Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Jenni Debb FDK - The Forgotten - Chapter 13 - 04/28/06 12:39 PM

I'm sorry I'm a bit late in posting.

This part might not have been quite what you've all been waiting for, but I do hope you've still enjoyed reading it.

Thanks, Marje, for being concerned about John. The doctor was pleased with his progress. The infection hasn't spread any further and that's got to be a good thing. smile

Yours Jenni
Posted By: CJW79 Re: FDK - The Forgotten - Chapter 13 - 04/28/06 01:38 PM

First off, glad to know your husband's infection hasn't gotten worse. I'll keep you in my prayers.

As for the story, I loved every word of this piece. I love the dialogue between Lois and Sara, reminds me of my own mom and sister's relationship. As much as I'm on the edge of my seat waiting for Lois and Clark to be reunited, thumbsup


P.S. clap
Posted By: Framework4 Re: FDK - The Forgotten - Chapter 13 - 04/28/06 01:46 PM
> I'm sorry I'm a bit late in posting.
Well worth the wait. Take all the time you need.

> This part might not have been quite what
> you've all been waiting for, but I do
> hope you've still enjoyed reading it.

It was delightful! hyper Please don't rush, getting there is half the fun.

I'm just glad it not one of SF writer David Weber's stories. He tends to leave the reunion scenes in many of his stories unwritten and jump past it leaving the reader to fill it in in their own mind.
Posted By: MaraElaineKent Re: FDK - The Forgotten - Chapter 13 - 04/28/06 02:15 PM
Not what we want? What?! This is great! So...real. I mean, you might expect some over the top reaction from Lois -- fainting, bursting into tears, etc -- but this...this is really nice, very true to life. Sometimes your reaction is just shock and confusion and even disbelief on a completely reasonable scale.

And the upcoming angst is so clear. It's gonna be a doozy...
Yet, attuned as Lois was to her children, she was oblivious of how deeply Vicky had buried her longings for Clark. The child hid her feelings well behind a wall of bubbling vitality and an insatiable curiousity about the world she lived in. If any members of the family suspected her loneliness it was the elder Kents
...like this. My trepadition on how Vicky's going to take all of this is growing to mammoth proportions. You've made everyone's love for Clark so evident that his recovery time is going to be excrutiatingly painful for the characters and readers alike. When he doesn't recognize Vicky, or Sarah, when he can't quite be the superhero dad Matt's been missing...I'm already crying over it.

And this!:
why had Clark not found his way home? He'd always said he'd come back to her. As long as he had life left in his body, he'd promised to return
Ah the doubt rears its ugly head! Those impossible questions -- why didn't he come home? -- even when they get answered are still going to leave some intense doubt behind. Lois and Clark's connection, their love, has always been so strong, has enabled impossible things to happen that the expectations for it are incredibly high. When Lois realizes that that love didn't lead Clark home...well, the doubts and the guilt she's probably going to be fighting already have me dying of angst!

Because without him you've lost your belief in happy endings.

And some mminor notes...I like the glimpse of Clark Lois got in the beginning. Nice connection there. And I loved the poignant "mom" worrying Lois does. It just really clarifies the fear she feels every time Matt goes off somewhere and reminds you that losing your husband to something your son has taken up isn't easy no matter how many years go by. Nicely done!

I will admit to some confusion though 1)(Minor) Why is Sarah's hair so light? 2) I thought Clark had been gone for six years, not four (Not that I'm complaining!)

So...loved it! Great chapter. Also, I'm not sure what going on with your husband's health, but I wish him a speedy recovery!
Posted By: mariadferdez. Re: FDK - The Forgotten - Chapter 13 - 04/28/06 02:55 PM

Great part. hyper hyper

Get used to fighting again, girl! You're going on an adventure; the most important trip of your life to bring Clark Kent or Letour, or whatever name he might be going by, back where he belongs.

Lois lifted her arms aloft and held them out towards her son. “Come on, Matt. Let's get going,” she demanded, impatience taking over. “We still have to take Sara to Grandma's before we head for China. So, why are we still standing here?”
hyper hyper

More ASAP, please.

