Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: bakasi MagiKal Dilemma - 08/11/23 04:14 AM
We're back on schedule. So happy Ficlet Friday, everyone. Hope you enjoy.

MagiKal Dilemma

Lois leaned into Clark's embrace as they swayed to soft music. His right hand rested on the small of her back while his left hand held hers. She gave his shoulder a gentle squeeze, then rested her head against it. His lips brushed her hair and he sighed contentedly.

"I didn't know you could dance like this," Lois murmured.

"I learned from a Nigerian princess," he whispered.

"You're full of surprises." She looked up at him, studying his face for a moment to see if maybe he was teasing her. But the sincerity in his gaze told her that he meant it. "Wow, a Nigerian princess. Really?"

He nodded. "That was before…"

His expression turned wistful for a moment, but then his smile reappeared and he dipped his head and kissed her. She melted into him, the world around them fading to insignificance. She forgot about the music or the restaurant. She didn't hear the voices of the other guests. She had no idea if they were even still dancing.

All Lois cared about was the tender brush of his lips against hers, his tongue that shyly explored her mouth and the whiff of his breath she felt against her skin. She closed her eyes, savoring the moment and wishing it would never have to end.

So far, this date was filled with moments of blissful happiness. Even though they were in the outside area of a restaurant full of people, even though Clark's powers were back, she had hardly ever seen him this relaxed. They'd shared their food, a lively conversation and now the most amazing dance Lois had ever experienced.

Not to mention the kiss that made her wish they weren't at such a public place, because she desperately wanted to deepen it. All too soon Clark pulled back and slowly the world around her returned. The music was fading and as if someone had turned up the volume, she heard the sound of voices and the clattering of cutlery on dishes.

"I believe I still owe you dessert," Clark murmured. "I've heard they serve an amazing chocolate mousse."

He grinned and grasped her hand a little tighter, pulling her back toward the table where Houdini lay waiting for them. His head was resting on his paws, but when Clark approached, he jumped to his feet and greeted his master with a wagging tail.

Lois felt a brief rush of fear that the dog had noticed something about Clark that would announce another hiccup. She didn't want him to leave now. Everything was so perfect. Lois dreaded the reminder that Clark's issue still wasn't solved, even if he seemed to have decided that he no longer wanted the hiccups to rule his entire life. She knew that they still had such a long way to go. Besides there were also other issues to address like MagiKal's unplanned performance in Paris or her –

A sharp intake of breath pulled Lois from her musings. Startled, she looked up at Clark who grimaced and rubbed his back as he sat down.

"Is everything okay?" She took in his features that gradually relaxed into a smile. "Another hiccup coming?"

He shook his head. "Just a little residual ache from my last run in with the crystals. I'm fine."

She frowned at him, but he just smiled and pulled a menu toward him. "So, what do you say? Do you want chocolate mousse or this Tarte au Chocolat?"

"Clark." She reached for his hand and made him look at her. "If anything is going on you need to tell me."

He still smiled at her and his thumb gently caressed the back of her hand. "It's just not something I'm used to. Don't worry about me, it'll also pass in a few hours, I'm sure. Let's order dessert and then, unfortunately, we need to talk about how to solve my MagiKal dilemma."

Lois tried to return his smile, but she didn't quite manage. Not only was she worried about him and nervous about what he would say to her suggestion concerning MagiKal. There was also another thing she needed to ask him.

She heaved a small sigh, because she already knew what his answer was going to be. As if Houdini sensed her dark thoughts, he chose that moment to rest his head on her legs. Absent-mindedly, she started to scratch his ear. She wished Clark would agree to come with her. The chances were slim, she knew. But it couldn't hurt to try, could it?

Lois' stomach dropped. No matter what she tried to tell herself, she knew that it would hurt, very much, if he declined. She was barely able to listen as Clark chatted about the various choices of dessert. In the end she had no idea what she'd agreed to. It took her some time and several nudges of Houdini's snout to work up her courage.

Lois decided to tackle the smaller task first.

"About MagiKal…" She cleared her throat and took a deep breath for good measure. "I think you should let more statues appear all over the world. Just as mysteriously. Then it will look like a plan rather than an accident."

Clark raised his brows. "And what kind of plan is that supposed to be?”

