Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: ShayneT Comments: Brutal Truth II - 03/04/06 10:14 PM
Hey...let me know what you think!
Posted By: Catherine Bruce Re: Comments: Brutal Truth II - 03/04/06 11:23 PM

Well, okay. Since you asked nicely. laugh

I liked this one, too. It doesn't have an unrealistic happy ending with them leaping all over eachother, but you gave them hope still. So this was both happy and sad, and a little bittersweet.

Posted By: Karen Re: Comments: Brutal Truth II - 03/05/06 07:19 AM
Ooh. I had other visions with arches and other worlds *cough*. But it makes sense that they'd check out alternate universes. I loved the differences in the two. And I'm glad that Lois and altClark met up again. But how sad for both! *sniffle*

This is great!
Posted By: LabRat Re: Comments: Brutal Truth II - 03/05/06 08:08 AM
Ooh. I had other visions with arches and other worlds *cough*.
ROTFL, me too, Karen. goofy

<snuffle> This was very poignant, Shayne, but kind of sweet, too. What's the word I'm looking for...oh, bittersweet. Thanks, Catherine. laugh

Your Muse has certainly been working overtime, Shayne! Do remember to pass all of these little gems to the Archive, won't you? thumbsup

LabRat smile
Posted By: TOC Re: Comments: Brutal Truth II - 03/05/06 10:20 AM
I like this a lot, even if it didn't blow me away like the first part did. I's so appropriate that an ageless Lois should meet up with an immortal Clark, after both have lost their soulmates. And it's also so right that they are probably just going to be friends, of if there is going to be anything more between them, it won't happen for a long time. But then again, time is something that this Lois and this Clark sure have plenty of.

One thing I appreciated so much about this part is that you showed us that the other world, where people were still as mortal as we are, was more vibrant and vital than the world of immortals. The people there were simply more willing to live life to the fullest, I think. I do believe that people would definitely become a lot more cautious, a lot more unwilling to take any risks, if they had a chance to live much longer than we do today. If you could live on for hundreds of years, you just have so much more to lose by getting yourself killed in a stupid accident.

Anyway, fascinating story, Shayne. I do agree with LabRat, your muse has certainly been working overtime lately!

Posted By: mariadferdez. Re: Comments: Brutal Truth II - 03/05/06 01:44 PM

Interesting thumbsup

He glanced sharply out the window, then pressed a business card into her hand. “Call me if you ever want to talk.”

A moment later he was gone. A moment after that, three men in familiar red and blue suits arrived. They were young looking and serious.

“Miss Lane?” one asked. “Are you safe?”

She nodded and carefully slipped the card into her pocket after memorizing the number.
confused Did they find away to past from one dimension to another with out affecting neither of them?

confused Who took Lois there without her family knowing where she was?

MAF thumbsup
Posted By: Tank Re: Comments: Brutal Truth II - 03/05/06 07:28 PM
If this was the ending, then it was nicely ambiguous. We don't have to know if our 'old' Lois and the 'old' altClark ever get together to assage their mutual loneliness, we just have to know that the option exists.

Of course if there's more to come, then it will be interesting to see the byplay of emotions when trying to deal with 'replacing' lost loved ones.

Tank (who enjoys stories where Lois outlasts Clark because it tends to prove that she is actually the stronger one, emotionally)
Posted By: TriciaW Re: Comments: Brutal Truth II - 03/06/06 01:52 AM

A lovely vignette! Very poignant! smile1 I enjoyed it immensely.

Tricia cool
Posted By: Capes Re: Comments: Brutal Truth II - 03/08/06 04:29 PM
I'm echoing the "bittersweet" remark. A story worth pondering for a while.

Also LOL at Tank's comment regarding Lois being the stronger one emotionally. I always love your tireless championing of my favourite character smile
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