Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: bakasi Moments of Magic - 06/02/23 04:16 AM
Is it Friday again already? Well, then let's have a look how the Corn Festival goes.

This is a part of the MagiKal AU . If you're not familiar with the stories, you should read the others first. Don't worry, each one is fairly short.

Happy Ficlet Friday.

Moments of Magic

Houdini happily wagged his tail, darting back and forth between Lois and Clark and whatever caught his interest. He sniffed in all corners and greeted what seemed like every single person attending the Corn Festival.

Clark followed him with quiet amusement, his good arm wrapped around Lois' shoulder. Now and again, he tore off a wispy strand of the cotton candy she held.

"This is nice," he said softly.

"Indeed, it is," Lois agreed. She placed a quick peck on his cheek and grinned. "I've never seen you this relaxed. Just Clark."

"That's who I am," he murmured. "Just Clark."

He petted Houdini’s head, who’d just returned to him and enjoyed the feel of the dog’s soft fur under his fingers. Closing his eyes just for a moment, he concentrated on the sensation of Lois’ body snuggled against his as they walked.

Clark couldn't remember the last time he'd felt this alive. His chest was bursting with happiness, so much so that the grin on his face didn't suffice to express his emotions. He almost wished he had a tail like Houdini's, enabling him to announce to the whole world that this was by far the best day of his life.

Sure, his arm was still hurting and he felt sore from his exposure to the strange glowing rock. But those pains were a small price to pay given the reward. In fact he welcomed the lingering weakness in his bones because it meant he still had time to enjoy the simple pleasures of life.

Though, honestly, there was nothing simple about being able to kiss Lois whenever he felt like it without having to worry that an involuntary burst of heat vision might hurt her. Now that he had her so close, sensed her warmth, and felt every brush of her hip against his, he couldn't get enough of her. The clean scent of her hair and her silky skin were intoxicating and highly addictive. The urge to touch her was so overwhelming that he feared his behavior was already bordering on creepy.

But then she would give his hand on her shoulder a soft squeeze and look at him with an encouraging smile until he couldn’t help himself any more and just had to place another quick peck on her cheek.

Clark glanced sideways, catching another glimpse of the lovely red dress she had somehow snuck past him while he’d been talking to an old acquaintance. She looked simply stunning, but he didn’t want to get caught staring at her all the time like the drooling fool he was.

When he’d asked her about the dress, she’d just winked at him, telling him that - like magic - some things didn’t require explaining. His heart leaped at the memory and already he contemplated running his hand along her cheek or maybe kissing her again. It seemed like such an awfully long time since he’d last placed a kiss into her hair. Her lips looked enticing, too. And --

“Clark?” a familiar voice squealed. “Is that really you?”

He let go of Lois as he turned, startled and stared into the deep brown eyes of Rachel Harris. Life had been good to her, it seemed. Outwardly, she hadn’t changed much from the girl he’d taken to the prom. But Clark couldn’t help the impression that she was more at ease in her sheriff uniform than she’d ever been wearing a fancy dress or trying to compete with the other girls.

“Rachel,” he said softly. “Ehm, or should I say Sheriff Harris? It’s good to see you.”

Before he really knew what was happening, she pulled him into a bear hug. “I’ve heard the rumors, but I couldn’t quite believe you’re actually here!”

A little awkwardly, he returned the hug, wincing at the pain in his arm and laughing at her enthusiasm. “Me neither, Rachel, me neither.”

She released him and took a step back. “How long has it been? Four years?” Her gaze drifted to Lois who was quietly watching the exchange. Rachel shook her head. “Where are my manners? I’m Rachel Harris.”

Lois took the hand Rachel held out. “I’m Lois Lane.”

Houdini chose that moment to barge in again, jumping up first at him and then at Rachel as if demanding to be introduced as well. Clark tried to calm the excited dog, feeling flustered all of a sudden. Why hadn't he thought to introduce Lois and how was he going to explain any of this? Four years ago he'd just up and disappeared. That was a long time, particularly in a town like Smallville. There were bound to be questions, most of which he wasn’t prepared to answer.

He ran a nervous hand through his hair. "This is Houdini.”

A look of surprise flashed across Rachel's features. "I think I remember that name. Didn't Wayne Irig have a dog called Houdini who used to run off all the time? My Dad was still Sheriff then and had to track him down several times. We thought his name was fitting for an escape artist like that dog."

