Lois & Clark Forums
Ahhh here's Chapter 8! We're almost done... and um... about the end of this part... peep I miiiiight be convinced to post the last part today as well instead of tomorrow... we'll see how the day goes! lol

Thank you, everyone for telling us all your feels and reactions and all your favorite lines so far! We love hearing it all!! love

Sara and Socomama smile
Lois, Lois, Lois....
Well, at least she's finally realized(/admitted to herself) how she feels.

Can't wait to see how this is going to be resolved!
And I really hope we get to see that romantic reveal with Chinese dinner! wink
Argh! Don’t leave us hanging there! So many things need to be resolved!
Eeep!! Last part coming up!! I hope... we hope it resolves things for everyone! peep

Thank you both for the feedback!!!

Sara and Socomama smile
The pace of this was so satisfying!!

Clark was kidnapped. So many people had already died. She had to find Clark.
I like that she's not jumping to conclusions already, and that she's got a plan to prevent it from escalating, lol.

Clark told her to stay put. But he hadn’t counted on himself getting kidnapped.
This is always the toughest choice, when time really counts, but the stakes in either direction are high!

Clark emerged from the stairwell, bulletproof vest in hand, and immediately felt himself grow hot. He couldn’t hear her heartbeat.
Oh, no! It wasn't her fault. I like the way his internal body temperature rises when he can't identify her nearby. It's like their bodies physically influence each other in a small space.

Ramin. Oh god, Lois, what were you thinking?
eek It's so great the way you're using his thoughts to turn up the heat on the stakes here!


If this bomb didn’t kill her, Clark certainly would.
At least she's starting to get a sense of the water level now, so to speak. It's a shame for her that the self-awareness didn't come earlier!

Damn. The woman was as good at tying knots as she was crazy.
rotflol Couple of rofl lines in this chapter!

Wine. In a sewer.
This is such a brilliant metaphor for Lex himself!

Let’s just say Superman has a pretty good track record with you, my dear.
While she's delusional, I love that Gretchen is still smarter than most of the dudes that Lois goes up against. And while they're on opposite sides, they're both here with the exact same motivation -- love.

Lex was the closest he’d ever come to losing her before. And now again.
It's so simple that this would be enough to drive him to new heights of fear. The original Phoenix really didn't take into account the season 1 emotional trauma nearly enough. So glad to see it here.

Clark. Her mind went completely blind with fear the minute she’d heard Clark had been held at gunpoint. His near-death at the hands of Capone and Barrow was too fresh, too traumatic for her to think about anything other than rescuing him, the way she had when he had been kidnapped by Rollie Vale.
This is such a fantastic summary - it meaningfully winds their individual stories together into one layered, emotionally meaningful insight.

It was happening again, but the other way around...she was going to die without him ever knowing.
Oh, no, this is so tragic! help

Can't wait to see how this wraps up!!
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