Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Jenni Debb FDK - The Forgotten - Ch17 B - 06/14/06 03:10 AM
Hi everyone,

First of all, I'd like to thank everyone for sticking with this story and for continuing to post and email fdk. You really make me feel better about my writing, and very grateful that I'm not 'playing to an empty house', as it were. wink

I hope you enjoyed this last section, but I am going to have to ask you to be patient once more.

I really don't have enough to post a chapter this Friday. Partly, because I'm feeling a little 'down' since my dear friends have gone home to the US, but also John and I are feeling a little tired after our adventures... John especially, and that makes life a tad more difficult for me. But, hey, I'm not complaining. The past three weeks with my folc friends have been worth it. laugh

But back to 'The Forgotten'. Since I've run out of buffer, I've been trying to write very quickly, and, because of that, I feel that I'm just not able to give the end chapters the care and attention that they need.

Everyone who has commented has been very complimentary of my writing ability and I don't want to let my readers and myself down by doing a rushed job.

So, I'm asking you for a couple of weeks' break to give you all the happy, uplifting and visual finishing chapters I feel my story deserves.

I promise to post chapter 18 as soon as I and my beta readers are happy with the section.

Again, I'm sorry to disappoint.
Yours Jenni
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK - The Forgotten - Ch17 B - 06/14/06 12:25 PM
Jenni, I'm not going to give you any detailed FDK this time, because... I can't! I felt so excited after reading part 17B, feeling my anticipation building and building. Clark is coming home! He is going to be in Metropolis again! He is going to be with his family! Most especially, he is going to be with Lois! As I was reading this chapter, I felt myself growing ever more happily impatient, just waiting for these things to happen after a long, arduous wait.

And now you are telling us that these things won't be happening for a couple of weeks yet! Jenni, please understand that I totally sympathize with your reasons for not being able to post sooner. It's just that I feel a little deflated here. I feel, I guess, like kid being led to the candy store, but just as I am about to enter, I'm being told that I'll have to wait for a couple of weeks before I'll be allowed to get in... and I'm being asked to write an essay about my walk to the candy store!

Let me say... it was a nice walk. Really. I got to look at the interaction between Clark, Mac and Marje, and it was delightful. I also admired the interaction between Lois and Matt, which was so sweet and good, too.

But. The door to the candy store remained closed.

Anyway... I'm really glad that you've had a good time with your friends from the States, Jenni. Take care! Guess I'll be back here in three weeks time or something. Hopefully, Clark will have made it back to Metropolis and Lois by then!

Posted By: mariadferdez. Re: FDK - The Forgotten - Ch17 B - 06/14/06 01:02 PM

Great part. thumbsup I think the Kent's will love the MacDonnell.

More ASAP, please.

MAF hyper
Posted By: Cornelia Re: FDK - The Forgotten - Ch17 B - 06/14/06 01:02 PM
smile1 smile1 smile1

Oh, I love it! He´s coming home! How will the family react - and how will he react to his daughters, his parents, his whole life? And what about his head surgery?

And Matt on the dark side of the moon... laugh

When you post the next chapter I will be on vacation. Fortunately I know there will be an internet connection. But I don´t know wether I will be able to send a review. But I will read - and have fun!
Posted By: CJW79 Re: FDK - The Forgotten - Ch17 B - 06/15/06 11:47 AM
Great Job!!! dizzy Just know that we will all be hear waiting. somewhat patiently. wink

Keep up the great work.
Posted By: Ultra Woman Re: FDK - The Forgotten - Ch17 B - 06/26/06 07:30 AM
Still here waiting, Jenni. peep
Posted By: mariadferdez. Re: FDK - The Forgotten - Ch17 B - 06/26/06 05:07 PM

June 14, 2006 laugh
So, I'm asking you for a couple of weeks' break to give you all the happy, uplifting and visual finishing chapters I feel my story deserves.

I promise to post chapter 18 as soon as I and my beta readers are happy with the section.
I think she said 2 weeks. angel-devil

Posted By: Jenni Debb Re: FDK - The Forgotten - Ch17 B - 06/26/06 11:54 PM

Thanks for waiting and not forgetting about The Forgotten. I'm hoping I'll be back to my regular posting schedule this week.

Will post a warning nearer the end of the week.

Yours Jenni
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