Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: TOC FDK: A Million Little Pieces 5/? - 04/06/06 11:03 AM
This is another beautiful chapter. There are a number of real gems here:
Beep. Beep. Beep.

The steady, mechanical sound somewhere above her head reached her, dragging her from her dark, soundless retreat. It was softer than it should have been, somehow - like it was underwater.

Go away. I like it here.
I just love the way you make us realize that Mayson thinks she is hearing the unwelcome beeping of her alarm clock, rousing her from her oh-so-comfortable sleep. It's quite moving to see this double exposure of Mayson: the broken woman in the hospital bed, who thinks she is the healthy and capable DA being woken by her alarm clock to go to work.

And I love this:
Breathing hurt, she decided. Her breath hitched when she took in a hurried gulp of air.

But better to breathe than ... not, she conceded fuzzily, wondering when she'd become such a master of the obvious.
I love this. Isn't there a poem which goes something like this, "It's better to have lived and loved, than never to have..." and then something I can't remember. And, of course, I'm also reminded of a paraphrase of the most famous quote of them all, "To breathe, or not to breathe, that is the question"!

And I totally love this:
She experimantally cracked open one eye, but immediately closed it.

Ow. Feels like Athena wants out.
Ouch! Mayson has a headache to match that of Zeus when his daughter Athena was born out of his head! This was priceless! And I don't know if it was in any way intentional, but Mayson's "Ow" reminds me of Athena's sacred bird, the owl. In any case, it was perfect.

And now this:
Wake up, sleepyhead, she scolded herself. Ignore the hurt.

She forced her eyes open, bracing herself for the agony she was sure would follow.

Warm brown eyes, full of concern, stared down at her.

Mayson struggled to focus, failing miserably. His features were soft and indistinct, but she thought she'd seen him before.

"Hi," the man said quietly, giving her a tight, forced smile.

I do know you, Mayson thought woozily.

"You - " she whispered, wincing with the effort. "You're ... him."

Oh, God. Clark froze. How does she know? He was wearing his glasses. His white shirt was completely buttoned, covering the Suit and unmistakable S-emblem. She couldn't know -

"Who?" he asked warily, taking an involuntary half-step backward.

"The man - " Mayson paused and swallowed with difficulty. Was her throat stuffed with cotton? She couldn't seem to make her voice work how she wanted. " ... I love," she finished, her voice barely audible.
I absolutely love Mayson's reaction to Clark here. But I also love Clark's reaction to Mayson immediately afterwards:
Clark raked an unsteady hand through his hair, sadness and guilt roiling in his gut. He looked at Mayson, bruised and broken, and really saw her for the first time since they'd met. He saw a beautiful, intelligent, capable woman who was much more vulnerable than the image she projected.
I love this scene - the completely unguarded, naked vulnerability, tenderness and need to protect. It's so moving, Angelic, that you almost - almost, mind you - make me think it would be right for Clark to love Mayson. Except that it absolutely wouldn't be right, of course! But he can, and probably should, at least care for her.

And then Lois makes her entrance, and I'm quite curious to see how the meeting between Lois, Clark and Mayson will play out.

Lovely chapter, Angelic.

I'm not pointing and I'm not laughing, Angel. This is a very touching piece, and I agree with you that Mayson was a very interesting character who was underused in the show. I always liked that tough, hard exterior coupled with her wistful vulnerability when dealing with Clark and his indecision.

And since it's set when it is, you could go any way at all with it. You could set up a love rectangle with Clark and Lois and Dan and Mayson, or you could pair off Dan and Mayson and let Lois dance around Clark for a while longer, or you could go in a completely different direction.

And I like the way Clark is learning about Mayson's feelings for him. It's going to present him with a tough choice: respond to her overtures (which could be interpreted, falsely or accurately, as pity) or gently reject her advances (which might or might not give Lois the push towards Clark she needs).

I like this. You're handling Mayson's life with sensitivity and grace. Keep up the good work!
Posted By: TriciaW Re: FDK: A Million Little Pieces 5/? - 04/09/06 01:37 AM
I've just caught up this this story. smile

It's excellent. smile1

Tricia cool
Posted By: Dave Re: FDK: A Million Little Pieces 5/? - 04/11/06 05:15 PM
Brilliant again. smile

I really liked that moment of conciousness before she slipped under again. You write Mayson POV so well. smile

Loved the last scene, I think there was bit of head hopping, but I still loved it. So raw and... I really felt Clark's panic when Mayson said he was "him". <g> Marvelous. smile
Hey, where did this one go? I'm curious to learn how Clark manages both Mayson and Lois. Will Lois open up to him or push him into the blonde ADA's arms? Will Clark confess his dual identity to either (or both) of these ladies? Will they find Mayson's attacker in time? Will they crack the case as a trio and try to move forward from there?

Please. I'm asking nicely. Is there more, and when can we read it?
Posted By: angelic_editor Re: FDK: A Million Little Pieces 5/? - 05/01/06 10:40 AM
Thank you guys so much for your incredible feedback! Ann, Terry, Tricia and Dave -- you guys have given me hope that not everyone hates to see Mayson-friendly fic on these boards, which makes me so so so happy. Honestly, I was so worried when I began posting this piece that everyone would absolutely hate it. I can't thank you all enough for your amazing feedback.

And, as I've said before, I don't think my Mayson will ever end up with Clark. He and Lois belong together; they're soul mates, through and through. I'm just as interested as you guys to see how this all plays out! I never know what'll happen until I sit down at my keyboard, as scary as that might be!

And Terry, I'm so sorry I didn't reply to your last post sooner! You *are* asking very nicely, and I pinky-promise I'm not ignoring the boards, at least on purpose! The last few weeks have been ... y'know, I don't even think there's a word for the sleep deficit I've racked up and all the projects I've helped produce for my student-run newspaper and for class. I did post an apologetic update last week, just to let everyone who's interested in the "Terms" series and "A Million Little Pieces" that I'm not dead, and neither are the stories; it can be found here .

Again, thank you all for your lovely feedback and your infinite patience with one scatterbrained, stretched-too-thin soon-to-be college grad! I hope to have the final part of "Terms of Endearment" and the next chapter of "A Million Little Pieces" up by the end of the week.

*hugs all around*

And now, must feed my Starbucks addiction to better prepare for finals.
Posted By: MaraElaineKent Re: FDK: A Million Little Pieces 5/? - 05/01/06 11:28 AM
Hate it? Where, or where, did you get the idea that we'd hate Mayson friendly fic? I personally love the idea of exploring more Mayson. I was going to write a fic with that premisse, but since you've beat me to the punch (SOOOOOOO WELL!!!) I can give up that idea without any regrets. This story is awesome! Very well written with great emotional explorations. Swell job! Now, *I* have to go feed my...well, coffee addiction. Can't afford Starbucks (darn starving college student status!) Good look on your finals! (God knows I'm going to need it on mine!)
Posted By: angelic_editor Re: FDK: A Million Little Pieces 5/? - 05/13/06 01:24 AM
Mara, thank you! Seriously, your comments blew me away; "thank you" doesn't even begin to cover it.

I'm so so so excited that this lil' Mayson-friendly fic has been so well-received. Before I began posting the story, I just had a nagging feeling that it could go either way — fabulous if I could pull it off, or absolutely abysmal if I couldn't. Thankfully, the amazing FDK it's received has reassured me that you guys are more than willing to take a second, closer look at everybody's favorite assistant DA, and that faith is much appreciated!

Also, please please please don't give up on a Mayson-centric fic on my account — I'll be looking for it on the boards. wink
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