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Okay, insert groan here, please. Loud groan. Tank, your story is really well written, makes a good point, but - well, groan!!! It ends with a Tank ending, minus the humour, which admittedly never made me laugh in the first place, sorry... frown

Gaahh! I want to indulge in a basic waffiness of Lois and Clark, secure in the knowledge that all's well that ends well, and feeling cosy in my conviction that this will definitely end well, because it is, after all, Lois and Clark. 'Course, bring in the Tank endings and you'll kill the waffiness, as surely as you will bring Superman to his knees if you show him the Kryptonite. And a story that ends with Superman dying of Kryptonite is a story that will never endear itself to me, just as I will never like a story that wraps itself up with a Tank ending.

Of course, because of the definite lack of humour in this story, it should be considered a cautionary tale rather than a Tank ending comedy. So what does it warn us about? There are two possibilities. The first possibility is that you are warning Clark to stay away from Lois forever. You could be telling him that he should never try to have a private life at all, certainly not a romantic commitment to one special woman, because every time he spends quality time with her, innocent people are going to be killed because of his selfish romantic indulgence. And because Superman doesn't exist in the first place, so that no one can say what he is "really" like, and since it's certainly isn't a new idea that the Last son of Krypton can't be both protector of humanity and lover of Lois Lane at the same time - it was the guiding principle behind the Christopher Reeve Superman movies, for example - I definitely can't say that you are wrong to suggest that Clark and Lois just can't be together. But I'm never going to accept that idea for myself, or share that vision of Lois and Clark.

But it is possible to read your story in another way, and it has to do with focussing on Clark's strategy to lie about himself in order to gain and retain Lois's love. His decision to seriously, honestly inflict a split personality disorder on himself, so that he can pretend that Clark isn't Superman at all. His decision to allow himself to be honestly, pathologically jealous of himself, his feeling of being justified to convince Lois that she must love Clark because he isn't Superman, and only afterwards having to confess to her that Clark really is Superman after all... which is a confession he ultimately may not make. You made Clark think this to himself in your story,
Would she be able to forgive him for lying to her for so long?
Well, maybe she wouldn't forgive him. So wouldn't it be better to just keep lying to her? Forever? And thus having to ignore calls for help, having to let people die even though he could have helped them, just because he can't run off from Lois again because then she might get angry, or, alternately, she might figure out that Clark is Superman?

Maybe that is the point of your story, Tank. If Clark really wants a relationship with Lois, then he'd better 'fess up to her now. And he must ask her if she is willing to share him with the world. Because he is Superman, and his running away from her is never going to change. And if she can't accept that, then she must look for another boyfriend, that is all there is for it. And if Clark has any guts at all, he must admit to himself that he really should blame himself for Monica Pearson's death... but not because he was on a date with Lois on the night when she was killed. No, but because he hadn't come clean with Lois, hadn't told her that he might have to run off and be Superman even on their date. But if he had told her, and he still had been so distracted by Lois that he honestly hadn't heard Monica Pearson's cries for help.... Well, tough luck, Monica. Superman wants to help, but for all his being Kryptonian, he really is only human. And he shouldn't blame himself for loving Lois, and for occasionally being so distracted by her that he isn't aware of other people's agony.

Well, whew! Talk about giving somebody a piece of my mind. Are you still talking to me, Tank? If so, can you explain to me what you mean by this being a birthday challenge fic for Wendy? Are you, perhaps, asking her to write a sequel to this, so that it doesn't end so depressingly? Okay, if that was your intention, I guess I take back all the nasty things I said about this story! So, hmmm, Wendy? There's a story here that really, really needs rectifying... it needs a sequel... courtesy of somebody from London... so couldn't you let you-know-Who go, hmmm? For just a moment? Pretty please?

Wendy and Tank have written a number of stories over the years, TOC - T/W Challenge Fics. One writes the first part, usually leaving it at a point where it's a real challenge to which of them completes it to get the characters out of the predicament they've been left in, and the other completes it.

In the past, others have even gotten in on the act and a two part story has become a multi-part story with various authors.

I haven't time to read this story, so I have no idea if this is a T/W challenge, but it sounds like it. wink

LabRat smile
Hmm, personally I think you left the story in a good point to Wendy!! wink

Jose hyper
wow that an good part can't wait for the rest
plz post more thumbsup
Yea tank! That was awesome. And Happy Birthday Wendy! cat
For those who were confused, yes this is a Tank and Wendy challenge fic. I'm sorry if that wasn't clear. This part left our 'unhappy' couple with a problem that needs to be dealt with. That now becomes Wendy's challenge.

I forgot to add one codicil to this little challenge. We know that Lois is going to have to be instrumental in getting Clark 'back on track'(not that she isn't going to have issues of her own to also deal with). But I'd like to see Wendy's solution include Inspector Henderson.

So, again I'm sorry if my title didn't make it clear that this was indeed a challenge fic.

