Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Nichiren2am Beg the Dawn [1/?] - 07/21/06 05:32 PM
I'm new to the boards, and thought I'd toss this out just to get some initial reactions.

Description: Nothing can dampen Clark's mood as he and Lois prepare to celebrate their first wedding anniversary with their family and friends. However, nothing can prepare the couple for the first of several changes about to drastically alter everyone's lives.

WARNING: Contains a major WHAM- death of two major characters.

Disclaimer: All of the characters are copyrighted property of December 3rd Production, Warner Brothers and ABC. No copyright infringement is intended in any elements of this story.

Author's Notes:

This story takes place a few months after "The Family Hour," with a few alterations on my part. For all intents and purposes, let's just pretend that Sam and Ellen retained the knowledge that Clark is Superman, and have become fairly comfortable with it (Lucy was also told that her brother-in-law moonlights in tights.) Let's also pretend that Dr. Klein has been let in on the secret, and that Sam did in fact find a few errors in Star Labs' findings, and is still researching Lois & Clark's "compatibility." So, there was never any child-from-the-future left to be discovered at the end of the episode, and our happy couple is just getting ready to celebrate their first wedding anniversary.

Be warned, there's a WHAM that occurs in the story, resulting in the death of two central characters. And although this story does contain several fight scenes and a bit of violence, the bigger shocks may come from the direction I take with Clark's character. I'd always wanted to see how a Dark Superman/Clark could've been portrayed on the show, and I've had this idea floating around in my head for quite some time now, so please bear with me through the story. I give you my word, my tales always have happy endings (helps me to sleep better at night) and all matters will be resolved in a plausible and pleasing manner.

< > indicates a person's thoughts.

/ / indicates a hallucination

The title comes from a line in my favorite Duncan Sheik song, "The Dawn's Request" which will be referenced throughout the story. Upon first hearing it, I was inspired to finally sit down and start writing this.


Metropolis, 1993

Behind angular eyes that gleamed in the dim light, the man watched his medical team labor over their patient. A dozen physicians and specialists crowded around a naked figure encased in the thick walls of a translucent tank. Inside the plexiglass, "Evolutionary Subject 2" floated in a greenish chemical soup, comprised of plasma, molecular proteins, and cellular nutrients, along with the synthetic embryonic fluid of the man's own devise.

"Do you realize," he spoke aloud, the nearest recipient of his musings standing only inches behind him, "a few ounces of that rock are more valuable than those technicians could ever imagine. Worth far more to the elite few who actually understand its purpose."

"Will there be any others?"

"For the time being, no." A smile curled the man's lips as he observed his team's progress. Despite wearing somewhat restrictive hazard suits, the medical staff performed their assigned duties quickly and efficiently- so efficiently that Subject 2 would be ready for his first experimental tests tomorrow, well ahead of the original schedule.

"The preliminary work has gone splendidly."

"And why not?" the man coolly replied. "Have I not demanded the highest degree of commitment and self-sacrifice from every last one of them?"

"Of course, sir," his companion appraised. After working with this man these last five years, Lucas Braden had learned it best not to press his point in any of their conversations.

Through the monitor, they viewed the arrival of the second medical team. Dr. Rayne Evans, the team leader, studied the patient through the glowing green liquid. His pale flesh stretched taut over prominent cheekbones, spikes of his brown hair peeking out from under his medical cap. "Okay, I want Thorazine. Four hundred and fifty CCs, stat." Dr. Evans extended his hand for the hypodermic gun.

His surgical assistant lifted the injector, loaded a plastic vial of the powerful drug into the device, then hesitated. "Are you sure about the dosage, doctor? When we performed this procedure on you, even four hundred CCs seemed a bit much. This could mess up his brain functions something awful..." The assistant's timid voice trailed off, but her message was clear. She'd felt obligated to say it, though she knew it didn't matter. Not with Evans in charge.

Watching from his sealed chamber, Lex Luthor grunted in irritation and keyed the intercom. When he spoke, his sharp tone thundered inside the medical lab. "Administer the Thorazine at once. In the dose Dr. Evans prescribed. The patient must not awaken."

Evans snatched the hypodermic gun away from his assistant and plunged the injector into the tank. Subject 2 tensed as a violent spasm wracked his frame. Evans signaled another member of his team. The man stepped forward, thermal probes in hand. The rest of the team retreated from the lab to allow the specialist enough room to work.

