Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: bakasi Suicidal despair? Part 3 - 07/28/06 09:28 AM
This is getting fun! Thank you for encouragement. Special thanks to my best friend, she helped me a lot. hail hail hail

From Part 2:

Lois stood up and wandered through Clark’s apartment, looking in his bedroom, with little hope to find him there. Of course it was empty.
Lois returned to the sofa. There was nothing she could do at the moment. She needed to wait until dawning.

She wanted to fall asleep again, but this time, it wouldn’t happen.

* * *

In the very moment Clark had decided to return to Metropolis, he received calls of misery. A bad earthquake in India needed his attention.

It didn’t take him much time to get there, but even with superspeed and superstrength there was a lot of work to be done.

He searched for injured people and flew them out of the dangerous area. Clark x-rayed the destroyed buildings to find the survivors. He could save most of them, but some died despite all his efforts.

It was one of those disasters that demanded almost more from him, than he was able to give. He feared to hurt the seriously injured people by accident, but he couldn't help without touching them.

There were others on a very small line between life and death, but certainly closer to the latter. He had learnt that he couldn’t help most of them. If he did, more people died as a result. But that didn’t make it any easier for him to abandon small children dying painfully.He winced for every death he couldn’t prevent.

Everytime he laid a living child in the arms of the desperate parents ending their grief, he got the strength to continue. But the glances of the distressed parents around, who hoped in vain for him to return with their daughter or son sent thousands of needles through his body.

It had been noon, when Clark had started his work and now he could have watched the sunset, if he only had had the time. He hoped that there was no major problem back home. But he couldn’t be everywhere at the same time. And it was unlikely, that Metropolis had to face something worse than this.

Clark helped out the whole night and the following day. He was darn tired, but he didn’t rest for a second.

The red and blue colour of his cape had disappeared in the mug and dust of the streets and destroyed houses. The number of injured people didn’t seem to get any smaller. Each time he flew through the area he found more victims. But with the passing hours less of them were alive.

After the second sunset he carried more dead bodies than living. But it was also important to find them. It helped the dependants to mourn their relatives, when they saw them one last time. In addition to that less epidemic plaques would increase the number of victims.

When he finally returned home, he saw the dawning of the fourth day. He needed a shower and his bed.

* * *

Clark hadn’t returned the whole night and was still missing. It was late in the morning, but of the following day and Lois was really worried. Being off for two days was very unlikely for Clark, for all she knew. He was running off from time to time, but not exceeding a few hours.

She had decided to call the hospitals, the police and Perry earlier. None of them knew, where he was or he might be. She had rejected Lex twice, giving him some lame excuses, which he had accepted so far.

Now a new thought came into her mind. Maybe Clark used his parents for refuge. She had met them once and wondered, why she hadn’t thought about them earlier.

It wasn’t easy to get their phone number, because Clark, of course, knew it by heart. But she finally managed to get it and dialed it. She didn’t have to wait long.

“Martha Kent.”

“Hi, this is Lois. I’m a friend of Clark.”

“Oh, hi Lois, how are you? You and Clark haven’t been here together for quite a while now. What’s the matter?” Martha asked as kind as ever.

“Lack of time, I guess”, Lois replied not completely honest.

“You don’t have to explain, Lois. So how can I help you?”

“Well, I wonder if Clark is in Smallville.”

“No, honey, he hasn’t been home for a while”, Martha answered.

“Are you sure, Martha? Or does he just refuse to talk to me? I would understand it. But I’m really worried. I’ve been searching for him for two days. I can’t find him anywhere”, Lois demanded insistingly.

“Clark is not here. But I’m sure he is alright. He can take care of himself. The two of you had a fight, hadn’t you?”

“Well, yeah, kind of. I’m sorry about it, I was mean to him and a want to apologize”, Lois told her.

“I’m sure Clark will return to his apartment sooner or later. Something must keep him busy at the moment. He wouldn’t leave without telling. Be sure about that.” Martha tried to soothe her.

“Thanks, Martha. Remember me to Jonathan. Bye.”

“Good bye, Lois”, Martha said.

Lois didn’t understand that Martha was so calm. Her son was missing and she wasn’t a bit worried. Lois on the other hand was frightend, no matter what Martha had told her. She couldn’t stand the thought of not seeing Clark again, it was more painful, than she had ever imagined.

She couldn’t help to think, that Clark had done something really stupid. Martha hadn’t seen him in his distressed state after Lois had rejected him. What had she done to him?

* * *

Another two days passed and neither the police nor the hospitals had any news. Lois had wanted to contact Superman, but he was helping out on a major disaster in South Asia.

Now he was on his way home, Lois had seen that on television. She was still at Clark’s place and had left it only for short times in the last four days.

She had packed a few things and practically moved in his apartment. Missing the returning Clark was the worst thing she could imagine right now.

She had told Lex, that her sister Lucy was ill and needed her. But she doubted, he fully bought it. He had said some harsh words in his growing impatience and Lois wasn’t eager to meet him at the moment.

His behaviour made it easier to belief, that Clark’s accusations weren’t totally unfounded. But she could deal with Lex later. Clark was more important and she hoped that Superman would be the solution.

Lois glanced at her watch for the thousandth time, at least. Superman had left India with the dawning. How long did it take him to fly to Metropolis? How much time difference was between Metropolis and India? She could only guess and therefore had no idea, when he might return.

Lois paced through Clark's apartment and couldn’t rest for a moment. Maybe watching the sky helped her. It didn’t exactly make sense, but at least she had something to do.

In the second she stepped on Clark's balcony, she heard the familiar swoosh and a pair of feet touching the ground. She glanced at Superman with a surprised smile, but her smile withered soon.

He was barely recognizable, more brown and gray than red and blue. His face didn’t show the almost soft expression he used to wear with her. It was hard, not even the hint of a smile. She felt unwelcome.

Clark sighed inwardly. Why was Lois here? He didn't want to see her before he hadn't gotten some sleep. He wasn't prepared for this. His soul was still hurting from the misery he had seen in India. Lois was too much for him.

“What are you doing here, Lois?” he said disquietingly.

Lois was caught off guard, and didn’t respond at once. His behaviour was unfamiliar.

“Superman”, she managed to say, finally.”Clark has disappeared. I beg you to find him.”

His expression suddenly grew a whole lot softer and resembled more to the man she knew.

“I’m sorry but I can’t, Lois.”It sounded still a bit unfriendly.

“Why?” she asked appalled. “If not you, who else can?”

“He wouldn’t let me. If Clark chooses to dissapear, he does.” Superman replied firmly.

“I have called the police, his parents, everyone. Something must have happend to him. He wouldn’t leave without telling. Please, please, find him”, Lois begged the hero and gave him her irresistable glance.

“I’ll see, what I can do, but I seriously doubt that I will be successful”, Superman stated.

He wanted to add, that Clark might return, when his apartment wasn’t occupied by Lois anymore. But how could he actually tell her that, without giving away his secret?

He was too tired to argue with her. He wanted a shower and his bed, but tonight that seemed too much to ask for. He said good bye to Lois and flew away again.

Clark considered a moment to head for Smallville, but somehow his parents didn’t seem to be the right solution to his problems this time.

He didn't need to worry about it. There was more than Lois occupying his place that promised to keep him from sleeping. He had no chance to even think about a place to stay, when someone needed his help.
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