Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Blueowl Anchored (4/8) - 06/07/23 01:06 AM
[Chapter 4: Trauma]

“Morning, CK!” Jimmy greeted. “Here, I found some more information on Clemens I think you’d be interested in. Also, Lois called a few minutes ago saying she’s heading to Metropolis General Hospital and wanted you to meet her there. She’s hoping to talk to that man Superman saved yesterday.”

“Oh, thanks, Jimmy!” Clark said, taking the paper Jimmy was offering before turning back to the elevators.

“No problem!” Jimmy said.

Clark returned to the elevator and skimmed the paper.

“Whoa,” Clark whispered as the elevator went down.

He couldn't wait to share what he had learned with Lois.

O o O o O

Lois turned when Clark entered the hospital. “Clark, you got my message,” she said, relieved.

Lois had been a little surprised when the nurse had told her Young was looking forward to seeing Clark, and was grateful she had included his name when she had initially asked to be allowed to visit.

“Yeah, Jimmy told me as soon as I got to the Planet,” Clark said as he joined her.

“Good! Come on, I was just told we can visit Young, but he’ll be getting some more tests in about twenty minutes, so we need to be fast,” she said as the nurse beside her nodded in agreement.

“I normally wouldn’t do this, but since Mr. Young knows you, Mr. Kent, and wants to see you, you two can make a quick visit.”

“Thank you,” Clark said.

They followed the nurse and soon they were in a quiet hospital room.

“You have ten minutes,” the nurse gently warned.

“Thanks,” Lois said as Clark went further into the room.

“Hey, Matt,” Clark tentatively greeted, seeing Young reclined back in the bed and looking very tired.

“Hey, Clark,” Matt said, briefly glancing at Lois.

“Hi, I’m Lois Lane,” she said, stepping forward.

“Hi. I like your work,” he said.

“Oh! Thank you,” she said, pleased. “I hope you’re feeling better.”

Matt smiled. “A bit,” he said.

“That’s good. Well, unfortunately we need to make this quick,” Lois said, pressing on. “Clark and I are looking into something and we believe you can help us.”


“Yeah,” Clark interjected. “Rod Clemens. He had been a munitions expert in your division back in Jamaica. Do you remember him?”

“Rod? Hm. . . .” Matt thought for a moment. “Oh! Rocket Rod Clemens? Yeah, he was only in my area for a few months. He had some heavy personal problems though. He couldn’t get ‘Nam out of his head. Why you asking about him? Something happen?”

Clark pursed his lips. “Yeah. He’s dead. Matt, we think someone targeted him and . . . you.”

“What? Are you . . . are you telling me that what had happened. . . .” He was understandably overwhelmed.

“Wasn’t normal,” Lois put in. “And we want to know if there’s anyone who you know who might have wanted to do you and Clemens in and who else may be at risk.”

Matt took a deep breath. “There’s a few people who hate me, but me and Clemons? Hm. I can't think of any, to be honest, but how did they do this? Poison? I mean, I hallucinated, so did they use a chemical of some kind? From what my doctors told me, my blood work was clean.”

“We’re still looking into it,” Lois said.

“Do you have a pen and paper?” Matt asked. "I can give you a few names of people I've worked with in Jamaica. It’s all been declassified. Maybe you can check on them. Make sure they're okay at least."

Lois quickly handed over her notepad and ink pen. Matt wrote down some names.

“Matt, this is likely an odd question, as well as quite personal, but . . . were you ever attacked by dogs in real life?” Clark asked.

Matt winced. “Yes. When I was eight. Three dogs. I have several scars. Why?”

“Just trying to understand how this might work," Clark said.

"Has any sort of panic attack happened to you before?" Lois asked.

"Just once when I was a teenager. A friend's dog jumped at me, wanting to play, but it had been brief and I had been able to calm down on my own soon after. What had happened yesterday though . . . I have no explanation. I was thinking about what I would do once I got into work, and then — wham. I suddenly felt like that eight year old kid again – alone – with the rabid dogs," Matt said before exhaling heavily. "I'm so glad Superman showed up when he did. I don’t remember pulling my gun, let alone firing."

