Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Mad Dog Lane Lucky Every Once In A While - 02/07/06 07:45 PM
Hi FoLCs wave

Gosh you don't know how I've missed you, guys.

To celebrate my return, I've written a MLTV, micro little tiny vignette, hoping that this can cheer your days up .

This was BR-ed by my non-FoLC friend, Leo, and dedicated to Jenni Debbage, who welcomed me to Scotland to the point I'm considering moving there. Thank you for everything.

:::::::>>>> Lucky every once in a while <<<<:::::::

The computer screen in front of her was the only thing illuminating the room. It also reminded her of how much work she had to do – how much she did and how much still had to be done. There was no time for fun as the files were piling on her desk.

The place was deserted, and the only other living creature around was the rat she was sure passed quickly through the elevator door. She didn’t mind though as all she needed at the moment was to concentrate and have her story done.

She heard a noise, but didn’t get distracted by it. She kept writing and only stopped minutes after to yawn and stretch her arms on top of her head. The whole thing was boring as hell, but she had deadlines to meet.

Deadlines were not something she was found of. She wished people appreciated what she was doing and left her alone to write. ‘Achieving perfection takes time,’ she thought.

The noise grew louder and only when she could no longer stand it, she went to check on it. It was coming from Perry’s office which she was almost sure he locked when he left.

Close to the door, tip-toeing slowly, she fetched the door knob and carefully turned it. She then pushed the door and sneaked her head inside the office. At first, she found nothing around, but as she came in, she realized there was someone sleeping on the couch.

Walking as silently as she could, she noticed the man was breathing steadily and far too tired to wake up at her presence. She came closer and saw his glasses dimly gleaming, reflecting the most microscopic rays of light the dark room could provide.

It was Clark. How he got in, she wasn’t sure though. She touched his shoulder, but obviously, he was too tired to wake up.

For whatever the reasons were, he was there. Sleeping peacefully, and unaware of her presence. Should she take the opportunity? Why not? Sleeping with Clark was everything she wanted for a long time.

She slowly sat on the couch. Her warm legs beside his didn’t seem to affect his sleep. She came closer and kissed his cheek. Again, there was no sign of Clark being disturbed. She decided on a bolder move – she would kiss him.

She started to calmly bend towards him. Feeling the warmth of his lips almost touching hers, she could already savour the moment. Her heart was pounding so fast, and the excitement was overwhelming. But when she was about to finally cling her lips to his, the lights were turned on and a hideous figure was produced in front of her.

‘What the heck is going on here?’ a voice echoed loud, waking Clark up.

On a sudden manoeuvre, Clark jumped from the couch. He thought his sight was playing tricks on him. He was dreaming about Lois and all of a sudden she was produced in front of his eyes. Though, she was definitely wearing a lot more clothes than in his dream.

‘What? A girl can’t try her luck every once in a while?’ Crossing her arms in front of her body, Cat Grant left a very stunned Clark to deal with a very furious Lois.

After that, a ‘Well…’ was all Cat heard from their conversation.

The End. laugh

MDL - Here for good! devil
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