Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Classicalla A New Hero: Part 14 - 08/03/06 06:48 AM
A New Hero: Part 14 There isn't really a lot of Zared and Jenni in this part, but I really wanted to put it in. It is about Clark's interaction with his household.

< > around words denotes telepathic thought.

The usual disclaimers apply.


From Part 13

Brook looked at Danny. <Who's that?>

"Danny, this is my little sister, Brook. Brook, this is Jenni's father Danny."

"Oh." She whispered, "How did you give daddy blood?"


"Didn't that hurt?"

"Yes. It hurt a lot. But I'm fine now." She looked at him like she was afraid something might happen to him, too. "Danny's a nurse, honey, and he was there. He can tell you that I'm fine. Okay?"

She looked at Danny expectantly. "Is Zared okay?"

Danny smiled at her. "Yes, Brook, he is. He had a nasty headache for a while but he is fine now."

"Okay." <I thought strangers weren't supposed to know the 'secret'.>

<Dad's in his office. You can ask him about it, okay?>


A New Hero: Part 14

Brook crawled up on her dad's lap and watched him type. "I couldn't find you. I was worried. I forgot to talk to you the other way."

"That's called telepathy, honey."

"Yeah. I know. Why's Danny know about the 'secret'?"

After Clark had given her a brief explanation, he said, "You need to get ready for bed. Are you hiding from Anamarie?"

"No. I was just worried about you. I'll go upstairs now. Bye. Love you."

Then Jama walked in. "Hi, daddy." She was a little pouty and a little pale.

"What's wrong honey?"

"Don't feel good."

"Don't feel good, how? Is it that time?"

"No! I still haven't started that yet, and I don't want to. Chloe and Claire can do that."

"It's inevitable, Jama. You are a young lady. What's wrong, baby girl?"

"My stomach's upset again. I'm gonna go to bed early. Love you. Good night."

"Good night honey. I love you, too. Are you sure something else isn't going on?"

She just shook her head no and walked out of the room.

Lara walked in hugging her teddy bear. She crawled up in Clark's lap.

He said, "I thought I already tucked you in bed."

"Did. Missed you. Wanna stay with you. Love you daddy."

"Daddy loves you, too." By the time he had finished his statement she was asleep. He readjusted her so he could type around her. He kissed the top of her head. Chloe walked in. "Hi, Chloe." He thought how much he had missed these little interactions with his kids. He was so glad to be home.

"Hi, daddy. I want my own room. Claire is driving me crazy."

"Are you two still fighting?"

"Yes. I want my own room. I'm tired of her telling me how much she dislikes Caitlyn. *I* like her and I'm tired of hearing it. I want Zared's room. Zared and Jon have had their own rooms forever. Now I want mine."

"Okay. I didn't think you two would ever want separate rooms, but I've gotten the same feeling from her. You might have to draw straws over the room though. It's a little bigger than yours and Claire's."

"I asked first."

"I still have to be fair. I'm glad you like Caitlyn." He smiled.

"Yeah, I do. I love you. I'm gonna go call Ben."

"It's late. Don't talk too long. I love you, too."

Clark was just finishing an answer to an email from his publisher when Anamarie walked in.

"Hi, Mr. Kent. Can I talk to you for a bit?"

"Yes. You can call me Clark. Really. It's okay." He'd told her that repeatedly, but for some reason she insisted on calling him Mr. Kent. "Is Brook giving you fits, again?" He really hoped she wasn't going to quit. He knew she was involved in a serious relationship and marriage would mean he would be without a nanny.

"Oh, no. She's been good. I know this kind of short notice, but..." At Clark's look of despair, she said, "Oh, no, Clark. I don't want to quit."

"Okay. You called me Clark. Good. I thought you were going to tell me you were getting married. Go ahead."

"No, I broke up with him. Jerk. Anyway, my aunt wants me to go on a trip with her for a month this summer. She wants to pay for it all and I'd get to visit a lot of different places. I'd really like to go. She didn't call me until this morning and she wants to leave next week. Oh, I shouldn't even be asking you this. I know this will be a problem because of your special needs." She started biting her fingernails.

"My special... needs?" He thought, "Oh, no. She couldn't possibly know. I've taken extra precautions."

"Well, I mean, you are an investigative journalist and you are often out at all hours of the night. If it wasn't for that, then you probably wouldn't need a nanny at night and you probably wouldn't really much need one during the summer."

"Oh. Yes. I do need someone here at night. I am often gone. Well, Anamarie, you have been here for two and a half years and I've only been able to talk you into taking one short vacation."

She interrupted, "But you take me with the family on vacation."

"That's mostly work for you. Anyway, I think you are past due. Go. Have fun. You are due vacation pay. And I give you bonuses twice a year. I think I can give this one to you a little early."

She got up and hugged him. "You are the best. Maybe I could help you find a temporary nanny?"

