Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Jenni Debb FDK - The Forgotten - Chapter 10 - 04/07/06 01:57 PM

Now I'm sure you'll know which direction I'm heading in. I hope you approve. wink

Yours Jenni
Posted By: mariadferdez. Re: FDK - The Forgotten - Chapter 10 - 04/07/06 03:59 PM

Great part. thumbsup
Yeah, you're headed to the Far East! You're going to put Matt and Clark together in the middle of a disaster and Clark will go nuts trying to remember who he is, and Matt will go nuts trying to be a superhero and a son with a suddenly not-so-missing father, all at the same time. You've set yourself a difficult task to unravel all this.

But I have every confidence that you'll do exactly that, and do it to everyone's satisfaction (in the story, anyway). This is an excellent story, one I've enjoyed since the very beginning. I am breathlessly awaiting the next installment. Heck, this is better than the old Flash Gordon serials!

I only hope Lois's life insurance is paid up.
Posted By: MaraElaineKent Re: FDK - The Forgotten - Chapter 10 - 04/07/06 05:36 PM
Hope! Finally! And that ending line? very clever...
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK - The Forgotten - Chapter 10 - 04/07/06 11:34 PM
I absolutely love the way you set this up, Jenni. So relentlessly logical, so perfect!

I worry a little about what will happen to Clark when he sees Matt, if he starts remembering him. That thing that has been done to his head, so that he gets horrible attacks of migraine or worse when he remembers anything from his past. Talk about being overwhelmed when he meets Matt. Perhaps it's just as well that Matt wears that cowl, so that Clark probably won't quite recognize him.

Anyway, Jenni, this has been such a wonderful story. And you keep us at the edge of our seats all the time. We can finally see where you are going, but not how you are going to accomplish it. And I can't wait to see how you will resolve all of this!

Posted By: Cornelia Re: FDK - The Forgotten - Chapter 10 - 04/08/06 01:02 AM
That´s what I have been waiting for! Matt on the way to China and "Letour" getting his powers back. I always wondered how you were going to get him out of China without a passport or an identity or his powers. Now I know! And Bernie Klein will find the reason for his amnesia as soon as he x-rays Clark´s head! But what are you going to do with his missing finger? That´s not good for the old secret identity thing!

I´m eagerly waiting for the next chapter!


Hey, Cornelia - welcome to the boards! Just in case you're now thoroughly confused laugh - I've shifted your comment on Jenni's story into this comments folder. Here on the mbs, we have a system of keeping comments and story parts separate. Comments go into the separate comments folder, rathe than being tacked onto the end of the story post, as they might be on other forums. I know it's confusing, working out how different systems operate on different forums. laugh LabRat smile
Posted By: TriciaW Re: FDK - The Forgotten - Chapter 10 - 04/09/06 01:40 AM

Another excellent part! smile1

Tricia cool
Posted By: Marjean Re: FDK - The Forgotten - Chapter 10 - 04/09/06 04:35 PM
Ah, Jenni, as several others have already said: great part of the story. I just knew that Matt would go to his father's rescue -- of course, he doesn't know that's what's in store for him.
I love Marje. That one doesn't like to cook, either. You have drawn her as a competent business-type woman who also is warm and caring and has a good sense of humor. I like that in my namesake!<g>
As you can tell, I've gotten past my despondency over Clark's being gone. Now that I analyze my former feelings, I think what bothered me most was his inability to be himself. And, you see, you drew that picture of him so well that I was truly troubled by it.
Posted By: Ultra Woman Re: FDK - The Forgotten - Chapter 10 - 04/11/06 01:17 PM
Hi, Jenni! smile1 I can barely wait!

But I'll be out Friday and through the weekend. frown Oh, heavens, I'll have wait untill Monday to get my fix. It'll be a looong waiting. notworthy notworthy
Posted By: lovetvfan Re: FDK - The Forgotten - Chapter 10 - 04/11/06 03:36 PM
This was an excellent chapter! I was also wondering how you would manage to get "Letour" and his son to come into contact with one another. This is well plotted and I am eagerly awaiting the next bit!

“Come on, Mac, why would I ever see Superman?” Letour experienced a weird need to defend himself... but from what? “America is a big place and it's not like I'm going to bump into him walking down the street. From what I've heard, Superman was based in Metropolis and I have no idea where in the States I came from. Chances are I lived somewhere totally different... like Illinois or Kansas. In fact, if you hadn't told me, I wouldn't even know I was an American.”
He he! What if he were Canadian? We do sound similar y'know wink I know he's not (obviously), but it's a funny thought.
Posted By: Jenni Debb Re: FDK - The Forgotten - Chapter 10 - 04/13/06 12:49 AM

Again, thank you every one for continuing to comment on my story.

Marge, I'm glad you like your namesake. I'm not sure why I chose that name, she was just Marje, right from the moment she was introduced into the story. The name just seemed to fit. wink

Also, I tried to show that Clark, having lost everything, his memory, his identity and his home, would still retain his essence... his intrinsic humanity and compassion. I'm not sure if I succeeded, but that was my intention.

And since it is a holiday weekend and some people might be away from home, I'm going to try hard to post the next chapter later today, but I'm having a lot of work done on my kitchen right now and my house is in a shambles. It will be worth the hassle when it's finished, I hope. smile

Yours Jenni
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