Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: GidgetP Stranges that meet under the moonlight, 1/? - 05/10/06 10:21 PM
This is a work in progress and the very first story I've written for this site. I still need a beta reader if anyone is interested. I have one right now but she isn't that good. This is only a very small part...anyways I hope you like it.

Strangers that meet under the moonlight
by gidget preston <gidget99usa@yahoo.com>
rating unknown

Even though Clark Kent was raised as a country boy, he always felt he was destined for
the big city life. He knew as soon as he turned eighteen that he would move away from
the country life and never come back. He went to college on scholarship and right after
college he decided to travel the world and see what else was out there. He learned lots of
different languages and customs which helped in his writing.

Living in the big city of Metropolis gave his so much pleasure. He loved helping others as
much as he possibly could without being recognized. Unfortunately his fiancé Lana didn't
like him using his powers so he always tried to help whenever she was not around or
likely to hear about it on the news.

Ever since he developed his abilities at the age of thirteen, which happened to be about
the same time he lost his parents in a car wreck, he wished he could separate his life into
two separate parts. One part for him to be himself and the other part to help save people
from disasters. If only he had a fiancé that didn't make him feel bad every time he tried to
help someone.

Clark loved working at the Daily Planet but he has often wondered what he would do if
the Daily Planet never existed. He often wondered what he would do without Jimmy, his
best bud in the whole world. Even though he was his editor and the owner of the Daily
Planet, he felt as if Jimmy was his brother.

He also felt like Perry White was his dad, which meant a lot to him since he lost his dad.
He loved going out and having an all guys night with them but he also felt like someone
was missing. He had no idea who could be missing but he knew whoever they were, they
were missed so much that he could barely go on living without them.

Even though he was engaged to Lana, there was someone in the newsroom that would
always flirt with him. Lana doesn't know about how this women acts when they are alone
together. Her nickname in the newsroom is Lover girl. She actually hits on almost
anything that is male and moves. The more handsome the guy the more charm she uses.
He is always trying to avoid her as much as possible but she always finds a way to be in
his face batting her lashes at him.

Her real name is Katherine or Cat for short. She always dresses so provocatively that
every guy in the newsroom fights for her attention. She mainly gives her attention to
Clark which drives all the men crazy especially since he refuses her advances every single
time. He is in love with his fiancé Lana that he grew up with.

Lana is from a rich family in the town he grew up in. She is the perfect example of a
spoiled little rich girl. Her father basically owns everything that the Luther's do not own.
Her aunt Neil is the one that actually raised her because her parents never had time for
her. They would always give her expensive things to make up for not being there for
special occasions like plays and recitals.

He has no idea how he and Lana got engaged. One day they were dating and the next day
they were engaged to be married. He doesn't even remember how he proposed or whether
or not it was a romantic type of proposal. He sometimes wishes they hadn't gotten
engaged so soon.

Right before he started dating Lana, he was dating a women by the name of Mason Drake
who was so in love with him. He didn't really feel the same way about her so they
eventually broke up and went their separate ways. Not long after that he was reunited
with his high school crush Lana.

He had always been in love with Lana since the first day of high school but he always felt
like something was missing in their relationship. He had no idea what could possibly be
missing but whatever it was it was something so big that they may never actually get

At the moment he is in the newsroom waiting for Lana to show up for their lunch date.
They always go out to lunch on Wednesday so they can catch up on each other's week.
The only thing he didn't like about their little luncheons is that she always wanted to go to
four star restaurants and he would rather go to out of the country restaurants. Lana doesn't
like to fly with him. She would rather fly in a plane.

All of the sudden he heard a cry for help. It sounded as though they were close by so he
decided to check it out and see if he could help.

When he got there he saw a little old lady being beaten. At super speed he pinned the
scum bag to the nearest brick wall and started helping the old lady up. As he was helping
her up, her watch got caught on his sleeve. As he was trying to get it free it ripped his

After freeing the lady's watch he turned around to see that the scum bag had peed his
pants. He figured all the commotion must have scared him. He waited there until the cops
showed up before leaving to make sure the guy didn't go anywhere. As soon as he saw a
cop approaching he flew off at super speed.


Lois stayed in acoma for several months and by the time she came out, she was so weak
and very thirsty. As soon as she opened her eyes she started to try and talk. The lady by
her bed caught her just in time. She started to try to tell her something but Lois could not
understand the language she was speaking.

She figured she must be in a foreign country or a least she hoped that was all that was
wrong with her. The women was wearing some sort of robe with a habit and Lois could
not understand why she would be dressed that way.

She couldn't remember anything about who she was or what had happened to her. She
figured her memory would come back as soon as she got her strength back and ate

Finally the lady started speaking in a language that Lois could understand.

"Do you remember anything that happened to you or anything about who you are or
where your from?" the lady asked not knowing what to expect from her.

"I don't remember anything. Do you have any idea who I am?" Lois was starting to get
impatient and wanted to know everything she could about herself.

"All we know is that your name is Lois Lane and that you're a reporter. I'm sorry if that's
not much help to you right now but that is all we know right now."

"Well at least that's more than I know right now. May I have a glass of water, my throat is
very dry."

"Of course. I'll be right back with a glass" the lady said as if she knew exactly what Lois

While she was gone, Lois tried to remember who she was and where she was from.
Unfortunately nothing came to her and she was in about the same situation as she was
before. She aleast knew her name and that she was a reporter but she didn't really feel like
a reporter at the moment.
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