Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: GidgetP Strangers that meet under the moonlight 2/? - 05/23/06 07:21 PM
This is still a work in progress and I only have one beta reader that hasn't even seen part of this so if anyone wants to volenture to be my beta reader I'd greatly appreciate it.

Anyways...the first part has Clark in Metropolis engaged to Lana who is a spoiled rich girl and Lois is just coming out of an acoma. This is based on the episode "Tempus Anyone" with alternate universe Lois & Clark.

Strangers that meet under the moonlight 2/?

As Clark was entering the newsroom he spotted Lana sitting on his desk waiting for him. Unfortunately she spotted him at the same time he spotted her so he had no time to change his jacket. He knew as soon as she saw his jacket that she would say something like, 'Why do you always feel like you have to save the world.'

At first when he got to his desk, she was all lovey-dovey with him but as soon as she noticed the tear in his jacket, she got really quiet and by the look on her face he knew she was very upset with him.

After a few minutes she started saying things like, "Why can't you just leave people alone.
They don't need your help. That's what the olice are for."

Clark retorted by saying, "I know but sometimes the police don't get there in time."

"So, that is not your problem it's their problem" Lana responded.

"I don't understand why you get so mad when I use my powers. Isn't it good that I use my
powers for good and not evil. Don't you think people in this world need a hero." Clark
was so upset that he almost knocked his fist through his desk. At the last minute he
realized what he was about to do and gently hit his desk.

"You don't need to save the world. There are everyday heroes out there that take care of
people. That is what they are paid to do." Lana whispered after that someone might hear
their argument.

"Yea but I can go into a fire and not get burned. I can run faster than a speeding bullet. I can shoot fire from my eyes. I can fly into outer space. How many other people can do
what I can. None, that's how many." Clark was fed up with her always telling him what to
do and how to act that he just wanted to be himself for a change.

"I know how you feel but what if someone else finds out what you can do and reports you to the government and they decide to dissect you into tiny little pieces." Lana was almost pleading with him.

"I know your right. I just wish I could help." Clark almost started crying but held it back
for fear that it would attract too much attention to their conversation.

"I know, it's okay. Maybe someday people will except you for who you are and not where you came from. Right now all you have is me and I love you and I hope that I'm enough." Lana said almost in tears herself.

"I'm so sorry. Yes you are enough and I love you too."

They hugged and decided to go to lunch another day when they weren't so upset with each


The lady finally came back with the glass of water Lois had asked for.

"Thanks, my throat is so soar." Lois said while taking the glass of water.

"You must be so tired and weak. It's understandable for what you've been through." The lady replied.

After she took a sip of the water and gave the glass back to the lady and asked, "What exactly have I been through and where am I."

"We found you out in the jungle, apparently you were being chased by someone or something. You are in a convent in the Congo's. I am a nun and we have been taking care of you for the past several months." The nun replied.

"Do you know exactly why I was in the Congo's or who could have possibly been following me to make me run out into the jungle." Lois was starting to get scared that the people who were following her could still possibly be after her.

"We have no idea why you were here or who could have been following you. By the time we found you, you were severely dehydrated and slipping into a coma." The nun replied.

"So there is no telling who was after me or what they wanted. Great, maybe they forgot about me by now." Lois was hoping they had because if they hadn't then she would be in big trouble.

"Well as far as we know no one has been asking about you in town. Maybe they lost interest in trying to find you." The nun replied.

"I hope your right." Lois said not sure what to think about everything happening.

"If you need anything, anything at all, my name is Sister Mary Alice." The nun stated before leaving the room.

Lois laid there just wondering who could be after her and what they could possibly want with her.


That night while trying to sleep, Clark dreamt of a dark harried lady but he could not see her face. He knew it could not be Lana because she has blond hair. He could not think of who this woman could possibly be. He could not think of any woman that would come close to what this woman looked like.

Clark wished he knew who this women was because he felt that she could possibly be the one person he was supposed to be with and if he didn't find her in time then he would have to actually go through with marrying Lana.

He had been in love with Lana for a long time now and every time they talked about the wedding or their life together he would always try to change the subject like it was something he did not want to talk about. Maybe he was hoping that this someone would come into his life and take him away from this life or maybe he was just anyting to get out of marrying Lana because he felt she didn't let him be himself. She was always trying to change him and make him into someone he didn't want to be.

He knew he had to find this woman but he had no idea where to start. He figured she must be someone from his past but he could not think of anyone he knew that would match the person he saw in his dreams.

After waking up from the dream of her, he could not go back to sleep so he decided to go
to his favorite place and watch the northern lights. He loved watching all the different
colored lights light up the sky. It was such a beautiful sight and at that moment he wished
he could brang his mistery woman from his dreams here to see all the lights.


That same night Lois was trying to sleep and was dreaming of a dark haired man wearing glasses. She could not remember if she knew him or not but for some reason he seemed familiar. She could not put her finger on what seemed familiar about him but she knew this man would make everything come together in her life.

She dreamt of being carried in this man's arms and flying over a city. She had no idea who this man was but he made her feel safe in his arms. In her dream they flew over Alaska and saw the northern lights. She had no idea how he could fly, she didn't think anyone on this earth could actually fly without a plane.

She felt so safe in this man's arms that she almost forgot they were flying. The northern
lights were so beautiful and it was so quiet and she felt so free. She loved flying with this
man and she was so upset when the dream ended that she almost screamed but instead she
just said, "Aww man."

The nun named Mary Alice was there and was wondering what kind of dream she was having.

When Lois told her about flying in a man's arm she just said, "That sounds like such a nice dream. I hope you dream more pleasent dreams like that."

To be continued.....
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