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Posted By: TOC FDK: Help Not Wanted 7/10 - 06/07/06 08:52 AM
Well, DJ, this hypnotizing of children is borderline too horrible for me. The fact that Lois has cancer in your story is also very bad, but I feel that this is also a great opportunity to show both Lois and Clark's strength of character, and also the strength of their love for one another. I hope that you'll let us see how Clark and Lois deal with the bad news together, and I also hope your story will make us believe that they will defeat her tumour together.

Posted By: Sue S. Re: FDK: Help Not Wanted 7/10 - 06/07/06 10:51 AM
Well, DJ, this hypnotizing of children is borderline too horrible for me.
I know when DJ first started posting the story I came out of lurking to say that nothing too bad was going to happen. I still maintain that - no children are permanently harmed in this fic. smile

The fact that Lois has cancer in your story is also very bad, but I feel that this is also a great opportunity to show both Lois and Clark's strength of character, and also the strength of their love for one another. I hope that you'll let us see how Clark and Lois deal with the bad news together, and I also hope your story will make us believe that they will defeat her tumour together.
Ann, you can trust DJ. She does a fabulous job of showing all the tenderness they have for each other. She made me weepy, and that never, well, hardly ever, happens.

It's a great story and I think DJ deserves huge props for writing it. thumbsup

Posted By: Matrix Re: FDK: Help Not Wanted 7/10 - 06/07/06 12:05 PM
Thanks Sue, you were wonderful to beta this for me. I couldn't have done it without you. blush

Hang in there with me TOC. There are some tearful moments ahead but I really tried to portray the strength of Lois & Clark's love. I hope you'll agree that I accomplished that.
Posted By: CJW79 Re: FDK: Help Not Wanted 7/10 - 06/07/06 12:55 PM
I love what you are doing with this story. The idea for those SHARP creeps to make Laura afraid of superman is really evil but I do believe and hope that her connection/bond with her father will
cancel out the brainwashing. However I can't wait to read more.
Posted By: Matrix Re: FDK: Help Not Wanted 7/10 - 06/08/06 04:59 AM
Thanks CJW -

I'm glad you're enjoying it. I had a lot of fun writing it. Yes the SMART people are just evil, especially Aaron - you have no idea how evil. wink

I'll have another part out soon. Thanks! smile1
Posted By: Nan Re: FDK: Help Not Wanted 7/10 - 06/08/06 07:33 AM
Hi, DJ,

I'm sorry I've been delinquent giving feedback. I haven't even had time to read your latest installment -- just to check the fdk folder. Mom has kept me too busy to even read recently. I may have to wait to read it on the Archive, after I've gotten Mom into some kind of regular schedule since right now she is stil focused on "going home" and keeps trying to do so, and drag my brother along.

I just wanted to say that I noticed a while back that you were disappointed about not getting more feedback. I understand, but if this is an example of your writing, you will establish a reputation in short order and will soon be attracting more readers. All of us went through that, including moi. If you show you're a good writer, that will change pretty quickly, so don't be discouraged.

Posted By: Matrix Re: FDK: Help Not Wanted 7/10 - 06/08/06 07:48 AM
Oh, thank you Nan. I really appreciate that. blush

I think about you often. Hope things settle down for you soon (I had posted some comments on Zoom's site under your fdk - I really feel for you - my great grandfather had Alzheimer's and my grandmother has dementia, it's really hard).

Thank you for taking the time out of your hectic schedule, that was so sweet of you. smile1
Posted By: Psychofurball Re: FDK: Help Not Wanted 7/10 - 06/08/06 01:20 PM

I'm loving this as this goes on. It's soooo powerful. Very good job, DJ! I can't wait for the next part.

Posted By: Matrix Re: FDK: Help Not Wanted 7/10 - 06/08/06 04:25 PM
Hi Rach! I've appreciated the e-mails you've sent but it's great to have your fdk here. laugh I'm so glad you're enjoying it...although knowing you, you'll probably enjoy the upcoming parts the most. wink I plan on posting part 8 either later tonight or sometime tomorrow. Still giving it one last look-through.

<DJ bows before the queen of evil> hail
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