"Well, because of my accident, I doubt I'll be doing any night time investigations for a while. Zared and Jon will also be here. And I imagine Jenni could help if needed. She won't be able to work her regular job this summer. I think we will be fine."

"Thanks again, Mr. Kent."


"Clark." She smiled and winked at him. "I'll remember to avoid any mountain climbing. Do you want me to take Lara?"

"No, that's okay. I'm enjoying her being here."


Clark began to read a long email from Jimmy about a daily article - a fluff piece - that he wanted him to start working on. Clark wanted to come back to work, but Jimmy had said no and was insistent that he take it easy. Starting on Monday, he would be working from home for a while. Jimmy had informed him that he had no intentions of letting his best friend come back to work too soon and even when he did come back that he would be on desk duty. Desk duty, of all things. Jimmy wouldn't hear of anything else, though, and ironic as it was, Jimmy was his boss now, so he had no choice. He still thought how odd it was to see Jimmy - err, Mr.Olsen in a suit and tie. Even though they were the best of friends, Jimmy could be tough - even on him. He had been taught by the best after all. Jimmy informed him that he would be doing some editing, also. He had sent him a very good article that Perry had written. Perry was retired but still wrote an occasional article. He had to laugh to himself. It wasn't as if any of Perry's articles really needed to be edited. He was in the midst of trying to read Jimmy's email - this assignment was going to be interesting but still boring - when Claire walked in. He looked up, glad for the interruption. "Hey, babe."

"Daddy... I want Chloe to move out. I want my room to myself."

Hmm... So much for drawing straws. Then he said, "You two still fighting?" As if he didn't already know.

"Yes. She says she's tired of listening to me."

Clark thought that he actually was, too, but he always listened to his kids, regardless of whether he wanted to or not. "Oh? About what?"

"I don't like Caitlyn and you know it. I'm not sure Brook does, either. Jama's ambivalent. Jon, Lara, and Chloe have lost their minds and Zared's just plain oblivious. He's too in love with Jenni. Can Chloe move out or not?"

He adjusted Lara again, took a deep breath and sighed, "When Zared's room is available, she will move in there. Yes, I know you don't like Caitlyn. You have told me. What I can't get you tell me is why. All you will say is that you don't like her."

She crossed her arms and pouted. "You are my daddy and I love you, but you are still a guy. I still think you just want to sleep with her and I think you probably already have and I don't like it."

"I think you know me better than that."

"What does any fifteen year old know about her father's sex life?"

"Okay, then you will have to take my word for it. I know you don't like Caitlyn, but you are going to have to get over that. I also think there is something else going in your life. Do you want to talk about it?"

"There's nothing to talk about. Good night." She stood up and walked out of the room.

He called, "Good night. I love you."

"Love you, too," she grumbled.

He had the feeling that Claire was having boy problems, but who ever really knew what was going on in the mind of a teenager? Things were so much easier when they were younger. Clark sighed and returned to his computer. He was finishing the email from Jimmy when Jenni came in and sat down.

"I'm not bothering you am I?"

"No, of course not, Jenni" he said.

"What do you think of daddy knowing the 'secret'?"

"Well, since he works at S.T.A.R. Labs now, it could be a good thing. He could really help Bernie... and Caitlyn out with their Kryptonian and Kryptonian-Human studies. I think it will be just fine."

She nodded. "I hope so. You know, I think Kryptonian-Human is awfully long. I've been thinking about that. I think Krypterran would be a better word. You know the k-r-y-p-t and a-n for Kryptonian and t-e-r-r-a-n for human. What do you think?"

"That's pretty interesting. I'll talk to the family and see what every body thinks." He paused. "I have a proposition for you. I know you won't be able to work your regular job this summer. Anamarie will be gone for a month. I thought maybe you could kind of help with that. I wouldn't want you to do her full duties. I'd just want to make sure someone was here at night and make sure the younger kids got to bed okay if I wasn't home. What do you think? I pay well."

"Are you offering me a job?"

"Yes. And I pay better than Mindy's."

"Okay. I'll do it. Maybe that could help Zared so he won't have to work so hard this summer."

Clark nodded and smiled. "Good! Is Zared back yet?"

"No, not yet." She smiled. "Thanks for the job, Clark." She stood up. "I'm famished. I'm going to find something to eat and then I'm going to bed. If Bernie hadn't already told us there was just one baby, I'd think I was carrying twins or something. My appetite is outrageous."

Clark chuckled a little. "It's my granddaughter that's doing it. Those little half Kryptonians use a lot of energy."

She giggled. "Good night, Clark. Thanks for everything you've done. Oh, and I love you."

"I love you, too, Jenni."

Hannah walked in then and sat down. Jenni sat back down, too. "Hi, Jenni. Hi Clark. Have either of you seen Jon? He was brooding and he went to play the piano. I thought that's where I'd find him. Instead I found music thrown all over the floor."

