Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Kent28 FINALLY His Girl Lois 8/? - 06/21/06 11:26 AM
Okay, here's the latest part I could crank out...sorry it's short. Hopefully you'll appreciate this cliffhanger better than the last one. smile

From part 7:
Clark was about to say more, when the jail alarm went off. Pandemonium broke out in the street below, as every police officer in the building ran out the front door and began loading into squad cars.

Grateful for the distraction, Lois cut him off. “Listen, Clark, I'd love to continue this heart to heart, but something is happening down there. And I'm going to find out what it is. Now, are you going to join me or not?”

Turning back to the door leading into the building, she heard a whoosh behind her. Reeling back around, she noted his absence. Apparently, he was going down a different way.

Knowing he could probably hear her, she yelled, “Fine! I”ll see you at the bottom.”

And now:

Lois surveyed the chaos around her as she exited the criminal court building. Sirens were blaring from every squad car, as police officers scrambled to find one to ride off in.

Bill Whitman, one of the reporters she'd seen earlier, scrambled past her on the street, his cell phone pulled out as he searched for a decent signal.

Lois shouted at him in desperation. “Bill, what's all the bedlam about?”

Bill yelled behind him, never stopping. "Jailbreak. Chris Jeffers has escaped!” With that, he had turned a corner and was out of sight.

Lois scanned the scene before her once more, taking in a weary-looking Superman talking with the police chief across the street.

It was then she noticed a very fearful Gus attempting to fade into the shadow of the nearest alleyway. She knew immediately that if anyone knew what had happened and could tell her what the story was, Gus, the prison guard, was her man.

Lois hiked her skirt, kicked off her heels, and ran across the street at full speed, dodging the police cars as she went. Poor Gus had barely entered the alley before he was tackled from behind.

It took only a minute before he was divulging all the juicy details to Lois.


Clark focused intently on what the police chief was telling him, specifically how Superman could help with the search for the escaped criminal.

For a few moments, thoughts of Lois Lane had been tossed to the side. However, as his conversation ended, he realized that Lois was nowhere in sight.

But only for a moment.

Just as he zeroed in on her heartbeat, he watched as she exited the alley, very disheveled and sans high heels. The streaks of dirt on her face and skirt sent his alarm bells ringing. Only Lois could find trouble that fast, and with him only meters away.

“Lois, are you okay?” He had joined her at superspeed, still in his hero costume, attempting to touch her while surreptitiously examining her body for breaks or concussions.

Shrugging him off, Lois smiled an uneasy smile. “I'm fine. In fact, I am excellent. I just found out the lowdown on Jeffers! If you could help me by finding my *partner*, Clark Kent, and have him meet me in the press room in the next five minutes, the Daily Planet will get the exclusive. He is not going to believe it!”

As Superman started to dash off, Lois grabbed his arm hesitantly before continuing, “And, Superman?”

Clark turned back toward her. “Yes, Lois?”

“Do you think he could bring my high heels with him? I ditched them somewhere outside the criminal court building, and didn't pay any attention to exactly where that was.”

Clark nodded and with a whoosh he was gone again.

Lois shook her head, and snorted, talking to herself. “And to think, glasses and hair gel!”


First, Lois took a brief detour into the ladies room to wash her face and hands. Clark was sitting at the computer waiting for her when she entered the press room, her high heels in his hand. She placed them deftly on her feet with a curt “thank you” and joined him at the desk in the chair beside him.

Clark spoke first. "So, what's the story, Lois?"

There was a weariness in his voice she hadn't heard before, and her heart ached for him of its own accord. She couldn't help feeling slightly disappointed that he wasn't as excited about this story as she was.

After all, she'd just tackled a prison guard to get it. Wasn't that worth something?

Of course, she had just obliterated his entire world a few minutes before. At least, he had looked that way back on the rooftop, before all the mayhem.

A wee bit of guilt wormed its way into her conscience. “All right, fine! You want to talk, let's talk.”

Clark was obstinate. “I asked about the story, Lois. I didn't say I wanted to talk. And if I *did* want to talk, what point would there be in talking? You made your feelings clear up on the roof.”

“So that's it? I tell you it's over and you're not even going to *try* to woo me back? Wow, I must've really meant a lot to you!”

Clark traded his look of resignation for one of disbelief. Throwing his hands into the air, he turned toward her. “Lois, what do you want from me? I laid it all out there for you, and you let me know, in no uncertain terms, that we have no future together! I really don't know what you want me to say to fix things!”

“I'm not sure exactly.” Lois chewed on her lip nervously. “I guess it hurts that you waited so long to tell me, and that you would give up on us that fast. I mean, I don't want to patch things up... I don't think. I don't know. It's just, I put everything into our marriage, Clark, and you, you always held a part of yourself back from me. I suppose I feel a little cheated.”

Clark gripped her shoulders gently. “Lois-" He paused. "-Maybe I held back the fact that I was Superman with you, but I promise you, I never held back who I was inside. The man you know is still the man I am. And that man is still desperately in love with you.”

Before she could further analyze what was happening between them, Clark dipped his head toward her. Closing her eyes, Lois succumbed to the natural gravitational pull of her body toward his as their lips met.

<Had it really been six months since they had done this? Oh Lord, it's been too long!>

The first touch of his lips to hers was tentative and gentle, but was immediately followed by hungry kisses, deep and penetrating. She could feel in his touch the raw need, the hunger she knew from their life together. It was familiar and new all at once. And was matched in strength only by her desire, which seemed to rage out of control.

Then he was kissing her nose, her eyelids, her cheeks, planting them everywhere on her face and dipping kisses onto her neck as if he were staking his claim upon her. His hands roamed her arms and back, seeking to relearn and appreciate every touch.

It was only as her hands roamed his chest and began to loosen his tie that fate intervened with the sound of a gun clicking behind them.


Okay, bring on the feedback.
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