Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Poussin Superman's Wife 1/13 - 04/12/06 11:17 AM
Here my second fanfic. I still have trouble with english, but hopefully I made less mistakes than last time, and I made all my excuses for the tipoes that are still there. That wasn't beta-readed.

I inspired myself from an episode of the show "The adventures of Superman" with Georges Reeves to write this story ( I even borrowed the title of the episode), so any resemblances are not accidental. goofy

And I hope you'll enjoy my story, even if it begins VERY SLOWLY before becoming interesting.

Any feedbacks is very welcome, the bad ones like the good ones.



Like every night, Andrea went home alone. She didn't have anybody to share her life with. She decided long ago that her job was most important than a social life. And since her job was a dangerous one, it would be irresponsible to found a family anyway.

But sometimes, like that night, she thought that could be great to have a boyfriend who would be waiting for her when she goes home. Someone to talk to about her day at work. Someone to help her relax.

She thought about that all day. Maybe she was wrong to consider her carrier more important than her personal life. And when she finally went home, she felt depressed at the sight of her empty apartment.

Most of the time, that was okay, but some days, she didn't want to be alone, and she doubted that her job was worth it.

She put a pizza in the microwave and sat in the kitchen waiting the ringing that will tell her she can eat. While she waits, she was thinking that maybe she felt that way because nothing happened at work for some time now. She became police officer because she wanted to catch the bad guys, so when there wasn't bad guys to catch, after a few day, she begins to think that her work wasn't worth the sacrifice of her personal life.

She was a young and pretty girl, and she could find a boyfriend easily if she wanted to, and when the crime rate was so quiet in Metropolis, she really has trouble remember why her job was more important.

The ringing of her phone interrupted her thoughts.

"Andrea Flynn," she said tiredly when she picked up the phone.

"Andrea, that's Murray."

Immediately Andrea forget her bad mood and felt adrenaline rise. Her heart raced. She knew Murray for months. He lived in the street, and always heard very interesting things. When he calls her, that's always because something's happening. Maybe the city wasn't so quiet after all...

"Yes Murray. What's going on?"

"I heard something that will interest you. But it's really big, so I can't tell you on the phone. Come to see me, you won't regret it. I'm pretty sure you will have that promotion you're waiting for after that."

"I'll be there in half an hour. Wait for me."

Forgetting the pizza in the microwave, she put on her coat and her shoes and goes out with a smile. She remembered pretty well now why her job was important. Even if the bad guys could go quiet sometimes, they were still there.

And anyway, if she had a boyfriend, he will be kind of upset right now to see her go out at this time of the night for her work, she added mentally to herself. So it's definitely better that way.

On the road, she smiled again, remembering the comments Murray made about the promotion she was waiting for.

She just finished her classes to become a police officer a little more than a year ago, just before Superman came in town. She was the best student of the police academy, so she was directly send to the central police station of Metropolis after the exams. Since then, she worked for the inspector Henderson. She liked him; he was his friend and a good detective. That was great to work for him.

But since childhood, she was dreaming to become an inspector of police herself, and do all the things she saw in the police movies: working under cover, setting trap for the criminals...

When she grew up, she understood that to be a police detective wasn't like in the movies, but she still wanted to become an inspector. She hoped that his boss, Inspector Henderson will help her to have the promotion she wanted. And to convince him that she'd be a great inspector, she decided to help him to do his job in all the way she could.

She began to develop friendship, or to become acquainted with some people who knew people... to know what was going on on the street. Murray was one of them. He was a very reliable source. He never told her anything that wasn't true. He was a good guy, and if he says to her that he knows something important, she could trust him.

She didn't has a clue about what it will be, but she was sure that Henderson will be happy when she'll repeat to him what Murray will tell her tonight. And maybe soon, she'll become inspector.


The ringing of his phone wake up Clark in the midst of a very pleasant dream about Lois. He looked at his clock. 3:18 in the morning. He sighed but picked up the phone anyway. Who else apart Lois could be phoning him at 3:18 in the morning. And hear her voice for real was probably better than to dream about... err… Or maybe not.


"Clark Kent?" asked a male voice. The voice was familiar but definitely not Lois'.

"Yes, who are you?"

"Inspector Henderson."

Clark was incredulous.

“Inspector Henderson? Is 3:18 AM.”

“Really Kent? Sorry. That’s important. Can you contact Superman quickly and discreetly?”

“Superman? Why? What’s going on, Inspector?”

“Sorry Kent. I can’t tell you. Can you contact Superman?”

“Yes. He will be at the police station in a few minutes. I contact him right away.”

“Than… No, Kent, wait. Hang on a minute, please.”

Clark was waiting. By the phone, he heard Henderson talk to someone else, a woman, but he couldn’t really understand the words that were spoken, even with his super-hearing. He began to be anxious. Henderson never phoned him before to ask for Superman. Apparently, something really serious was happening.

“Kent? You still here?”

“Yes, Inspector.”

“Sorry to have awakened you at this hour of the night. Finally, I won’t need Superman to come right away. Can you tell him to come tonight at the police station, please? At 8:00 PM, that will be great.”

“You sure? He can be there in a minute.”

“Yes. I need to made some things before he comes.”

“Okay, Inspector. I’ll pass the message on him.”

“Thanks Kent. Oh, and… Tells nothing to Lane. Tells nothing to anyone, but especially not to your partner. Can I count on you?”


“Thanks again. Goodnight Kent.”

As the policeman hung up, Clark was really puzzled. Something was wrong, really wrong. And he won’t know what that was before many hours. Why Henderson wanted to see Superman? And why so much discretion? The comments about not telling Lois was worrying him still more. What what’s going on?

Clark goes out of bed and put his Superman’s suit on. He knew he won’t be able to sleep more that night. He needed to make a patrol over the city to be sure everything was still quiet. And maybe check on Lois’s apartment as well. Just to be sure she was all right.

He launched himself towards the sky, really tense, all memories of his sweet dream about Lois forgotten.


Clark came early to the Planet. Jimmy and some other co-workers seemed surprised to see him. He had the habit to be late. And even when he was at the Planet in time, he still came after Lois, except when she picked him up at his apartment to go to work together. But that day, he was here before her, and that was the first time ever.

He was so engrossed in his thoughts, he didn’t even notice the surprise of his colleagues.

His patrol over the city didn’t reveal anything. Everything was very quiet in Metropolis, but obviously something was going on. Henderson wouldn’t have phoned in the middle of the night for nothing. But he couldn’t figure what was wrong.

He talked to his sources and nobody knew anything. Apparently, everything was as quiet as it looked. But obviously not. When he checked on Lois’s apartment during his patrol, he saw two guys waiting in a car, face to her building. He knew these guys. They were policemen; they worked for Henderson, and they were watching Lois’s apartment in civvies.

To see that hadn’t calmed down his anxiety. Henderson wouldn’t made such a thing without a strong motive. Why was he spying on Lois?

He checked the hour. Only 8:04 AM. He still had twelve hours to wait before to know.


When he saw Lois go out of the elevator, he mentally hit himself. He had to act as his normal self or Lois will guess something was wrong, and Henderson was very precise about that. Lois can’t know a thing.

Still, he was on alert the entire time, ready to protect her if there was trouble. But the workday spent pretty well. Nothing happened, and Clark was beginning to become crazy. He was wary of everything, since he didn’t know what the danger was. And still, there must be a danger. When Lois and he were going out of the office of the mayor, after the interview the mayor gave them, he noticed two other men who were following them.

He knew them too. They were still men of Henderson. He saw them many times when he was dealing with emergencies as Superman.

Just… What was going on?

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