"Will you be joining us back in the lab, sir?" Evans asked his longtime employer as he approached him.

"Shortly, Rayne," Luthor replied. "Very shortly. I'd like to run another set of tests on you as well once we've finished here."

"As you wish, sir." As the first subject to undergo this procedure, Dr. Rayne Evans had enough confidence in his team- the very same team to operate on him- to complete the work as he to prepare for his own next series of tests.

Being quite satisfied, Lex shifted in his chair, offering Lucas the seat beside him. "I'm sure I don't need to tell you how pleased I was to hear that you expressed an interest in helping to fund this project."

"I must admit, I'd prefer playing a more involved role in this, rather than that of a mere sponsor." In truth, Braden was desperate to escape punishment. In the United States, the authorities dealt harshly with murderers- especially those who'd taken the Hippocratic oath. "Don't get me wrong, Lex- I'm grateful to be of further service to the science of medicine. I'd just rather be back in the lab than on your board of executives. Especially since this project deals with that overgrown boy scout in a cape."

"Well...the project is far from completion, and there's still much work to be done with both subjects."

"Yet Dr. Evans and myself are the only others to be made aware of your...fascination, shall we say, with-"

"With evolutionary techniques," Lex cut him short with his own view on these undertakings. "The certainties of our physical world and the comprehensible workings of advanced worlds are infinitely preferable to the current unpredictability of human thoughts and behavior, Lucas."

"But do you really believe that this rock, this kryptonite, holds the key? I mean, you say it can kill Superman." At Luthor's sick grin, Braden clears his throat to continue. "The why bother using it for anything else?"

"Therein lies the workings of an advanced world. It's dangerous to a Kryptonian living here on Earth, but what about Earth's own inhabitants? When I first set my team to working on this, that was our primary objective. What effects would kryptonite exposure and genetic alterations have on a human being? And after our success with Subject 1-"

"Dr. Evans," Lucas noted.

"Yes...our success with Rayne indicates that the procedure is quite beneficial. Powers are one thing, but...to control the beings with those powers is the key. With these kryptonite probes, not only can I instill augmented versions of Superman's unique capabilities, but I can control those who will be harnessing these powers. Of course, no further testing would be possible without your generous contributions, both monetary and...personal."

"Mmmm..." Lucas stood to rise, buttoning his suit jacket as he turned. "I hope you don't think I'm ungrateful for your expediency in fulfilling your part of our arrangement. I'm...grateful...beyond words for what you and Dr. Evans have managed to do. I just hope you realize the limits of all your testing. I've already subjected myself to enough risks signing onto this. I've managed to avoid imprisonment this long- I'd like to keep it that way."

Keeping a steady eye on his departing cohort, Lex leaned back in his chair, gazing at the flickering monitors. Inside the medical lab, the technicians had finished placing the probes, and were draining the kryptonite-plasma from the plexiglass container. The valuable liquid would be pumped into a stainless steel vat, where it would be cleansed of impurities and stored for use in subsequent procedures. Lex watched as the medical team filed out of the lab, leaving Evolutionary Subject 2, "Leviathan," Lex smiled to himself, in a carefully controlled holding tank to be monitored.

"The probes are in place, sir," Dr. Evans announced, stepping into the separate chamber. "His vital signs are all steady."

"Very good, Rayne," Lex replied, sensing that his first test subject had more to add. "Something else?"

"I spoke to Dr. Braden as I saw him leaving."

Lex raised an eyebrow. "And?"

"I've always been impressed by his former medical work, but I've long-since lost my admiration for the man. Dr. Braden's nothing more than a common criminal," Rayne said, agitated. "He's violated the ethics of his profession. Can't you utilize him without actually employing him? I mean...what about his wife...what happened to her and their son-"

"Was a long time ago-"

"And now, with what we've done-"

"We're laying groundwork," Lex cut short his accusations. "Making history." He'd himself known Lucas' extent of involvement in the murders. Being a man in his position, he understood...certain sacrifices had to be made to achieve ambitious goals. "Being the scientist that you are, I understand that you fail to see the business side of dealings, which is exactly why I need Lucas involved in this matter. My project will not be fettered by the same restraints that hold you to your moral obligations. I intend to explore the untapped potential of this procedure, and having Lucas on board will only help to ensure that our goal will be met- by any means necessary. You're certain that this same technique will work on Superman?"

"Given the alterations I've made, and the prospect of weaponizing the probes...it's only a matter of time."
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