Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Kent28 His Girl Lois 7/? by Kent28 - 05/09/06 03:38 PM
Thanks to Labrat for betareading. sorry this is so short--the muse was not cooperating very well for me and I had to beat it out of her. All fdk appreciated.

And now, Part 7:


Lois stood in shock, trying to squeeze the words out of her throat. No matter how hard she tried, they just wouldn't come. Some microcosmic portion of her brain was jumping up and down screaming “I knew it!”, but she was rejecting that portion currently in favor of the other Loises in her head. One of them was shredding a symbolic Clarkie bear into pieces while cursing, and another was scrambling desperately to search the “hard drive” for a snappy comeback, but failing in the attempt. Still another had fallen down in a heap, crying. All in all, there was a lot of chaos.

She shook herself, trying to convert the conflicting signals her brain was sending into one coherent message. Focusing back on the smug superhero before her, fortunately, served just that purpose, as all of her brainwaves merged into one tidal wave of anger.

And then, like a dam breaking, the words came out.

“Wipe that smile off your face, Clark Kent! How dare you! You lie to me for two whole years of marriage and you think this is *FUNNY*? I hope you don't think you can just drop this on me and it's all going to just be like it was before, buddy. Because it's not!”

Clark grimaced, and Lois felt just a tad better that her words were causing some sting of their own. Still, she pushed away any sympathetic feelings her conscience offered when he spoke.

“Of course not, Lois! Do you think I enjoyed lying to you? All I ever wanted was to have you embrace all of me – the real me! And having you on the outside of this tore me into pieces. How do you think it felt for me? All I wanted was to share this with you, but I loved you so much, I just couldn't stand the thought of you leaving me forever.”

“HA! So I suppose it was just easier for you to make the choice *for* me! It should have been my decision to make-- whether I stay or go! But instead you treat me like a child, is that how it works? What I wanted was a partner in this relationship, Clark, not someone controlling just like my father! But that's exactly what you were like! ARGH!”

At this she ran over to him and started pummeling him, as she fought to control the tears that were running down her cheeks.

“Lois, please stop! You'll hurt yourself. You can't hurt me that way, and I don't want to hurt you.”

Clark grabbed her flailing arms, and held them firmly, but gently. Lois gave up, mesmerized as his intense brown eyes pierced her with one of his most pathetic, puppy dog stares. It was then she became aware of the close proximity of his body to hers.

She swallowed a lump in her throat, and her cheeks flushed. She wondered at the heat that came from his hands, which cradled her wrists. Butterflies swirled in her stomach, all of which just confused her more.

Not really anxious to analyze these feelings, she sought some distance between them again and averted her gaze. Pulling her hand back slowly away, she turned and looked into the distance.

“Fine, Clark. Look, I'm pretty angry still, but I'm under control for now. And there's really no point in the anger, is there? I mean, It doesn't change anything. I'm glad you told me. Maybe I can at least have some closure now, but in the end I am still going to marry Daniel. Still, I'm glad you told me. At least now I know the truth.”

Regaining her composure, she turned back to Clark. Some shock registered as she realized a single tear was falling down his cheek.

Had she ever seen him shed tears before?

She searched for some stray memory to rise to the surface. Yes, now that she considered, he had before. Maybe on a rare occasion. On the night they had consummated their marriage.

Those had been jubilant tears,each one a testament to his love. And, of course, just a few. His eyes had watered as he had told her it was the most beautiful moment in his life. That she made him feel whole, like he finally belonged somewhere. She had known that was important to him.

After his parents had died in a car accident three years ago, he must've felt very alone. She had never realized how alone.

And the other occasion she had caught him crying was a year ago. He had stopped when she entered the room, shielding his face partially with his hand. She had walked in on him watching the news. There had been a huge earthquake in Chile two days before, and the devastation was on the television for the world to see. She had really thought him sensitive at the time.

Now, however, she realized he must've cried because he'd been there. As Superman. He'd seen it first hand. And he had shared it with no one.

Not even his wife.

Her heart ached for him, even as part of her didn't want it to. Not yet. Her pain was still too fresh.

Clark was about to say more, when the jail alarm went off. Pandemonium broke out in the street below, as every police officer in the building ran out the front door and began loading into squad cars.

Grateful for the distraction, Lois cut him off. “Listen, Clark, I'd love to continue this heart to heart, but something is happening down there. And I'm going to find out what it is. Now, are you going to join me or not?”

Turning back to the door leading into the building, she heard a whoosh behind her. Reeling back around, she noted his absence. Apparently, he was going down a different way.

Knowing he could probably hear her, she yelled, “Fine! I”ll see you at the bottom.”

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