Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Simona FDK Novel idea 1 - 08/01/06 05:01 PM
I loved it, DJ!
The almost-dating phase of their relationship is my favourite, where Lois is so attracted to Clark but she cannot admit to herself! So she's sublimating her feelings with a new novel? laugh
And there is a little competition, isn't it? Not only Mayson, but now her own little sister is trying to have Clark! But is Lucy really trying to steal Clark, or is this a plan to help her stubborn sister to see the light? Just think: at Mike' restaurant there will be three beautiful women and poor Clark in the middle... This'll be a battlefield! eek
I'm looking forward to see your next post! smile1

simona smile
(who still has very little time to give feedback during the day, so is using night time! my need to sleep, you say? Wth 84°F at 2:07 in the morning there is little possibility to succeed...
Posted By: Shadow Re: FDK Novel idea 1 - 08/01/06 07:58 PM
Ahh, great, great start! 'Mark Ghent' was really kind of a scream. Like seriously, Lois, you usually can barely admit that you infintesimally like your partner, and then there's Mark Ghent all over the romance novel. And all 4 of them at the same restaurant? Nothing good can come out of that. I can't wait to find out what happens next!

Posted By: SPark Re: FDK Novel idea 1 - 08/01/06 09:20 PM
Hha! Hee. I loved it!

Lois likes to write about Clark, doesn't she?
' Mark Ghent' hee. hee. laugh
(me thinks of my own Mark blush )

I just love Lucy. She's trying to 'challenge' her sister. but I feel like she just wants Lois to admit openly about her feelings for Clark.

I wonder what they're going to eat?

Post the next part soon!
thumbsup thumbsup
Posted By: Matrix Re: FDK Novel idea 1 - 08/02/06 07:10 AM
Hello everyone!

What encouraging fdk! Thank you!

Simona - Battlefield? I just don't know what you're talking about... wink
(and 84 degrees at 2:07 in the morning? Good grief! And I was complaining about 77 degrees at 6:00 in the morning - when I get up. Sheesh!)

Jen - Ha thanks! Yeah, I thought and thought about a name for Clark in the novel... that's what came out.

Hmm, yes, table for 4 - grave for 1 please... Ha!

Spark - Yep, good ol Lucy, you gotta love her.
"Post next part soon"
It will probably be either be late tonight or first thing in the morning...

Thanks everyone!!! laugh
Posted By: Tahu Re: FDK Novel idea 1 - 08/02/06 09:50 AM
oh thank you, I didn't know if I'll ever make it through this day but thank God you posted. smile1

Great beginning and I love Lucy. Can't wait to see how this will progress. Mark Ghent is really funny as a name.

My favorite lines were the ones where Lois wants to convince herself that she is not jealous. Great way!!!

Love it. Looking forward to part 2.
Posted By: angelic_editor Re: FDK Novel idea 1 - 08/02/06 10:42 AM
Terrific start to an intriguing story! And Lucy's reaction to "Mark Ghent" made me laugh out loud. laugh

Can't wait to read the next part!
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK Novel idea 1 - 08/02/06 03:01 PM
A groan escaped his lips and he wrapped her in a close embrace as he turned them over on the bed. He leaned over her, pinning her hands down beside her. She was completely at his mercy. He captured her lips in a long, slow kiss that made her body tremble in anticipation.

“Oh! Yes, Mark! Please don’t stop!”

“Lois?” a voice said.
You know what's so good about this, DJ? It's that it is so steamy. laugh You know what's not so good about it? That it won't get steamier.... frown

Anyway - I sure like it that Lois is living out her fantasies about Clark by writing a novel! laugh

But that little sister of hers is sure getting a bit annoying, isn't she?
“Ahem! Peanut butter!” I almost fall out of my chair when I hear Lucy holler from the kitchen. Okay, no more daydreaming for now. I hurry off to the kitchen.

“Sorry, Luce. Here you go,” I say as I dig the jar out from underneath the kitchen sink.

“You keep your peanut butter under the sink?” she asks me.

“I just got it yesterday and didn’t have time to put it away yet. I just threw the whole bag of groceries under there, okay? Satisfied?”

“Not really. You work too much. You need to get out. Live a little. Have some fun.”
Lucy's hollering for peanut butter, criticizing Lois's food stashing habits and finding fault with her big sister's dedication to her job. (Hey, Lucy, looks like *you* are staying at *Lois's* apartment - and who pays the rent for that, you think? And where does that money come from?)

