Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: FinLi Sweet Dreams 1/2 - 04/05/06 08:13 AM
By Fin Li (fin.li@verizon.net)
Rated: PG
Submitted: April 2006

Clark needs to tell Lois that he is Superman. It’s the only thing that can save their rocky relationship. Unfortunately, Metropolis has a new crime boss with ambitions for our reporter team and Superman that could prove fatal. With Lois being held in the Lex towers, can Superman reach her in time? Will Clark finally tell her the truth? Or will it be too late for the both of them?

A story set in Season 2

Warning: I don’t write warnings about my stories, simply because I don’t like to give anything away. Read at your own risk…. oh, come on you know you want to read it.



“Come on Clark, where are you.” Lois muttered under her breath, tapping her foot impatiently, as she listened as the phone ring repeatedly on the other end of the line and with every ring she became more and more irritated.

Being in love with Clark gave her a wonderful feeling, but the relationship was more complicated than she thought it would ever be. He had become increasingly distracted lately, not to mention scarce. He was always running off when she needed his help or, she rolled her eyes, when she had something important to say.

“Well” She thought determinately to herself as she straightened the jacket of her navy blue suit. “When this assignment is over, I’m going to have a little chat with Mr. Kent.”

Meanwhile, at the Daily Planet the phone on Clark Kent’s desk rang for the seventh time before he finally reached it. Looking around the newsroom he was surprised and grateful to see that it was so empty. Even Perry was nowhere to be seen. Pushing the thought out of his mind, he buttoned the last two buttons on his shirt, and picked up the phone.

“Clark Kent” he answered, adjusting his necktie and shrugging into his dark charcoal jacket.

“Clark,” an urgent voice answered. “Where have you been, I’ve been calling you for the past five minutes.”

He winced; it was Lois and she sounded really mad. He frantically searched for a good excuse. “Sorry Lois, I uh, must have dozed off.” He winced again, pulling the phone away from his ear slightly as her exasperated voice blasted through the phone.

“What! You dozed off!!! We are supposed to be investigating a story and you DOZED OFF!”

He pushed his hand through his thick black hair, frustrated that once again he had to lie about what he had been doing. He loved Lois more than anything else in the world and it killed him to have to be dishonest to her in any way. He wanted to tell her the truth, the truth that he had just saved a busload of children from sliding off the road across town and then had diverted a toxic chemical spill. But because he hadn’t had the guts to tell her the one very important detail about himself …that he was Superman, he would just have to endure her bad mood.

“Look, I’m in Mr. Lock’s office at the Lex tower and I’ve been doing some snooping around.” Her hushed voice snapped him back to the present. “And” she continued, “I think he has been lying about not having any involvement with Intergang. I found some files that seem to link him to the organization, but I can’t be sure. He’s been a lot more careful in concealing his involvement than most crime bosses we’ve investigated. We need to do some more digging, so get over here right away.”

“Lois,” he interrupted her. “You need someone to watch your back. You should have waited for me”.

“Yes, I do need someone to watch my back Clark.” She hissed. “My part-ner.” she emphasized the word. “You do remember what a partner is don’t you?” she asked sarcastically. “You know the person who is there for you, and is in the relationship 50-50. Like in a marriage.”

“Ok, ok,” he tried to calm her down. Guilt needled at him, she wasn’t just talking about being reporters, but also about their struggling relationship. He silently vowed to himself that he would make it right, somehow, but right now he had other considerations. “I’ll be there as soon as I can, just be careful,” he cautioned her.

He started to hang up when his super hearing picked up voices coming from outside the room she was in. “Lois,” He tried to sound calm, “I would feel better if you got out of there. Go wait for me in the lobby, I’ll only be a few minutes.” He pleaded with her.

“Relax Clark” she replied casually, flipping through some more papers. “He won’t be back for hours, there is some big business convention going on downstairs. She glanced at her watch. “And I know for a fact that Mr. Lock is giving a speech at this very moment.” She sounded brazenly confident. “Besides, I’ve only been in his office for a few minutes. I still have some”…her sentence was cut short and she went quiet as she heard the doorknob turn.

“Lois, get out of there!” Clark pleaded with her, but it was too late.
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