Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Ank. K. S. FDK: His Girl Lois 9 - 07/11/06 08:53 PM
Definitely reading it.... brings back fond memories of His Girl Friday... lois-and-clark way...

please don't stop smile thumbsup dance
Posted By: mmprincess Re: FDK: His Girl Lois 9 - 07/11/06 10:15 PM
interesting reading so far... post again soon! hyper
Posted By: beethoven Re: FDK: His Girl Lois 9 - 07/11/06 10:40 PM
i cant beleive you would stop here....

If you dont finish it
well.... you wont be very popular in my books....

this is a good story,,.. you are doing great.... to give up now would be like serving pancakes which have only been cooked on one side....good start, great recipe, but only half baked ....

even if we only eat half the oreo, with the half with no cream going uneated, no-one will buy oreos with only one biscuit, we need both cookies with your delicious cream filling....

golly gosh i anm bad at metaphores, but please finnish
even if i havnt given feedback before, i have been following this story avidly...
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: His Girl Lois 9 - 07/12/06 12:02 AM
Delightful, Marcy! Such fun! Like a Marx Brothers comedy, almost! The delicious 1940s or 50s feel to this, the screwball comedy feel of it - I love it!

Again, your vocabulary is too advanced for me, though. I had never heard of a rolltop desk before, so I guess maybe I'll google it and ask for pictures... maybe.... But I get the idea.

The way Lois and Clark were arguing with each other instead of trying to disarm Jeffers... delicious!!!! Such adorable fun!!! And the way all those other reporters demanded to get into that room, so that Lois and Clark had to hide Jeffers. And Linda, of course, realizing that Lois was hiding something in there, and confronting her about it, and
Clark tried in vain to think of some way to come to her rescue, as Lois looked for all the world like a swimmer with a nosebleed being circled by sharks.
goofy But hardly have our dynamic duo escaped that pinch, and Lois has freed Jeffers from his confinement, than her mother intrudes on the scene! Oh, the screwballness of it!!!!

I'll keep reading this as soon as you keep posting it, Marcy, I promise.

Posted By: mariadferdez. Re: FDK: His Girl Lois 9 - 07/12/06 10:45 AM

Great part. hyper
Posted By: Tahu Re: FDK: His Girl Lois 9 - 07/12/06 01:00 PM
still reading it but really busy at the moment. Great part, please don't stop.

Posted By: SuperRoo Re: FDK: His Girl Lois 9 - 07/12/06 02:32 PM
Hey there!

I'm still on for more! Please don't stop.
Posted By: Miss Q Re: FDK: His Girl Lois 9 - 07/12/06 04:57 PM
Ha! I am so loving this story..... clap clap

clap clap dance

(I'm not sure if anyone else has noticed the similarities, so if someone else has posted this, sorry!!!)

This story not only brings up His Girl Friday, but also the little known Switching Channels with Burt Reynolds, Kathleen Turner and Christopher Reeve....great funny little movie!!

anyway, keep up the GREAT work and please post again soon!!!!! grovel grovel grovel
Posted By: Crazy_Babe Re: FDK: His Girl Lois 9 - 08/04/06 05:09 AM
Just reminding to continue this! Don't leave us hagning here. I'm really having fun reading this adaptation of His Girl Friday.
Posted By: Kent28 Re: FDK: His Girl Lois 9 - 08/15/06 07:03 PM
peep (me peeps out of lurkdom)
For MissQ:
This story not only brings up His Girl Friday, but also the little known Switching Channels with Burt Reynolds, Kathleen Turner and Christopher Reeve....great funny little movie!!
I have never seen that movie, but it will definitely be on my must see list if it's got Chris Reeve in it and it's funny ...thanks for sharing that little tidbit of information.

I wanted to give y'all a heads up of why my posting has been so erratic and taken so long, and also to apologize.
First let me say I still have every intention of finishing His Girl Lois, but RL has been a bear. I am currently expecting my fourth child, I homeschool, and have nearly been put on medication for preterm labor symptoms (I'm about 26 weeks along.) I hope I don't sound like a total whiny pants.... :rolleyes:
The other thing is all the other GREAT stories on these boards...when I come online I just want to read and read, and then my tummy starts having contractions again, and so I have to shut down my computer and lay down and drink water before I even GET to opening my word file and writing. So blame it all on SUE and Caroline and TicandToc and Toc for writing such darn good stories that my muse keeps figuring no one will notice if I don't finish mine because there is so much eye candy elsewhere! blush
Although I feel so horrible for the ones that have been so patiently waiting....I finished my first story and I do intend to finish this one also. It just may not happen until six weeks after the baby gets here. I keep wishing I had a laptop so I could write from the couch , but, oh well.
I hope someone will want to read it when it is finished. I do so love getting the feedback...it's like an endorphin rush or something. And it's nice to know there are kindred spirits here who love all things Lois and Clark as much as I do! laugh
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: His Girl Lois 9 - 08/15/06 07:34 PM
Good to hear from you, Marcy! And I'm sure glad to hear that you are going to finish your irresistible Clark-Kent-as-Cary-Grant story. (By the way, who played Lois - eh, I mean, the female lead - in that great movie from, I think, the forties?)

But, Marcy, you have to take care of yourself (and your baby) first and your story second. It, and we, can wait. But I'm sure we'll all be glad to hear from you occasionally. smile

Take care!

Posted By: Crazy_Babe Re: FDK: His Girl Lois 9 - 08/16/06 03:44 AM
(Takes out her DVD copy of His Girl Friday) and it's Rosalind Russell who was the female lead in this movie.

Looking forward to when you are well enough to start posting.
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