Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: ChiefPam Comments: I is for Illusions, part 3 - 07/02/03 03:09 PM
This is where the fun stuff really starts smile1

Posted By: RL Re: Comments: I is for Illusions, part 3 - 07/02/03 03:32 PM
You're right. It's getting to the good parts.

Slowly, she worked out that it had only been a dream. Clark hadn't really been touching her tenderly, murmuring endearments.
Darn. Well, I guess this is gfic. smile

Only, this time, the familiar mantra wasn't working. Probably because, Lois admitted, if she were being honest, she knew that none of the above applied to Clark. He'd proven he could be trusted. And she already knew how he'd react once they'd slept together. She'd suspected that he had wanted to start a relationship -- but even when she'd practically dumped him, he had still treated her with respect. Did it make any sense to assume that he'd behave worse if they had a real date?

She wanted to find out. The thought slipped out almost before she was aware of it. It wasn't such a terrifying prospect anymore. Deep down, she felt a flicker of hope. Maybe with Clark, things would be different.

Dating him would certainly have some perks. He was gorgeous, of course. She might have a terribly difficult time looking at anything but him -- or keeping her hands to herself -- if she let herself go. It would be a lot more fun than resolutely ignoring him.
Yea! All she needs is the courage to tell him she wants to start something. And why does she need to keep her hands to herself? thumbsup
Eeek! Pam this is great!!!! I loved how Lois was singing her song with Clark in her heart. awww

And this:

She took a deep breath, looking scared. Then she kissed him.
When I first saw the ep, I always thought that sombody should have kissed somebody in that closet <g> instead of exposing Lois. I just seemed more natural. And now it happened! Yay!

Eagerly awaiting more,

Great piece. smile1
Posted By: IreneD Re: Comments: I is for Illusions, part 3 - 07/02/03 04:40 PM
Oooooh, this is good! thumbsup

I love Lois's feelings towards Clark and Superman. I love her thoughts as she's singing. And I love the twist of having them *both* exposed as reporters. clap

Looking forward to more,
Ohmygosh! Ohmygosh! Ohmygosh!!! There are THREE parts of a Pam fic posted. Ohmygosh! Ohmygosh!

Whoo-hoo! Doing the happy dance! clap clap clap


Posted By: merry Re: Comments: I is for Illusions, part 3 - 07/02/03 05:43 PM
this is wonderful
now I need part 4
soon please
Posted By: Laurach Re: Comments: I is for Illusions, part 3 - 07/02/03 05:45 PM
Wow great Pam, that was a surprising twist having Lex be the rat. well he is a rat but having him give up Lois and Clark was a twist. Anyway good job. More soon. Laura
Very nice twists here smile . I loved Lois's thought process as she sang. And then Lex ratting *both* of them out. I love it -- and I hope Lois and Clark really take care of Lex.

- Alicia smile
Posted By: TriciaW Re: Comments: I is for Illusions, part 3 - 07/02/03 11:06 PM

WOW! A wonderful part! smile1

Tricia cool
Posted By: Shadow Re: Comments: I is for Illusions, part 3 - 07/02/03 11:17 PM
"As I said, Toni -- I've found your leak." Lex's voice was cold enough to freeze lava. "Clark Kent, reporter for the Daily Planet."

Toni shook her head in disappointment. "I have to admit, Charlie, I was hoping for better from you."

Lois recovered her composure and looked up, glaring at Toni and Lex, both.

Lex's lips twisted. "I hadn't wanted to involve you, my dear, but apparently you've made your choice. Toni, may I introduce Clark's ... 'partner' -- Lois Lane, also of the Planet." He gave her one last sneer before turning to stride away.

Toni dropped all pretense of sorrow. "You're both fired. And you'll be hearing from my lawyer. Get out."
EEP! EVIL ONE! hyper
Posted By: daneel Re: Comments: I is for Illusions, part 3 - 07/03/03 12:39 AM
Cool! She's seeing the light hyper
Posted By: Hazel Re: Comments: I is for Illusions, part 3 - 07/03/03 12:55 AM
Yes yes yes! goofy only to get the double whammy from Lex! Tank should be pleased with that, at least. smile

Such superb untwisting of a really lousy ep, Pam! Keep up the good work, and give us MORE!

Posted By: BarbP Re: Comments: I is for Illusions, part 3 - 07/03/03 04:30 AM

This is wonderful. You're using all the elements to further their relationship -- The song was perfect and even though we all knew that you would get them into that store room, you did it so well.

What surprised me was that Lex turned them in -- great idea!!!!

