Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: bakasi FDK: Magician In Distress - 07/28/23 03:04 AM
Let me know what you think.
Posted By: Queen of the Capes Re: FDK: Magician In Distress - 07/28/23 03:28 AM
How do you pack so much intensity into such a short snippet!!!! And it's so unfair that now we have to wait a whole nother week..any chance we could get a bonus day or two sometime?
Posted By: SuperBek Re: FDK: Magician In Distress - 07/28/23 03:37 AM
Ahhh! Poor Clark!!! To have that hiccup and then... whinging

Loved this one, but can't wait for Lois to get there and help him!
Posted By: bakasi Re: FDK: Magician In Distress - 07/29/23 05:57 AM
Originally Posted by Queen of the Capes
How do you pack so much intensity into such a short snippet!!!! And it's so unfair that now we have to wait a whole nother week..any chance we could get a bonus day or two sometime?

Thanks. I might think about posting the next chapter earlier. But I don't have much time to write up another buffer during the next few days since we're moving on Thursday. I only have the next two stories left.

Originally Posted by SuperBek
Ahhh! Poor Clark!!! To have that hiccup and then... whinging

Loved this one, but can't wait for Lois to get there and help him!

Glad you liked this, even though it was another cliffhanger, sort of.

Thanks for reviewing
Posted By: Songbird Re: FDK: Magician In Distress - 07/30/23 02:11 AM
Another cliffhanger but so good! Poor Clark! I’m glad he didn’t let the dark thoughts win. Lois loves him. I can’t wait for the next part! Thanks for another great chapter!
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: Magician In Distress - 07/30/23 07:44 AM
Hi Barbara!
A wry smile played around his lips as Clark imagined himself in the remnants of incinerated clothes.
That’s what happens when he gets the hots for Lois.

Clark turned to leave when he felt the familiar prickling in the back of his neck.
Uh oh.

. The hiccup was stronger than the last few and so the statue became much larger than even Clark had anticipated.

He’d probably have to talk to Murray about the issue, though he had no idea which kind of fabricated explanation people might swallow.

It would certainly help his peace of mind, if an incident like the one last night wasn’t going to happen again.
Umm …

Considering that she had a tendency to jump in without checking the water level, the number of locks on her door seemed a bit out-of-character.
Interesting observation!

Clark had made it about half-way into her living room, when an intense wave of pain slammed into him.
Oops! I forget you mentioned them peep

Clark gritted his teeth and decided it would have to be the other direction, away from Lois’ living room. He hoped that her bath or bedroom would shield him from the effects of the crystals.
Now I’m trying to remember if there was a fic where Lois put the K in her fridge to shield the pieces. Then, Clark tries to cook her breakfast or something.

But why would she be looking for him? An alien? An abomination? Someone who couldn’t even kiss her without endangering her life. Surely, she was better off without him.
Oh, she kept the milky-white stupid kryptonite, too.

She loved him. Clark knew that. Where were all those dark thoughts coming from?
Good question.

He groaned. It must be the red crystal talking.

The door to Lois’ bedroom wasn’t far now and as he finally passed it, the last of the pain receded and he collapsed in a heap on the floor.
And now we wait for Lois to show up.

Is It Friday again?

wave Michael
Posted By: KSaraSara Re: FDK: Magician In Distress - 08/03/23 08:23 PM
whinging Poor Clark!!! And that’s all I have to say because I’m gonna run off to read the latest one…

Sara laugh
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