Tank (who actually hasn't written a Tank ending in years)
Yay! A Tank and Wendy challenge! dance

Wow Tank! This was really good, heartbreaking of course, but good. That's got to be rough for Clark. The mugging didn't even happen while he was trying to block everything out. It happened when he was naturally...unable to focus on anything else.

I think Wendy can handle it. All she has to do is come back for a bit...I can't wait to see how this turns out!

Tank, this is a wonderful and heart-breaking set-up you've given us.

I love this:
Lois didn't let her heart out of the fortress she'd built around it often. The few times she had, she had regretted it, and each time she put her bruised heart back she built the walls higher and stronger.
In just two sentences, you've given us a picture-perfect snapshot of Lois' trust issues.

And this made my heart constrict:
Clark was sitting on a chair in the corner, his head down. His fists were clenched so tightly that his hands were white.

"Clark! What is it?" Lois came up beside him and knelt down so she could look up into his face. The devastation she saw there scared her.

When he finally raised his eyes to face her, tears were sliding down his cheek. "It's too high. I thought I could have a normal life, but the price is too high."
Beautiful writing, but so painful to read. It's Clark's humanity, his responsibility complex, and his anguish at not being able to save everyone is what draws me so to his character. I love any story that explores that intrinsically darker side of him, and you nailed it right there, Tank.

Thanks for posting this, and I can't wait to see what Wendy does in the next installment!
First off, I just have to say, this isn't as bad as I thought it would be. I was sitting on the edge of my seat (okay, not literally, but definitely a bit strung) waiting to see how the story would take a downturn. Would Lois really be a man? Would Clark not be the Clark we know? Would Dan and Clark run off and live happily ever after? eek

But, now that I've the read the whole of your part, I'm a bit more at ease. It shouldn't be too hard for Wendy to fix, right? Drawing Henderson in might be a bit more difficult. But, perhaps the hardest part is reeling Wendy back in.

Great part, Tank! And good luck. wink
smile1 I can't wait to read the conclusion.

Tricia cool
Great teaser part, Tank! laugh Now I want more! hyper

Hey, Wendy, you wouldn't drop a challenge, would you? wildguy wildguy wildguy
/me peers in cautiously...

You know, I had a sneaking suspicion that this would happen. Not necessarily now, but I did think that sooner or later Tank would do to me what I did to him last year. goofy

Yes, very, very clever set-up, and very much in character - but, of course, only what I'd expect from a writer as talented as Clark. The emotions are just perfect: the WAFFy ones as well as the wonderfully angsty finish.

In fact, the finish is just so good that I really can't see why a conclusion is needed! wink

Okay. Never let it be said that I back down from a challenge when it's from one of my favourite authors. smile Yes, I'll write a second part. But I have visitors this week, plus this is a bad time from the perspective of the college course I'm doing - I have a major essay due early next week plus project-work to fit around my visitors. So I can't promise anything before next week. (See? I'm not using my Doctor Who writing as an excuse! goofy ).

Excellent work, Tank! thumbsup

Wendy smile (who knows that she is very overdue on an email to Tank, and hopes he'll forgive!)
Since I'm leaving tomorrow to go to New York for the New York Comicon, next week would be just fine. In fact it would be better since I'll have no online access until then.

So, I'm happy to wait.

Tank (who feels that since he couldn't include a haircut for Lois into his half that maybe Wendy could do it...please?)

Clark stood and pulled his hands away. "Don't you see? I thought I could be like other people. I thought that I could have a separate, private life. But I can't. While we were *enjoying* ourselves on your couch Monica was being beaten to death, and I never heard her. I never heard her at all." Clark reached out and stroked Lois' cheek in that so familiar way. "I'm sorry, Lois. I do love you, but I can't afford the price. It's just too high."
I'm in shock! thumbsup
> While we were *enjoying* ourselves on
> your couch Monica was being beaten to
> death, and I never heard her. I never
> heard her at all."

Oh goodie, instead of being mad at Clark, Lois will have to help Clark to understand his limits and the concept of balence.

So Wendy could you string it out a bit, have it not be a routine mugging but a silent killing because of a story or something in her past?

BTW can others try writting an ending or only Wendy?

Frankly, uh... good question, Patrick, because I was so incredibly inspired by Tank's premise that I've already written an ending myself! So, Tank, when you and Wendy are done with your way of telling this story, would it be alright for others to chime in, too? And if so, could you tell us when you think it would be alright for others to add their endings?

Yes, I'll write a second part.

Andreia (looking forward for Wendy's conclusion) hyper hyper hyper
Marvelous, of course! But, in keeping with your usual preferences, Tank, I thought for sure that you'd off Jimmy!!! wink

Write on!
>Tank, I thought for sure that you'd off Jimmy!!!

He'll save that for the rebutal posting. After Wendy saves the relationship, Tank will use Jimmy's death to start another round of "I can never have a life with you without placing you at risk so we must end this relationship" whining.

Than he'll have Clark leave town and Wendy will have to send Lois to find him and restore the balance.
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