Posted By: Tank Re: Comments: I is for Illusions, part 3 - 07/03/03 07:32 AM
Does this mean that Lois won't be accepting Lex's proposal of marriage anytime soon?

Couple of nice twists at the end. The fact that you were going to have them kiss rather than rat each other out in the closet was a given. What was surprizing was Luthor being there with Toni.

That Luthor burned Clark was a no-brainer, but I was surprized that he also exposed Lois. I would have thought him smart enough to get past his flare of jealousy and keep her cover intact. Then he could use that fact to get into Lois good graces. The scene at Lois' apartment later could have been interesting to see. Lex trying to tell her how thankful she should be to him for not exposing her, and how exposing Clark just took the pressure off her (kind of like Clark did in the episode wink ). Lois might not have seen it that way, but still, it might have made it harder for her to see Lex as a villian.

Which is why you did it the way you did. You really wanted to cement Lex as a villian in Lois' eyes. Not too smart on old Lexie's part. You don't want to have Lois Lane setting her investigative sights on you. Of course, it would be a good opportunity for whams. Lex might feel it necessary to 'deal with' a couple of nosy reporters before they could tie him into the happenings down at West River.

Tank (who's happy that the set up for serious whams have begun, no if only Lois would...)
Posted By: Supes1fan Re: Comments: I is for Illusions, part 3 - 07/03/03 09:21 AM
Cool, cool, cool!

Lex!! razz Ruining all the fun! Now Lois cannot possibly try and put a positive spin on this! That means she'll HAVE to admit her feelings for Clark!! YAY dance

Hey, when's HG going to show up and ruin the party?? LOL laugh

Pam, you get back here and post part four this instant! Leave us waiting for a year for a story from you...grumble, mumble...and here you go getting all cagey on us. I have a weekend! I demand Pam-fiction! hyper hyper hyper

Pretty please? smile I'm asking nicely......

Posted By: ChiefPam Re: Comments: I is for Illusions, part 3 - 07/04/03 05:57 AM
LOL, Sherry, okay, okay! Just let me reply to comments first...

Yes, Roger, it's gfic. Although at this point, any nfic content would have to be imaginary <g>

One of my goals in writing this was to fix all the things I hated -- like the way Clark betrays her, while Lex protects her. Ick. So the idea of reversing those roles was irresistible. Also, with these particular characters, Lex isn't as close to Lois -- the last time he'd talked to her, she was blowing him off. Lex hasn't been sprayed with pheremone yet, so I figured he was enough of a businessman to know when to cut his losses.

All the same, Lex only intended to expose Clark. If Lois hadn't been draping herself all over Clark, Lex would have left her in place. And no doubt, tried to collect on the debt later.

Thanks, Caroline, and you're right -- some closets are made for kissing wink

Maria, I had Toni mention lawyers because she still wants to go legitimate, what with the MBA and all. She'd probably think better of it later -- "Your honor, these two falsified their employment contracts in order to spy on my criminal empire... err, wait..." but in the heat of the moment it seemed a natural enough threat.

Irene, I'm glad Lois's thoughts while singing worked... I generally avoid songfic like the plague <g> but this song was just too good to ignore.

Sherry! goofy

Merry, part 4 is coming right up! smile

Laura, yep, Lex is a rat. And he's not entirely done being one, either.

Alicia -- well, I'm sure they'd like to take care of Lex, but at the moment it seems like enough of a challenge just to take care of Toni! Give 'em another day or two to bring down Lex wink

Tricia... well, Clark being Clark, he manages to misinterpret things in a big way. But they get it sorted out fairly quickly smile

Thanks, Jen, "unpredictable" was what I was shooting for <g> And it's nice to hear you enjoyed the smoochie...

Jose, I don't think Lex is going to be asking for forgiveness anytime soon, do you?

Wow, the queen of untwists likes my untwist! goofy Come to think of it, Hazel, that's a fabulous word to add to our collective vocabulary... Anyway, good to know you're enjoying it.

Thanks, Barb. But... you *knew* I'd get them into the storeroom?? Ohmygosh, that means I've become... *predictable*! eek But I've got the episode nicely derailed now, so I think I'll be okay...

Well, Tank, I figured I was dealing here with a Lex who was interested in, but not obsessed with, Lois. And considering she's not making it very rewarding for him, I think she's just dropped off his list of People Who Matter. Foolish him.

Ah, Liz, if only life were that easy... don't you know yet that Lois can deny her feelings in almost any situation?

Thanks, everyone -- I've really been enjoying your comments!

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