Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: LabRat A Little Insurance - Comments - 03/29/06 11:10 AM
Well, you know I enjoyed this one, Janet.

I just love that little moment that begins the story, with Clark observing Lois with such humour and affection. Which then leads into that lovely little opener:

Smile broadening, Clark straightened up and moved forward as she approached. She glanced up and saw him at the same moment, and he was suddenly on the receiving end of a smile so brilliant and beautiful he almost floated up off the sidewalk.

“Hey, gorgeous,” she said, stopping in front of him. Bending down, he kissed the tip of her nose before replying.

“Hello, beautiful,” he said, punctuating his greeting with a more lingering kiss on her upraised lips. “Errands all run?”
Clark tugged her gently against his side in a half hug as she stopped talking long enough to take a deep breath. She snuggled into him, tipping her head up and smiling at him, and he dropped a quick kiss onto her mouth.
Clark laughed, tightening his arm around her for a moment before letting her go as the elevator doors opened. Stepping into the empty car, Lois laughed too, shaking her head.
Absolutely adorable.

And the emotional warmth continues throughout, making for a deliciously WAFFy vignette.

“I think you’re brilliant,” he replied, also rising to his feet, “and beautiful, and sweet, and a *fantastic* investigative reporter –“ She laughed up at him as he included the last bit. “And accomplished, and sexy –“ His voice had dropped to a husky whisper that sent shivers over her skin. With each adjective, he’d moved closer to her, until she was in his arms. Bending his head, he kissed her gently, then more fiercely as she moaned softly and responded with enthusiasm.

After several delightful minutes, he raised his head, then shook it gently at her as she began to catch her breath again. Breathing just as quickly, he murmured, “You, my love, are definitely habit-forming - a habit I’m delighted to have, I might add. And distracting. Very distracting,” he added mock-reprovingly as she giggled and stretched up for another quick but potent kiss.
/me melts.

LabRat smile
Posted By: mariadferdez. Re: A Little Insurance - Comments - 03/29/06 01:18 PM

Funny. hyper
Posted By: Framework4 Re: A Little Insurance - Comments - 03/29/06 03:29 PM
Loved your story. I kept expecting Lois to reach a point where she had to explain that like a bad driver SHE had to pay more for Superman insurence because of her past Superman rescue history. dance
And the waiting list!
“Well, if it does, I’m thinking the police will have a field day with the list of policyholders,” she said. “It’d kind of be like a… waiting list for jail, huh?”

Later Lois & Clark discover it is a Police Sting operation smile
Posted By: angelic_editor Re: A Little Insurance - Comments - 03/29/06 03:58 PM
What a fantastic vignette!

I nearly laughed out loud reading this:
“It’s kind of ironic, isn’t it?” she concluded, as Clark shook his head ruefully. “Nobody knows it… except me,” she slipped in smugly, and leaned up to plant another quick kiss on his lips, “but even Superman has to buy Super insurance… Against, well, himself.”
And this(!):
< Although, statistically speaking, their house might actually be at a higher risk of Super damage, considering that Lois Lane, top investigative reporter in the city and taker of risks extraordinaire, lived there. >

Thanks for sharing this on the boards — it was so perfect and sweet and WAFFy.
Posted By: Marcus Rowland Re: A Little Insurance - Comments - 03/29/06 04:45 PM
Think I'd want shatterproof glass windows too, for those sonic booms...

Nice idea. Metropolis must be the worst place in the world for disasters of one sort and another.
Posted By: TOC Re: A Little Insurance - Comments - 03/29/06 06:16 PM
I have to echo everyone's opinion here - this was quite adorable. My favorite line, too, was that Clark and Lois's house may be more in danger because of Lois than because of Superman.

Posted By: Incognito Re: A Little Insurance - Comments - 03/29/06 06:46 PM
Interesting concept! And I absolutely loved the opening, with us seeing Lois through Clark's eyes. His love and affection for her really shone through and gave me the fuzzies. The characterization of Lois was totally spot on, too. Loved the juxtaposition of the always amusing Lois-on-a-rampage with the softer, loving fiancee-to-Clark. This made me smile, so thanks!
Posted By: Capes Re: A Little Insurance - Comments - 03/29/06 07:43 PM
You did a great job with Lois's characteristic way of flip-flopping between sweet to Clark and rampaging about something else--while he just takes it all in and adores her.

I have to say that's one of my favourite aspects of the show, and you have captured it beautifully.
Posted By: Terry Leatherwood Re: A Little Insurance - Comments - 03/29/06 08:50 PM
This is cute. It reminds me of the houses my wife and I have bought and how fiddle-winkin' much paperwork we had to go through.

But this line is my favorite, by far:

“Trouble does seem to follow you around like it’s hoping you’ll take it home and feed it.”
I laughed out loud. And I seriously wish I'd written it first!
Posted By: ChiefPam Re: A Little Insurance - Comments - 03/30/06 05:54 AM
Yeah, what they said smile This was a funny concept and very sweetly executed...

Posted By: lovetvfan Re: A Little Insurance - Comments - 03/30/06 01:42 PM
Super Insurance? Ha ha ha! That's just perfect! And for Lois and Clark to have to own it is brilliantly ironic. Good stuff.
Posted By: Nicole S Re: A Little Insurance - Comments - 03/30/06 04:46 PM
Ahhh, Terry beat me to quoting my favorite line! grumble But basically - what everyone else said, lol. This is so cute and very original. Nicely done!! smile

Posted By: Crazy_Babe Re: A Little Insurance - Comments - 03/31/06 04:50 AM
This was really funny, insurance for Superman caused damage rotflol

As with the airport plane thing you can sorta still do that here because one of the main airport runways extends over the bay. I remember when the Airbus A380 touched down here on her maiden flight the bay was packed with people and yes I confess I did too though the wind direction wasn't right for it to land on that runway, so I didn't have a really good view of it from where I was. There used to be this grassed area where you could picnic or buy ice cream and watch the airlines, I still have those photos but that area got closed and became part of the airport itself, but that was years before 9-11.
Posted By: TriciaW Re: A Little Insurance - Comments - 04/01/06 09:34 PM

This is great. smile1 I love it.

Tricia cool
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