Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: LaraMoon A ring of truth (1/?) - 08/15/06 01:01 PM
Please don't shoot me (I'm not ready to meet Elvis just yet!) this story is basically a re-write of "Honeymoon in Metropolis" - yeah, I know, it's not the most original idea I could ever have. But I had this little spark of imagination and... well, I think so far I'm not doing a bad job with it at all.

There's no A-plot in there -- you all know the story anyway. I just wanted to write an end that could have been. It pretty much starts at the same time as the story does in the episode, but I added a funny little scene at the begining and then the time is fast-forwarded quite a bit until we get to the point right after the bad guys are caught.


~ A Ring of Truth ~
by LaraMoon

"Lane! Kent! My office, now!" bellowed Perry White from behind his desk. He hadn't been meaning to use his 'this is real important' tone - it really wasn't that important - but he was having an awful morning and he had better things to do... The faster this got done, the faster he could get back to actual, useful, work.

Both reporters looked at each other and shrugged, silently letting the other know they had no idea what the 'problem' was. They already had an assignment, a stakeout for which they'd been preparing all morning. They were just about ready to leave in fact, although given the circumstances; neither of them was truly looking forward to it... Had something bigger come along? They should be so lucky...

They made it to Perry's office in record time. As they finally stood there, a glimpse of hope in their eyes, the chief editor couldn't help but smile, his bad mood forgotten. <They're both wondering if I've found a way so they won't have to share a hotel room, aren't they?> he thought to himself, feeling suddenly quite mischievous...

He took out a small brown envelope from one of his desk drawers and handed it to them.

"I now pronounce you man and wife," he said, a teasing grin on his face. "Congratulations!"

Lois gasped in shock. Clark looked around nervously. Perry burst out laughing.

"Uh... guys?" the editor asked, after a moment. "Will either one of you grab these wedding bands, or should I expect to have to hold them until... ah... death do us part?" He chuckled.

Perry was having the hardest time keeping a straight face. He knew quite well that even though they wouldn't acknowledge it, there definitely was some electricity between the two of them. He knew the look, he saw the signs, and he couldn't help but know that having them spend time alone together - even worse, pretend to be married! - was bound to make sparks fly. Although... if he knew his reporters at all, they'd probably spend the entire time denying everything.

Clark made a quick gesture and practically ripped the envelope from the editor's hand. Emptying the contents of the envelope in his own hand, he absently gave the smaller ring to Lois and just stared at the one that remained in his palm, apparently trying to figure out what he was supposed to do with the object.

"Oh.. uh.. Thanks," Lois said, staring at the object with the same dumbfounded air her partner had.

"You're ...ah... meant to wear them. Lois? Clark?" <oh, come on, guys! It won't burn your fingers off!> "ah... you know? On the ring finger of your left hand," he said, tapping on his own wedding band as if a visual reference would help them grasp the concept. They stared blankly at him. "Oh, for crying out loud!" he exclaimed as he got up from his chair suddenly. He grabbed the rings from both their hands and slipped each of them on their respective fingers. "See? Doesn't hurt."

"Perry... is that..." Lois started, "I mean... you think this is really... uhh.." She swallowed, obviously embarrassed. "...necessary?" the last word barely audible.

"Now, Lois, darlin'... you remember what the first rule of undercover work is, don't you?"

"Make sure your cover is airtight," she sighed.

"So you see how that means the hotel staff needs to actually believe you two lovebirds are on your honeymoon. How'd you think it would look for newlyweds not to be wearing their wedding bands?"

Lois winced several times as the 'chief' spoke. <lovebirds... honeymoon... newlyweds... wedding... aaaargh!> she thought. "Ok, ok!" she said finally, throwing her hands in the air in resignation. There really wasn't any point in trying to convince him that this was a silly detail and that no one would even care to notice. When Perry White made up his mind about something, nothing short of a miracle - or a disaster! - would make him change it and Lois knew that better than anyone. It's just that this was so... strange! She'd always expected that when she would put on one of these... things... it would mean *something*, it wouldn't be make believe. <And Clark would not be wearing one matching mine! Right?>

"Now go... Get crackin', you two!" the editor ordered. As they turned to exit his office, he added, "Oh, son... I believe this is when you get to kiss the bride..."

Clark froze, his face turning a bright shade of red. Lois ran out of the office mumbling, "Oh no, you *don't*!" Perry let out a great big belly laugh. Teasing them was way too easy.


The first day of their stakeout had gone by easily enough. Lois had expected that there would be some awkward moments, but in the end, it didn't go half as bad as she thought it might. Ok, so his suggestion that they *share* the bed didn't sit too well with her still, but she knew what had brought it on. She probably had it coming, being her usual pig-headed, inflexible self. He was kidding, after all. He wouldn't seriously have considered... sharing the bed? With her? Really? <No! Of course not, silly!> But then again, she thought, letting her imagination run away, it would be oh so nice to cuddle up to a <strong... sexy?! yeah... definitely sexy!> man, if only to feel the warmth of his body next to hers. It had been *so* long, since...

"Lois? Good night," came Clark's voice from the other room, suddenly pulling her from her reverie.

"Good niiight, Lois," he insisted when she didn't reply.

"Oh, good night, Clark," she snapped back. Sighing, Lois turned out the lights and cuddled up to one of the pillows, feeling just a touch guilty that her partner would be spending the night on a couch that was barely big enough for him... Guilty and somewhat sad too <'cause this pillow is cold!> she told herself, immediately trying to push back images that were unleashed in her mind at that instant. Strong arms pulling her lovingly in a deliciously warm embrace... she sighed again. <You know, all you had to do was agree to share the bed... Oh, shut up! We're partners. *Work* partners.>

As much as he tried to, Clark couldn't lay still on the couch. It wasn't so much that it was uncomfortable there - he didn't feel pain anyway - he was just so frustrated! He couldn't stop his brain from writing up these fantasy scenarios that would have him sleeping with Lois under the satin sheets. His first thoughts had been innocent enough - it really was a big bed, they would have been able to sleep there and not even touch, he was pretty sure of that - but those had quickly turned into incredibly graphic scenes of them making mad passionate love to one another. In a desperate attempt at getting his mind off his partner, Clark grabbed the pillow from under his head, pounding it to make it more comfortable. A fleeting image of Lois staring up at him with those soft brown eyes of hers made him lose control over his super strength and the pillow exploded in a rain of feathers. He sighed in desperation. It was going to be a very long night...

About halfway through the night he'd heard voices coming from the room they were surveilling. Happy to finally have something else to occupy his thoughts with, he turned to the window to see what was going on. When he realized that *they* were back, he remembered that he'd promised to wake Lois in such an event. Taking a deep breath, he entered the bedroom. <At least one of us managed to fall asleep.> His thoughts strayed for a second - she looked so peaceful, so beautiful... <oh, what I wouldn't give!> He shook his head vigorously, bringing himself back to reality and reached out a hand to her. <Hey, sleeping beauty,> he sighed. "They're back," he said finally, gently shaking her awake.

Lois woke up as she felt Clark's hand on her shoulder. She blushed, realizing he was inches away from her and... she wasn't wearing anything under the sheets! <Ooooh, I hope they're not transparent!> she thought. She blushed some more as she remembered the dream she was having - something about a fire place, wine and music and... <Clark?! What was he doing in my dream?> She got up as soon as he left the room, got dressed and met him at the window, hoping against herself that she'd be able to get back to that dream later on.


To be continued

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