Lois & Clark Forums
A/N: Happy Ficlet Friday! Here is something small and unbeta'd.

(Sara editing the post to add in this stuffs...

Part of the Walk the Dog Challenge.
Series TOC: Walk the Dog Challenge Stories)


The Gift


Clark bit back the sigh as he turned back from the ship to face Zara. It wasn't her fault that the name had started to grate on his ears. It wasn't her fault that after months of being New Krypton's leader, he still didn't even feel like one of its people. It wasn't her fault that he knew less about himself now than when he'd first landed here. "Yes?"

She looked concerned, though slightly confused. It was a look he'd grown used to seeing on her. Even now, he suspected she couldn't fathom why he wanted to return to Earth. "Lieutenant Ching—that is, *Lord* Ching—and I wish to give you something as a gesture of our thanks."

Clark shook his head. "There's no need," he began, starting up the narrow boarding ramp, but she held up a hand.

"I know you are anxious to return to your…er…"

"My wife," he said, hoping the word would penetrate the fog better than words like "girlfriend" or "fiance" had been able to. "And my parents. My family."

Zara stared into his eyes, then gave a curt nod. "I know you were unsuccessful in learning what you wanted to know about your parents. Your Kryptonian parents," she amended, perhaps seeing his look. "I apologize."

He shrugged. "It wasn't your fault."

"Kal-El." Her sharp gaze arrested his own. "A leader represents their people. As First Lady of New Krypton, I apologize."

Clark's eyebrows slowly rose. "I—that's—uh, thank you."

"And I offer you a gift," she repeated.

His brow furrowed. "What kind of gift?"

She turned back towards the small building at the edge of the landing strip and raised her hand. The door slid open and one of her attendants walked out, holding the end of a long strap. At the other end…”

Clark's jaw fell open. “Is that a dog?!”

The corner of Zara's mouth tugged upward, though she quickly rearranged her features back into the “stoic leader” formation. “The species are close enough that you could call it that.” She met his eyes. “His family belonged to yours. Your mother was convinced that the presence of dogs on Earth was evidence of prior contact between the two planets, maybe even a common ancestry somehow. Unfortunately, before she could research the possibility in any meaningful depth, other concerns took precedence.”

The attendant arrived, and the dog seemed to recognize Clark's scent. With a happy “woof” and a tail that suddenly had a life of its own, the pup bounded up to Clark with a mission to cover his face in sloppy dog-kisses. At some point, they managed to navigate the leash's handle past the wagging tail and into Clark's hand.

Zara waved the attendant away, and he departed with a bow. “It is my hope that this token of the house of El will give you some of the connection to your family that my people and I failed to provide.”

“Uh huh.” The dog's white fur was incredibly soft. Clark scritched behind the ears, making the tail wag harder.

“And in light of your mother's theories,” Zara continued, “perhaps he can also stand as a symbol of unity between Krypton and Earth, both in the distant past and, maybe, in the future.”

Clark was sure he must have said something besides “who's a good boy”. The dog wanted tummy rubs, though, and who was Clark to deny him? He eventually forced himself to look back up at Zara. “Ah, thank you! Um, what's his name?”

The smile settled on Zara's features, and Clark wondered if she knew it was even there. “I think that's for you to decide.”

He looked back down at his new friend. “How about…Krypto?”

Krypto seemed to agree. Either that, or he just wanted more skritches.

“A fine name.” Zara dipped her head towards him. “Well then…Clark, Krypto…I bid you both a good journey. May the stars see you safely home.”

The End.
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