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Posted By: ShayneT Comments: Nocturne 2/? - 03/12/06 06:54 PM
Well, let me know what you think. I don't have a beta reader, so any advice is appreciated. I like for a story to be self contained, so I'll try to answer your questions in the context of the story.

I'm flattered by the response to the first chapter. Now that I've written in the Whams, we'll have to see whether I can write it well enough to keep people reading! smile

Thanks again!
Posted By: Onaleia Re: Comments: Nocturne 2/? - 03/12/06 07:08 PM
Thank you for posting again so quickly. Enjoyed your whams. Glad to know Lex is no longer a player. Looking forward to your resolutions.

It is heartrending to know that Lois hasn't been a friend to Clark in the past and that he has suffered; but, it is heartening to see that she regrets that this has been so, and that she is now acting to both support and protect him.

Still curious about that kryptonite; that seems awfully sinister. Trusting all will be made clear at the moment of greatest dramatic impact.

Keep up the good work, and again, thank you for posting so quickly.
Posted By: Onaleia Re: Comments: Nocturne 2/? - 03/12/06 07:21 PM
On further reflection I remember from part 1 Clark
instinctively heading for the one person who’d been like home.
This combined with the Lois introspection we are given in both part 1 and part 2 really does foreshadow to me the future triumph of affection over past adversity.

Awesome stuff Shayne. notworthy
Posted By: jackiek Re: Comments: Nocturne 2/? - 03/12/06 07:33 PM
Wow, poor Clark. His whole world turned upside down. Great part!

Posted By: groobie Re: Comments: Nocturne 2/? - 03/12/06 07:51 PM
Hmmm...some more pieces to the puzzle. How long ago did Lex die? Did Superman factor into the death? What ethical compromises did Lois make in the name of politics? Did Lois and Clark try to work things out after Lex died? I'm dying to know what happened! You have me on the edge of my seat! thumbsup Susan
Posted By: ClarksGal Re: Comments: Nocturne 2/? - 03/12/06 08:06 PM

I always enjoy your writing and am really liking this story. Looking forward to the next part.
Posted By: angelic_editor Re: Comments: Nocturne 2/? - 03/12/06 08:17 PM
Shayne, this is fantastic — the pacing is keeping me on the edge of my seat, wondering how it'll all fit together. And your writing is superb. This, in particular:
Clark stared at her for a moment. Not friends? What had he done?

“Why?” he asked.

He loved her. He couldn’t see any reason that might have stopped.

“I got married,” she said.

Gah. That got me right *there.*

Can't wait to read the next chapter in this series!
Posted By: Sheila Re: Comments: Nocturne 2/? - 03/12/06 08:50 PM
Oh, this is just awesome. So are the Kents dead? At least Luthor is and that makes things a little easier for Lois and Clark to get together.

Please more...soon! dance
Posted By: TOC Re: Comments: Nocturne 2/? - 03/12/06 09:23 PM
This is great stuff, Shayne. You really gave us so many more little pieces of information this time. Lois left her life as a reporter because Lex insisted, and Perry died. (Who was responsible for the fire that killed him?) And the friendship between Clark and Lois wore down not only because Lois married Luthor, but also because Clark was angry at the constant, dirty little compromises Lois had to make in her position as the President of the United States. (Ah, but Clark, I really think that is necessary in the world of politics, you know. Because if politicians can't compromise, eventually they'll have to declare war.)

And Lois sent Clark to destroy Nightfall and save the Earth, knowing full well that she probably sent him to his death. That's truly, truly horrible, but it was also the right thing to do.

I, too, am relieved to hear that Luthor is dead. At least one towering obstacle standing between Lois and Clark is no longer there. But I really wonder about the circumstances of his death. Is it even possible that Lois could have had something to do with it?

One aspect that I find fascinating is how Lois isn't a master of her own situation at all. There are so many things around her that she seems unable to influence. In part one of your story, for example, Lois definitely didn't want the guards to bring Kryptonite to Clark, but she was helpless to do anything about it. And here, too, she seems to be helpless to change decisions that have been made without her, or in spite of her.

What a picture you are painting of the President of the United States, Shayne. The most powerful person on the Earth, and yet, somehow, ultimately a puppet. Wow.

Anyway, the attraction and, yes, love between Clark and Lois is still there. We can only hope they will find it possible to overcome the terrible obstacles and betrayals standing between them.

I'm totally intrigued, Shayne. Please keep this coming!

Posted By: Bettina Baumann Re: Comments: Nocturne 2/? - 03/12/06 11:43 PM
I too am glad that you posted this chapter so quickly and therefore gave us some answers wink

Seeing that Lex Luthor died (how, why, when?) is good to read, however I feel that he still has a hold on Lois. Wasn't he the one who stopped her from being a reporter and maybe ultimatively going into politics? Wasn't he the one who taught her to make sometimes ugly compromises?And isn't his name the one, Lois Lane still uses for political reasons? In my opinion, she can regret it all the way she wants, as long as she doesn't act accordingly that's worthless. Similarily could have been Clark's view of all this.

Anyway, I'm hooked. Though this story deals with some darker topics than I am used to on these boards lately, I had fun reading these two chapters, your writing is great and constantly keeps me on the edge of my seat wink
Posted By: Incognito Re: Comments: Nocturne 2/? - 03/13/06 02:57 AM
This is so good. I was holding my breath as I was reading. Very powerful writing, Shayne. I don't have much time on the boards these days, but I couldn't let this chapter pass without saying that I'm really glad you posted quickly, and I await the next installation with bated breath.

I'm very taken with the scenario you're painting and I really look forward to the coming twists and turns as these two find their way to one another.
Posted By: SJH Re: Comments: Nocturne 2/? - 03/13/06 05:41 AM
I'm reading this with my box of doughnuts close at hand.
Posted By: daneel Re: Comments: Nocturne 2/? - 03/13/06 06:34 AM
Good part!

I don't think Clark would like the name wink

Jose smile1
Posted By: Mister Data Re: Comments: Nocturne 2/? - 03/13/06 09:49 AM
Definitely waiting for the next part.

Posted By: Ank. K. S. Re: Comments: Nocturne 2/? - 03/13/06 10:31 AM
Wow! Shayne, fascinating story and looking fwd to it... Your story (and spring break) have brought me out of the confines of Lurkdom laugh So thanks smile thumbsup
Posted By: YConnell Re: Comments: Nocturne 2/? - 03/13/06 03:29 PM
Still intrigued, still reading. Keep posting!

Posted By: Tank Re: Comments: Nocturne 2/? - 03/13/06 04:28 PM
Shayne, nice to see your work back out on the boards. As we've come to expect from you I see this is going to be an interesting ride. Definitely something non-typical.

You've given us a lot of teasing looks into this very different future, but have only succeeding in creating more questions than answers, which I know is what you intended.

Looking forward to more.

Tank (who hopes that Lois realized very earlier who Lex Luthor really was)
Posted By: mariadferdez. Re: Comments: Nocturne 2/? - 03/15/06 06:21 PM

Great part. hyper
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