She shrugged, feeling a little helpless. “Some huge, amazing trick that will sweep the whole world off their feet?”

He laughed and shook his head. “I have a feeling this plan is not all that well-thought-out.”

“Come on, I bet you could think of something.” She winked at him, feeling pretty silly as she did so.

Part of her wanted to add that perhaps he could just reveal himself to the world. With all the amazing things he could do, with the difference he could make if he could use his powers freely… But she clamped her mouth shut, because she was only too aware that as long as Clark was suffering from these hiccups, he wouldn’t want to take that chance. And he’d be right too. If the world knew that someone with his powers couldn’t entirely control them, well, they wouldn’t all get to know him as well as she did and she couldn’t fault anyone if they were afraid of him.

“These things you do, knowing that you don’t exactly plan them - they’re awesome,” she added lamely. “If you did any of this on purpose then maybe...”

He didn’t look convinced. But at least, he was still smiling at her and stroking her hand. Lois’s gaze drifted toward their entwined hands. It felt so good to touch him, to have him touch her. When she closed her eyes, she couldn’t quite tell where his fingers began and hers ended. There was a bond forming between them that she couldn’t explain. All she knew was that she wanted more of that, more of him.

She felt another nudge from Houdini’s snout, as if he wanted to encourage her. She buried her fingers deeper into the dog’s soft fur, searching for his support.

“There is something else,” she said past a lump in her throat. “Apparently, I made a reservation for the Honeymoon Suite in the Lexor Hotel, while I was under the influence of the pheromone spray. It…” She swallowed hard, desperate to get her voice back under her control. “It’s too late to cancel the room without having to pay a horrendous fee and…” Her heart hammered in her chest and blood rushed in her ears. Lois felt her cheeks burn as she tried to meet Clark’s gaze. “Would you… would you come with me? They allow dogs.”

The world went quiet as she waited for his answer. His eyes had widened and a slight blush tinted his cheeks. Lois froze as she realized how her invitation had come out and that the Honeymoon Suite implied certain expectations.

She closed her eyes and hastily added. “We don’t have to do that. What I’m trying to say is that I didn’t mean I wanted us to -” She couldn’t help the feeling that her face had turned crimson with embarrassment. “Not that I would mind if we did, but I would really like to spend the night in your arms, both of us fully dressed if you’re not ready for anything else.”

Lois felt the sudden urge to dig herself a hole and vanish from the face of Earth. Why had she started this? Why hadn’t she just kept this whole Honeymoon debacle to herself, leaving him guessing why she suddenly spent a night at the Lexor?

But here she was, with her foot deep in her mouth, waiting for his answer. Houdini licked her hand, as if he at least welcomed her uncommon bout of courage when it came to relationships.

Clark kneaded his hands and couldn’t quite meet her eyes. “You know I’d love to,” he whispered hoarsely. “But I’m just not sure I’m there yet. Coming here -” He took a deep breath and looked around, shifting a bit in his seat. Then he lowered his voice even more. “This is already a huge step for me, you and me and all these people. I’m willing to give this a try, Lois, really I am. But a whole night in a hotel full of people?”

He bit his lip and she couldn’t help the notion that his eyes were filling with tears as he shook his head.

Her throat tightend and she nodded. She’d known he was going to say that, so why had she asked? It was only hurting them both. But part of her had needed to tell him that she wanted him there with her.

“I wish I could say yes, Lois.” He gave her a rueful smile and lifted her hand to his mouth, kissing her gently. “We’ll get there, someday soon.”

“We’ll get there.” She nodded and blinked back the tears that had sprung to her eyes. “Someday soon.”

He reached out and cupped her cheek, his thumb wiping away a tear that threatened to run down her cheek.

“You’re making me so happy. I hate to make you cry. You don’t deserve this.”

Lois covered his hand with hers. "Neither do you. I can wait a little longer, if you promise me a raincheck."

Clark grinned. "A raincheck it is. But I would suggest that we take this somewhere a little more romantic than the Lexor. How does Hawaii sound?"

Lois' heart fluttered with excitement. "Heavenly. But what about Houdini?"

A mischievous glint appeared in Clark's eyes. "I'll swim him there."
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