Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Poussin Superman's wife 4/13 - 04/20/06 01:03 PM
The first three parts were a kind of a long introduction to my story. With Part 4, I'm really entering into the matters, and I hope you'll like it. smile

My beta reader gave me very judicious comments on a few paragraphs that didn't worked well, so it will be thanks to her if that part is good. Thanks, Kris! laugh

Previously, on part 3:

Henderson entered the conversation soothingly.

“Superman, it doesn’t matter what the police think about your relationship with Lois. We’re on the same side. We don’t want to harm her to control you, don’t worry. What matters here is that Intergang thinks that she IS your girlfriend. And I don’t think that your denial will be enough to convince them to let her alone.”

Superman thought about it a moment and proposed:

“I can stop being friendly with her in public like I did, and stop giving her exclusives, but she’ll make my life a nightmare. You know Lois, Inspector… She’ll chase me to death to have exclusives… What can I do?”

“Yes, I know her. Anyway, we need you to do more than just stop giving her exclusives. To convince the criminals that Lois Lane isn’t your girlfriend, you’ll need to do much more than that. But lucky you, I have a plan.”


And now, part 4:


Okay, Henderson had Superman's attention. He leaned forward, waiting to hear more, but the inspector stayed silent, looking the super-hero in the eyes.

“A plan?” prompted Superman.

“Yes, Superman. A plan that would protect Lois by convincing Intergang that she isn’t your girlfriend, and which will give the police a chance to identify the criminals behind the organisation, and put them away. For the first time, we have a chance to stop Intergang.”

Superman was astounded. If Henderson really had a plan to do all that, then that was a chance that they couldn’t pass up. To stop a dangerous international criminal organisation, without put Lois in any kind of danger, that was a great plan.

But something inside Superman was nagging him. If Henderson’s plan was so great, why hadn’t he announced it yet? Obviously, there was a “but” somewhere. And he had the strange feeling that he wouldn’t like it. Henderson wouldn’t be so hesitant about telling him what the plan was otherwise.

“If you’re sure that you can do all that, that’s great Inspector. So, what are you thinking?”

Superman noticed that Henderson hesitated a second or so before answering, looking towards Andrea, as if he didn’t quite know how to tell him what he had to. Definitely not something he would like, Superman thought again.

“I was thinking about giving a deserving young police officer who’s dreaming to work under cover a chance to do just that.”

Henderson smiled at Andrea, who returned the smile, clearly pleased. Superman looked from one police officer to the other. Henderson’s response wasn’t quite the explanation Superman had hoped for. Still, he didn’t need to be a genius to figure that that woman, Andrea Flynn, would be part of the mysterious plan.

Superman had just opened his mouth to ask the inspector what the plan was exactly, when Henderson turned back to him and spoke again. His tone was casual and friendly, as if he had forgotten all about the urgent business they were supposed to be discussing.

“Superman, have you ever thought about marriage?”

Superman was taken aback by the question, very surprised by the abrupt shift in the conversation. And it was a conversation he didn’t want to have with anybody, much the less the burly police officer in front of him, but now that the question had been asked, how could he escape answering it, and protect the Superman persona at the same time? He didn’t want anyone to think at Superman like an ordinary guy. If they were beginning to imagine him that way, it wouldn’t take long before people saw through his disguise… Plus, he knew he couldn’t lie and say that he never thought about it, and be credible at the same time. He always dreamed of the day he could marry the woman he loved…

Clark shifted uncomfortably in his seat, praying Henderson would just get back on track before the pause in conversation stretched into awkward silence. Fortunately, he didn’t have to answer. Henderson spoke again, as if he didn’t notice the lack of response from Superman. Actually, he seemed completely oblivious of the superhero, completely lost in the memories that his apparent non sequitur brought to the surface.

“I was married once. She was a schoolteacher. She was great. We had two children, you know. My family was the most important thing in my life. Once, a guy, a criminal tried to kill them. I had put his brother in jail, and he wanted revenge. His family against mine. I was lucky; he failed. But, you know how life is for a police inspector. You’re never sure when you can go home. You’re called in the middle of the night. You’re threatened, as well as your family almost everyday. My wife had enough of all that, and there were difficulties in my marriage. So when this guy tried to kill her and the children, she couldn’t take more, and she filed for divorce,” explained Henderson with a little trace of pain in his voice. “She had custody. That was a long time ago. The kids are in college now,” added he more soberly, looking anew at Superman, as if remembering that he wasn’t alone.