Clark looked concerned. "Maybe Jon is still having problems with the piece he has been working on. It's not like him to throw music in the floor, though." He just shrugged.

Hannah said, "Maybe. I've seen him throw music in the floor a time or two. He is very passionate about his music."

"Since you have been dating, he gets frustrated sometimes when you are listening. He says you distract him."

She blushed. "I haven't done anything different than I ever did."

Clark gave her one of his famous smiles. "It's different now, Hannah. Then you were just a good friend. Now you are dating."

Jenni giggled. "Sounds like he's got it bad, Hannah. He never did that when we were dating."

Hannah blushed again. "I think he might be worried about you, Clark. Although why he'd get so upset over a few broken ribs and a back injury, I can't imagine." She paused briefly then said, "Well, you did try to fall off the side of a mountain or something. I guess he's upset you might try that again. You're not Superman, you know."

Jon walked in as Hannah was speaking. Clark raised an eyebrow and glanced his son. <I rather thought she knew. I figured you told her a long time ago.> Jon just shook his head no.

Hannah hadn't seen Jon yet and continued talking. "Gosh, I hope Superman is doing well. You know, I'd *really* like to meet him sometime. I know you are his friend."

Clark shrugged slightly and answered, "I'll see what I can do."

Jenni cocked her head ever so slightly and blinked. "Goodnight, Hannah, Jon, Clark." She nodded at each in turn. He stomach rumbled loudly as she turned to leave.

Hannah looked at Jon and stood up. "I didn't see you come in. I wondered where you had gotten yourself to. She stood on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek." She smiled. "Clark says I distract you."

"That's an understatement, Hannah." He pulled her close.

Zared poked his head in the room. "Gramma and grandpa are here. Grandpa went right to bed. He thought you were asleep. I don't know what gramma's into.

Clark said, "That's okay. He works hard on the farm. I'll see him tomorrow."

"I love you, dad, Jon. I guess I love you, too, Hannah." He turned and left as all three called to him that they loved him, too.

Jon said, "Dad, you got a minute to talk or do you need to go lie down?" He looked at Hannah as it to ask her to leave. She nodded, walked out, and closed the door.

Clark shook his head yes. "Of course I've got a minute or a few." He closed his laptop. Lara was leaning precariously and he pulled her closer to him. He stretched a little. "I'm okay. What's up, Jon? Hannah said there was music all over the floor."

"Oh, that was an accident. I just didn't pick it up. That's kind of what I wanted to talk to you about."

"Hannah? You two are getting very serious."

"No, no, I..."

"Yes, you are." Jon just looked at his dad. Clark continued, "Have you had sex?"

"No, no, no." Jon was very uncomfortable, now.

"Jon. We've always been able to talk about such things. You've never gotten uncomfortable. Why now?"

"I'm just so mixed up, dad. I'm so young. I don't want to do something stupid like Zared did. I'm not ready for sex yet. I think Hannah might be - I'm not sure, but *I'm* not! I just... I... There are just so many things going on right now."

"You and Hannah have been friends since you were nine and ten. You feel very confused because now you find yourself dating her."

"Yeah. I guess that's it. You always know how to put things. But, I... I.. don't want to talk about this anymore." He stood up to leave.

"Jon. Could you grab me a 7-Up out of the fridge?" He pointed toward the small refrigerator sitting beneath the bookshelf. "I don't to wake Lara." Jon handed his dad a 7-Up. "Now sit down."

"I take it your stomach is bothering you?"

"Yes. It's very frustrating because I'm not healing faster."

"Caitlyn told me that if you were a human with the kind of injuries you had that you would still be in the hospital in intensive care *if* you had even survived. She also told me that you were you human that you would have probably been in the hospital for months. Remember that except for the dense molecular structure your physiology is similar to a human's - your interior physiology, anyway. And dad, you were shot six times in the chest and abdomen at point blank range. One of the bullets barely missed your heart, one of your lungs was completely collapsed, and the other one was partially collapsed. You also had damage to blood vessels and to your musculature. You had liver, spleen, kidney, bladder, stomach, and intestinal lacerations and you actually lost a small part of your liver. I guess it would suffice to say you had *major* abdominal trauma. With the injuries you had, you are lucky to be eating *anything*. Why don't you just *back* off on trying to be super for a while?" Jon's tirade had grown increasingly angry. "You almost *died*, dad!!" He was almost tearful, now. Then he said quietly, "You still could - even if you are better. I want you - we *all* want you to just recuperate and get better. Relax for a while. And you've been in here doing work haven't you?" He was again irate and was getting more so. "You've got plenty of sick time at work, so why don't you use some of it? I know Jimmy would like you to take more time off. Bernie says you should probably still be in the hospital or at the lab but since you are home, you are supposed to be RESTING!" He grabbed his dad's laptop and said, "Give me that. I'm going to hide it."

