wait to see the rest of this!!
Believe it or not, I have a friend who wears K cups (all hers) and she is HUGE!! Like the story, I don't know what keeps her from toppling over.

While I wrote the particular line you referenced, I only continued the idea. Doc did the initial 'stacked' bit and Ann came up with the sizes.

Ann did the PG folder bit.

The ice-cream flavor you mentioned (also Ann) comes into play later...

Thanks for your feedback, Lara! I promise the best is yet to come!!
Thanks for your feedback, Lara! I promise the best is yet to come!!
Cool beans! I see you've already posted part 4 -- I'll check it out while I'm having lunch a little later. I'll try not to choke on my salad. ;-)
this is so cute and funny wave
Hilarious! rotflol

Part 4 has been posted and I'm getting ready to post part 5 within the next few minutes. Thanks, everyone!!
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