MAF hyper
Posted By: Marjean Re: FDK - The Forgotten - Chapter 13 - 04/28/06 04:33 PM
Another well written chapter. I knew Lois would immediately make a connection with krypton! But why wasn't Matt affected--hmm. She'll soon find out.
I really enjoy your use of the telepathic connection between Lois and Clark. I'm a believer in that type of ESP. And your addressing my concern from waaaay back that Lois would become impatient with waiting was well done. Also, thanks for saying that Bernie's demise was of no concern, even if he is in his 70's. I appreciated that!
I look forward to next Friday.
Posted By: lovesuper97 Re: FDK - The Forgotten - Chapter 13 - 04/28/06 06:54 PM
yay yay ya he found him and told lois about clark being alive

lois will bring him back to himself i just know it

i'm glad to hear about john doing much better i'll keep you in my prayers
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK - The Forgotten - Chapter 13 - 04/28/06 09:18 PM
I'm relieved that John's infection hasn't become worse.

Second, because I have so little time here, please read MaraElaineKent's post and imagine it is mine! In particular, read her quotes.

I loved Lois's shock and doubt and her inability to deal with the good news that Clark is alive. Particularly that horribly nagging little question, "Has he deserted me? Rejected me? Chosen someone else over me, even? Because if he is alive, why else hasn't he come back to me? Why is our bond not there any more?"

And then, what is it going to be like for the children to get back a father who doesn't recognize them? Who may faint with horrible migraines just by looking at them?

The angst is building here. But your story is so overwhelmingly convincing and amazingly well written.

Posted By: TriciaW Re: FDK - The Forgotten - Chapter 13 - 04/29/06 02:25 AM

An excellent part! smile1 I'm thoroughly enjoying this.

Tricia cool
Posted By: lovetvfan Re: FDK - The Forgotten - Chapter 13 - 05/01/06 01:17 AM
I think this might have been the best chapter yet! I just love the reaction of Lois' and the way you had Sara listening in on the conversation. I must admit, I can't wait for Vickie to see her father.

This is just a wonderful story. More soon!
Posted By: Ultra Woman Re: FDK - The Forgotten - Chapter 13 - 05/02/06 12:23 PM
Jenni, glad to hear your husband is doing well. smile

Needless to say, other woderful chapter. thumbsup The better up till now. hyper You've made Friday my preferred day in the week. laugh

Andreia wink
Posted By: Jenni Debb Re: FDK - The Forgotten - Chapter 13 - 05/05/06 02:37 AM

Again, I'm so pleased you enjoyed this chapter so much. I've been very flattered by the way you've all stayed with this story. smile

I'll be posting the chapter you've been waiting for later today.

It's been a big week for reunions! wink

Yours Jenni
Posted By: KathyM Re: FDK - The Forgotten - Chapter 13 - 05/05/06 07:13 AM
Jenni, I've been terribly remiss up until now in not posting feedback. This story is incredible - well-paced, emotional, full of moments that make you go "awww" and the moments that make you shed a tear of anguish. I think you're doing an awesome job of portraying the varied and detailed emotions of what each person is going through, and you've created two delightful original characters in the MacDonnells.

I wasn't surprised that Matt didn't recognize his father instantly - you even made a comment about his night vision not being fully developed yet. And like everyone, I absolutely adored the bit about Matt knowing that smile anywhere. My heart definitely melted at that one.

The scene where Matt told Lois was perfectly done. And I love that Sara knows before Lois and Matt take off for China, although I'm astounded at the willpower that she's showing by not insisting to go along too. Yes, she obviously realizes that Matt can't carry three people back, but that wouldn't stop her longing to see her father instantly.

And I'm looking forward to the reunion immensely, whenever it comes. A moment to remember...

Posted By: Jenni Debb Re: FDK - The Forgotten - Chapter 13 - 05/05/06 01:14 PM

Just wanted to welcome Kathy on board and to thank her for taking time to say so many nice things. Oh, and I'm glad that you're still reading, Yvonne smile

Off to post ch 14. wink

Yours Jenni
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