Superman could understand why the threat against Lois had stirred up memories of Henderson’s own situation, but it was still a bit awkward to listen to him tell such a personal story, and he didn’t really want to hear more. That was way too close of what he always dreaded for those he loved. His parents. His friends. Lois…

He also didn’t want the conversation to stay on the personal level it had somehow ended up on. He didn’t want to answer any questions about his personal life, not when he was in his Superman persona anyway. And definitely not when he’d done such a pathetic job of convincing the two police officers that he wasn’t Lois’s boyfriend.

And most of all, he didn’t want to lose sight of the fact that Lois’s life was in danger because of Intergang’s threats, and he still hadn’t the slightest idea of what Henderson’s plan was, except that Andrea would play a role, and that he probably wouldn’t like it.

He really needed to bring this conversation back to the point.

“Inspector, I’m sorry, really. That’s a horrible thing to have to go through, I’m sure, but can we get back to the subject at hand, please. What’s your plan?”

He tried not to sound heartless or impatient but they really had much more important things to discuss, and he needed to make that clear.

“The subject at hand? But that’s exactly what we’re talking about, Superman. What better way to prevent Intergang from attacking your girlfriend--I’m mean… your ‘just-a-friend’ Lois” he chuckled,” than to give them a better target. And to blackmail you, who’s a better target than your beloved wife?”

Maybe he was dense, or maybe he just missed some clue, but he didn’t understand a word that Henderson was saying.

“My ‘beloved wife’? But I’m not married! And even if I was, I certainly wouldn’t run around announcing it to dangerous criminal organizations! “

Superman began to feel a little angry. He wasn’t married, but if he was, then how could Henderson suggest that he ask his wife to become a target for criminals in order to save Lois? Was the man crazy? Hadn’t he learned anything from his own experience? But surprisingly, Henderson was smiling during Superman’s speech.

“And I totally agree with you, Superman! Of course you’d have to protect your wife by keeping it a secret if you were married. I’m in 110% behind you. Protecting the woman you love and your family from criminals should definitely be the most important thing to consider. The problem is that, right now, your hypothetical wife isn’t the one in danger. It’s Lane’s life that’s at stake. And you want to change that, Superman, right?”

Oh, he played dirty! Of course he wanted to change that. He loved her! And here he thought that Henderson figured out that Lois was the only one he wanted to marry one day? After all, he didn’t seem to believe him when he denied that she was his girlfriend.

“Of course, Inspector, I want to save Miss Lane.”

“Well, do you have another idea to prevent Intergang from attacking her? Because I really think the best way to push Lane into the shadows would be to put another woman under the light.”

Superman began to see a pattern, but he was just appalled by the idea. Surely Henderson wasn’t saying what he thought he was saying? No… that just wasn’t right. He had guessed that he wouldn’t like the plan, but… If Henderson was really implying what he thought, then he’d have to make it clear that he’d never do such a thing.

“You want me… to pretend I’m married to an innocent woman who’d be bait for the criminals so that you can arrest them when they try to kidnap her?”

Henderson smiled again, amused by the horrified tone of the superhero. Yep, he’d guessed right. Superman didn’t like his idea. He’d have to play his cards very carefully to convince him to agree.

“Not an innocent woman, Superman, but a well trained police officer for whom that is the job. And she’d be very well covered by our services. She’d be one of us, and we don’t let down our partners. Don’t worry. She’ll be safe.”

Superman frowned. He wouldn’t ever agree to do it, and Henderson must know it was absolutely out the question. But before he could tell him that he’d never do such a thing, the inspector spoke again.

“She’ll be completely safe,” he repeated. “And so will Lois Lane.”

Superman clenched his teeth. Henderson played really dirty.

“Superman, help the police do their job. Let the undercover police officer do her job and pretend to be your wife, and help us to assure Lane’s safety.”

A police officer… Hadn’t Henderson implied that Andrea would have a role in this cockamamie plan? Afraid to have guessed right, Superman looked at the silent young woman who’d grilled him on his relationship with Lois.

Henderson watched Superman looking uncertainly from himself to Andrea, and back again. He smiled. He’d figured it out, and, even if his face spoke volumes about what he thought about the plan, he still hadn’t said anything against it.

“Superman. Andrea. I now pronounce you husband and wife. You can introduce the bride to the world.”

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