Lara sat up and looked at Jon. "Do you have to be so noisy?" She got up off the couch and left the room.

Clark said, "I'll come tuck you in again in a bit. Okay?" Lara just grumbled. He looked at Jon, "I was just reading my email."

"About work, right? I think we are all going to have to start taking turns sitting on you or something."

Clark just sat and looked at his usually very quiet, very reserved son for a moment. "Is that all?" He thought to himself that his shooting had affected his family *far* more than he had realized. Maybe he hadn't taken the time to truly understand his injuries. Maybe he was taking his super physiology for granted.

"Well, I'm sure I could say a lot more, but I will just say this: you are *not* going to be Superman anytime soon. Got it? I know you think Zared might not be able to handle things by himself, even though you have done so for many years, so I am quite prepared to help him. I'm going to talk to gramma over the weekend about getting my own suit."

"Your own suit?" Jon looked him like he had better not even think about arguing with him about it. Clark said, "Okay. I yield to thee, oh, Jonathan Samuel Clark Kent. Hail!" He bowed his head and then made three outward circles from his forehead.

"Don't make jokes! Now are you going to take some more time off or not?"

"Jon, I'll get so bored I can't stand it if I don't do something. Then I'll be tempted to be Superman. I'll be working at home mostly editing other writers' articles. The only thing Jimmy has assigned me to work on is a daily column focusing on a different breed of dog every day. I *think* I can handle that. It's a good thing I like dogs. Okay? Considering how many different breeds there are, that should keep me busy for some time. I promise that I am going to 'behave' myself. Okay?"

"Well, I suppose that would keep you out of trouble. You are still going to get babysat. You are going to stay home and that's it!"

"Is it okay if I go to the high school graduation of my two sons and my son's fiancee' tomorrow?"

"You'll have babysitters, so yes."

Clark sighed, "Did you want to talk about Hannah some more or was my state of health and your impending premature superhero career your real agenda?"

"Mostly. I'm still confused about Hannah. I think that since I'm graduating, she is going to push the issue."

"You mean sex?"

"Well, yes, of course. We can talk later. You need to get some rest. Come on. I'll walk you upstairs."

"You want me to talk to Hannah? You want me to have Bruce talk to her?"

"Oh, dad, please. Hannah is not much older than Zared, but she is an adult. And, oh, yeah, I can imagine Bruce talking to her." He shook his head. "I'll deal with it. Like you said, I think I'm more upset over you."

"Well, tell her the 'secret' then. I'm sure she'd let you vent all you want."

Jon shook his head no. "Come on. Let's go upstairs."

There was a knock on the door. Jon said, "Come in."

It was Hannah. "Is everything okay. Lara said you were yelling."

Clark said, "He's just giving his poor old dad a hard time because he thinks I haven't been taking care of myself."

"Well, like I said, you're not Superman."

Clark raised an eyebrow and looked at Jon questioningly then shrugged. Jon shook his head no again.

Hannah said, "Come on. I think somebody needs a back rub."

Jon set his dad's laptop back on the desk. He pointed at it and said, "You just better make darn sure you don't do anything more than what you told me you were going to do." He turned back to Hannah. "I need to take dad to bed then I'll take you up on that back rub."

Clark said, "I'll just stay here awhile and read."

Jon motioned for his dad to get up. "Now. You can read upstairs."

Clark acquiesced muttering about not having much say in anything anymore. Jon walked him to the stairs and Clark said, "I can make it the rest of the way."

<I'll be checking, dad. I'll be checking.>


Clark started walking up the staircase as Caitlyn was coming down it. "Where have you been, Clark? I've been worried."

"Mostly in my office. I'm popular this evening and everybody's worried. I'm fine. How long have you been here?"

"About 30 minutes, I think. To tell the truth, though, I'm not sure. I sat down in your room thinking you would be right in and I fell asleep in the chair."

He put his arms around her and passionately kissed her. "Poor baby's sleepy. You've been working too hard taking care of me."

"Uh-huh. What are you going to do about it?"

"Mmmm... I don't know. I can think of a lot of things. You want to stay the night?"

"Clark. As your doctor, I'm telling you that you can't... yet. Besides I thought you were concerned about the kids."

"Yes, I know I can't.... yet. Can't and not supposed to are two entirely separate things, you know. Besides, it's not like you haven't been here almost every night since I came home. I just thought it would be nice to actually have you in my arms instead of having you down the hall in the guest room or on the couch or love seat."

"Clark. I... I... I don't think I'm ready for that."

"Well, I did really just mean sleep. And hey, I thought you'd complained about my 'reluctance'.
I'm not ready either, for that matter"

"I... ummm.... " She blushed. "I'll stay in the upstairs guest room again." Then she turned and ran back up the stairs.


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