Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Tahu FDK: Novel idea 2 - 08/03/06 12:13 PM
Great part. Oh Clark, Lucy, Mayson and Lois what a mess. Poor Clark.

Lois jealous is something I love most. Even when she doesn't admit she is jealous and I love Lucy how she feeds it.

Can't wait to see how Lois will solve this.
Posted By: Matrix Re: FDK: Novel idea 2 - 08/03/06 04:44 PM
Thanks Tahu! I appreciate the fdk - even though I'm betting I see you on the other board for the rest of the parts. wink
Posted By: angelic_editor Re: FDK: Novel idea 2 - 08/03/06 06:39 PM
This was absolutely priceless. *loves* Seriously, the entire chapter had me alternately wincing (for all the painful awkwardness crammed together at the table) and grinning (because Lois is slowly but finally coming around to admitting her feelings for Clark. To herself, anyway). laugh

This was classic Lois:
Lucy looks like she’s have a good time and... so does Clark. I feel that little green-eyed fiend trying to poke its head out again. Calm down.
Hah! Can't possibly be love, now, can it? ... Nah ...

Or maybe it *is,* because Lois suddenly cares an awful lot about what Clark's thinking at this moment:
“Lois?” Clark looks at me wryly, one eyebrow raised and an amused smile on his face.

I cringe. He’s smiling now, but odds are he won’t be smiling soon. Oh, he’s going to kill me. If he only knew... How could I have let Mayson come here? What was I thinking?
A flirty Lucy + Lois + Mayson + Clark = Eep.

And then, Lois gets *really* worried:
Clark’s pleasant smile from earlier is still there. Is it real? Or forced? What is he thinking? What have I done? This all started out so innocently. I only wanted to prove a point. Just one little point. The smile is probably just a pretense. Clark is going to kill me.
Ahaha! It's a perfectly awful situation. Talk about a rock and a hard place ...

I love it. Absolutely love it. Post the next part soon! smile1
Posted By: Terry Leatherwood Re: FDK: Novel idea 2 - 08/03/06 09:12 PM
Interesting point of view. We often write about Lois having a more powerful effect on Clark than Kryptonite, but here we see that Clark has a similar effect on Lois.

Clark is going to kill me.
I doubt he'll actually do that, but he just might make her think that's what he's going to do. On the other hand, he might just think the situation was funny and just laugh it off. Either way, Lois will be dancing on hot coals waiting for him to say something to her. Keep this one coming. It's quite promising.
Posted By: Classicalla Re: FDK: Novel idea 2 - 08/03/06 11:23 PM
Oh, I just love the whole Mayson, Lois, Lucy thing.

I'm wondering if the first part of part 2 is missing on the nfic?
Posted By: SPark Re: FDK: Novel idea 2 - 08/03/06 11:25 PM
I'm kinda late for the feedback.
I don't have anything smart to say anyway.

loves it!
keep 'em comin' thumbsup
Posted By: Matrix Re: FDK: Novel idea 2 - 08/04/06 04:58 AM
Hi angelic_editor - thanks for that wonderful fdk. No, of course it can't be *love*. Can it? wink

I'm glad you liked the lunch. I had a lot of fun writing it.

Glad you love it. I'm working on posting part three this morning.

Terry - Yes, every so often we get a glimpse of Lois' more insecure side. I like that side, it's fun to write about.

Yeah, I agree, Clark's a pretty easy going guy... usually. Hmm, we'll see. Thanks for the comments.

Classicalla - Geez, I can't believe that happened with part nfic part 2. I'm so embarrassed... my copy/paste function failed me. I've fixed it now. Thanks for catching my boo-boo. Glad you enjoyed the lunch.

Spark - nope, fdk is never never late. laugh Thanks! Glad you're loving it.

Thank you everyone! I'm tipsy from all the fdk on this story. <DJ wobbles off to get some breakfast... hiccup> laugh
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