“I have fun. What’s fun to you isn’t fun to me,” I tell her a little huffily.
Well, I'm not sure if Lois is being truthful here, but I like her answer anyway!

“Oh, and writing a make-believe story about a made-up guy is?” She has one hand on her hip and if her eyebrow was any higher it would come off her face.

“You read my story?” I exclaim.
Hmmm... Lucy, if I were you, I'd watch it. (But that thing about her eyebrow was funny, DJ....)

Yeah, the little bit you’d written. I got bored today while you were at work. I was playing around on the computer and came across it.
So, Lucy, while Lois was busy working to pay the rent and keep you supplied with peanut butter, you read her novel!!! mad
Wow. I never knew there was so much passion bottled up in that sensible little façade you show to the world. So, who is he? Who’s Mark?”
Nosy little.... mad

“Well, you were supposed to take the day off to spend with me,” she complains, pointing a finger at me. “You left me this morning sitting here in your apartment. If you’d actually take a day off once in a while to spend with your only sister when I’m here visiting you, maybe I wouldn’t have to entertain myself.”
I'm running out of "mad" icons, but believe me, Lucy, I'm mad at you!!!

So what’s his last name?”


“His last name. Mark’s last name. Come on, you can at least give me that much. From what I read earlier it looked like we were going to get to a steamy part. Did you finish that part? Is that what was holding your attention so completely just now?” She giggles a little.

I’m indignant. She’s getting too much pleasure out of humiliating me. “It’s Ghent. And that’s none of your business.
Well, like everybody has pointed out already, "Ghent" is a darn funny name! laugh

“Mark Ghent. Ghent, like Kent. Clark Kent. Mark, Clark. Ha! You’re writing about Clark Kent!” Lucy’s eyes go wide in surprise at her discovery.
This is funny and infuriating at the same time.

“Uh-huh. Well then, you won’t object if I ask him out to lunch tomorrow.”

“What?” I exclaim.
Can you believe Lucy's cheekiness?

I shift uncomfortably under Lucy’s probing gaze. The thought of Lucy and Clark going out to lunch is making my blood pressure rise. What’s wrong with me? Am I... jealous? How ridiculous! Jealous? Over Clark? Preposterous. I mean it’s not like Clark and I are actually dating or anything. I mean he did ask me out, and we almost had a date; but it’s not like we’re *officially* dating or anything. Why shouldn’t Lucy go out to lunch with him? Why am I even worried? Mayson is a bigger threat than Lucy is. Wait. What am I saying? I am jealous! Over Clark! I’m acting like a jealous, possessive, insecure...
Okay, if Lucy can make Lois face up to a few important facts about herself and her feelings for Clark, I guess I can forgive Lucy her otherwise totally insufferable behaviour.



“What are you doing for lunch today?” I ask innocently.

I’m rewarded with a warm smile from him.

“Absolutely nothing. I’m all yours.”
Oh, how sweet! Yes, Lois, ask him out!

Ha! Just what I thought. He thinks I’m going to ask him out for lunch. Nope, think again.

“Hmm, that’s sweet, but actually Lucy mentioned that she’d like to take you out for lunch today. I think she’s supposed to be coming by this morning to ask you. I wanted to give you the heads up. I think you should go with her; it’d make her day.”

Clark’s face began to fall a little while I was talking. “So will you be coming with us?” he asks, hopeful.
He loves you, Lois. Why can't you see that?

And then Lucy comes by and starts talking to Clark:
“Listen, I just wanted to stop by and apologize to you about that thing with Johnny and all. I hope he didn’t rough you up too bad.”

“Oh. Well I was a little sore, but I’m okay. I’m sorry about how that whole mess turned out. I know you were seeing him.”

“Yeah, well I guess my taste in men isn’t any better than my sister’s.”
Can you even believe that noxious little sister???????

At least Lois has the decency to feel ashamed and guilty about what poor Clark must think (is he as bad as Lucy's criminal ex-boyfriend?):
Why of all the low blows! Lucy, how could you? Clark’s face looks a little troubled after her last statement. Oh relax, Clark, she doesn’t mean you. She doesn’t even know about you yet; I haven’t told her.
And now Clark is playing along with Lucy. Groan.
Clark flashes a grin – was that a *playful* grin? – at me. “Sure, Lucy,” he says, flashing an even wider grin at her.