Clark relaxed a bit and chuckled softly as he remembered Houdini's youth. "Oh, that is him all right. But he's changed a lot since then. Still not fond of leashes, but otherwise very loyal."

"Just like his master, I suppose," Rachel patted Clark's shoulder and winked at Lois. "Clark here was kind enough to take me to the senior prom when I needed him most. The other girls were making fun of me because I had no date. Next thing I know the most handsome boy of the whole football team is asking me out. I have no idea how he even knew what was going on. You should have seen the looks of all the cheerleaders.” A wicked grin appeared on her face. She chuckled. “Half the team had been falling all over themselves just to get his attention. But he asked me. I knew he was only doing it for a friend, but it was still the best night I ever had."

Clark raised his hands in protest. “You got that all wrong, Rach. I did it for purely selfish reasons. I needed a date and I certainly wasn’t going with one of Lana’s many friends only to end up right in the middle of a war.”

Rachel rolled her eyes and shook her head. “Keep telling yourself that.” She lowered her voice conspiratorially as she addressed Lois. “A piece of advice - that guy’s a keeper. Or aren’t you two"-?”

“Oh, we most definitely are.”

Lois wrapped her arm around Clark’s shoulder and placed a kiss on his cheek, leaving him reeling with the implications. Had she really just announced that she was his girlfriend? He couldn’t help but stare at her, barely managing a proper goodbye as Rachel excused herself and got back to work.

“You can continue to breathe now,” Lois whispered into his ear as they were alone again. “I told you I’m not going anywhere.”

Clark turned to her, slowly releasing a breath he hadn’t even realized he’d been holding. His heart sank as he looked at her, so beautiful and vibrant, so obviously happy that her face was positively glowing in the light of the setting sun.

He lowered his gaze, staring at his feet. “You know this can’t last.”

She reached out, tilting his chin back up until he looked at her again. “We agreed not to dwell on that. We wanted to make the most of this, however long it may last. And I promise you that this is not the end, because I will not give up until you’re free. If anyone deserves happiness it’s you.”

Clark swallowed, feeling tears prick in his eyes that he blinked back. Houdini’s tongue tickled his fingers and he felt the reassuring weight of the dog against his legs.

“How could I do this to you, Lois?” he said thickly. “How could I ask you to wait for me? It's not fair!”

She shook her head and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, pulling him into an embrace. “I tell you what's not fair. It’s not fair that the man with the biggest heart on the whole wide world should stay alone for the rest of his life. I know exactly how you knew that Rachel needed you. And I’m pretty sure you didn’t just go out with her to get back at Lana, whoever that may be.”

“Lana and I went out a few times,” Clark mumbled. He heaved a small sigh. “Everyone thought we were an item, but it just didn’t work out. I had intended to just skip the prom after we broke off. But Rachel had always been a good friend to me. I just couldn’t stand the thought that she’d be miserable on prom night, not as long as I could do something about it. We both had a good time that night. It wasn’t just about her.”

Lois smiled at him. “See? You don’t even need your powers to work your magic. Now come on. Let’s dance while we still can.”

She pulled him toward the music, where several lines of people were moving to the rhythm of a country song. Houdini followed behind them. To Clark’s surprise, Lois effortlessly slipped into the routine of the line dance as if she’d never done anything else. Next to him, his mom had materialized seemingly out of nowhere, carrying the remainders of their cotton candy. She lured Houdini with an opulent dinner and gave Clark a gentle nudge in Lois’ direction.

It was like a weird and wonderful dream come true.

Suddenly, his stomach felt as if a billion butterflies fluttered through his insides. With clammy fingers and a racing heart, Clark joined the line right at Lois’ side.

Her smile lit up the whole dancing area. “What took you so long?”

She moved with a grace that simply stole his breath. And for a moment he wondered if it was possible to love this woman any more than he already did.

“I…” His throat was incredibly dry. “I had… no idea you could dance like that.”

She laughed. “Last year I had a girlfriend convince me it was a great way to meet guys.”

He swallowed. “And, is it?”

“Well, let’s say, I’m dancing with exactly the right guy, so there is no need to further test that theory.”

There was a gleam in her eyes as she looked at him that let the world around Clark fade to insignificance. His body still moved to the music, but what he heard and saw was only Lois. Her beautiful smile, her creamy skin and the dark curls of her hair that bobbed with every turn and step she made. He lost himself in the dark pools of her eyes, wishing that the song would never have to end.

He knew that right at this moment, he was getting a taste of what true magic was.
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