"Superman has a knack for showing up just in the nick of time," Lois said.

"Yeah, he does," Matt agreed.

“What about nightmares?” Clark suddenly asked. "Any recent nightmares?"

Lois blinked, subtly glancing over at him. Why had he asked that?

“No, my sleep has been fine,” Matt said.

"Well, unfortunately, we should go now. We know they have tests they want to run and I imagine you're pretty tired," Lois said.

"Thanks. And, Clark, it was nice seeing you again,” Matt said, noticing the nurse by the door.

“Nice to see you too. Hopefully the next time I see you it’ll be under better circumstances,” Clark said as the nurse entered.

They took their leave.

Lois fell into step beside Clark as they made their way out of the hospital.

“Jimmy found some more information on Clemens. Clemens was attacked by Africanized Bees in 1990 and had almost died!” Clark said, eager to update her.

Lois’ eyes widened. “The way he acted in the coffee shop makes a lot more sense now,” she said. “So you’re thinking the Boker is somehow able to use a person’s prior experience and scare them to death with it?”

“Yeah. It certainly makes sense,” Clark said with a frown.

“Did you take a cab here?” Lois asked.

“Yeah. You know I don’t have a car,” Clark said with a smile.

“Oh, right. Well, I parked over there,” she said.

They went across the street toward the far parking lot.

“Okay, so we start looking into the people on the list Matt provided,” Lois continued. “Hopefully we learn something there.”

“Yeah, tha–” Clark started, but abruptly stopped.

Lois looked at him, confused before quickly growing concerned. He had his hand on his chest and was breathing faster than normal.

“Clark?” she asked, before he brought his other hand up and touched the corner of the building as if to support himself. “Clark? What’s wrong?”

He didn’t respond, instead, he began moving again, but instead of along the sidewalk, he turned and hurried into the alley, both hands now on the front of his suit as his breathing became more strained.

“Clark! Please, what’s wrong?”

“Can’t breathe,” he gasped as he leaned against the wall.

Lois inhaled sharply, horrified. “You’re having a panic attack, a panic attack like the others! Whatever you’re seeing, it’s not real, Clark!” she immediately told him, grabbing his arm.

He slid down the wall, his breathing becoming more labored.

"It's too tight!" he rasped, pulling at his tie.

Lois quickly helped, unbuttoning the front of his shirt in record time and doing her best to stay calm, but then it appeared.

The serpent was on his skin.

"Oh no!" she cried, instantly frantic. "Clark! Come on! Focus on me!" she insisted, grabbing the front of his jacket and yanking him forward, as if to shake him out of whatever had hold of him.

It seemed to work as he blinked at her, though dazed. The snake vanished.

"Lois?" he asked, still breathing fast but no longer strained.

"Oh, Clark! I thought - I thought you. . . ." She took a deep breath and blinked back tears, her mind spinning.

Clark had been targeted. Someone she knew, just like Star had said. Someone she . . . loved.

How could this be happening?!

Star had been right!

What was she going to do? What could she do?

"I'm okay. It's over," he managed as her hands checked him over before she could second guess herself.

"When I saw the snake–" she breathed.

"Snake?!" he gasped, looking down at his bare chest and searching for any foreign marks with his hand. His skin was thankfully clear.

"I saw it. It was there," Lois whispered.

Heaven help them.

Clark sagged against the wall.

"What did you see?" she asked after a long moment.

Clark exhaled shakily before answering. "I didn't really see anything. I just felt . . . trapped. And I felt a . . . massive weight on my chest. I've never felt anything like it."

"How do you feel now? Maybe we should get you checked out," Lois suggested.

"No! No, I'm okay. And really, what would they be able to do? It's not like they're going to believe us about the Boker. And I really do feel okay now. Besides, finding this Boker is the only way to really stop this. Seeing a doctor will only slow us down."

Lois frowned but gave in. "I guess you're right, but please, if you feel anything again, tell me."

“Okay,” Clark agreed as they stood up.

"Alright. Let's find out who's doing this so we can stop them," Lois stated, firmly taking Clark’s hand.

O o O o O

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