I know I told him to go to lunch with her, but part of me was secretly wishing he’d turn her down. He at least didn’t have to look so happy about it.
“So, where are you taking me?” he asks her. He sounds a little too eager in my opinion.

Why do I feel like I have to prove something? I should just end this right now and go up there and tell Lucy that he can’t go with her, that he’s going with me.

No. I can’t. If I do that, she’ll gloat. She’ll win. Absolutely not.
Lois, isn't it better to let Lucy gloat - and to throw her out of your apartment while you are at it - than to let her boss you around and make your life impossible?

“Lois, I think I’ll borrow your Jeep, if you don’t care. It’ll save us cab fare. You don’t *care* do you?”

My Jeep? She wants to borrow my Jeep to go to lunch with my boyfr... no, frien... With Clark? Ugh! This is getting worse by the minute.
It *is* getting worse by the minute! Okay, if Lucy can drive you sufficiently mad to admit that you want Clark to be your boyfriend, Lois, I guess her infuriating behaviour is worth it.

“Oh, hi, Mayson. What’s up?”

“I’ve been assigned the Lex Luthor trial. I was hoping I could get together with you to go over some information and get some statements from you. You were as close to him as anyone...”

“I wouldn’t say close.” I watch as Lucy grabs Clark’s arm and leads him up the ramp to the elevator. I sigh.

“No? Well you almost married him didn’t you?” Mayson asks me, bringing me back to the conversation. “I don’t think it gets much closer than that.”
Poor Lois! Lucy takes Clark from her and Mayson wants to talk to her in her capacity of Lex's ex-almost-wife!

“Sure, why not. My lunch plans fell through for today.” I can feel myself frowning. Great – no lunch with Clark – lunch with Mayson instead. Oh joy! “Where do you want me to meet you?”

“How about at your Uncle Mike’s restaurant? I started to meet Clark there for lunch once, I heard your uncle makes a killer chocolate cake, but, um...something came up and our lunch got cancelled.”
Okay, so Lois is going to lunch with Mayson in exactly the same restaurant where Clark is having lunch with Lucy!

“Oh, I don’t know Mayson. I’m on a diet and that chocolate cake is pretty rich. Why don’t we go somewhere else? There’s a great little diner just down the street...”
No, you should definitely have that chocolate cake, Lois!

“Don’t be silly, Lois. Just because you’re on a diet doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy a piece. I need some chocolate after the day I’ve had. And I need a change of scenery. How about I meet you there around noon?”

“Noon? Well, I uh...”

“Great. Noon. I’ll see you there.”

“Wait!” I say, but she’s already hung up. I look back up at the elevator, they’re gone. Great! So now *I* get to take a cab to lunch.
Everybody is bossing Lois around!

And - grrr, I have to admit it - this chapter makes me like Lucy about as much as Tank usually likes Jimmy. If you know what I mean, DJ....

Oh, well, Lois does need to admit that she loves Clark. Mark Ghent, indeed. Give up, Lois! Admit what you feel for Clark! And then throw that little sister of yours out and invite Clark to spend the night instead. It will make it easier to write the next chapter of that romance novel of yours.... laugh

Posted By: Matrix Re: FDK Novel idea 1 - 08/02/06 09:36 PM
Tahu - I'm glad you enjoyed it and glad to know my post made your day smile1

angelic_editor - you can't wait for the next post? It's out there... happy reading!!!

TOC - Ah, your fdk made my day. I was beginning to fear I was keeping you too busy over at Zoom's as Ms. Naughty Toc, for you to have time to come over here and read. goofy Thanks for all the wonderful comments!

Thanks to all of you. Your fdk makes my day!!! clap
Posted By: Classicalla Re: FDK Novel idea 1 - 08/03/06 11:21 PM
Oh, this is great! The nfic is definitely better, though.

And just think what fun Ms. Naughty Toc could have if that round robin was nfic....
Posted By: Matrix Re: FDK Novel idea 1 - 08/04/06 04:50 AM
Hi Classic (the classic part of Metro... ha ha ha)

Thanks for the fdk. Yeah, I figure I'll lose readers over here on the PG side, when they realize I'm posting in the nfic.

Yes, wouldn't Ms. Naughty Toc have fun? Ha ha!
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