Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Blueowl FDK: Anchored (2/8) - 06/02/23 01:03 AM
Here is chapter 2: Magic

Thoughts? Like Star?
Posted By: SuperBek Re: FDK: Anchored (2/8) - 06/02/23 01:10 AM
Yes! Wonderful depiction of Star!! Love her little insight at the end of her conversation with Lois.

And ack! Poor Clark with his "nightmare". Terrific bit that he was "scared that he was scared" there, and also that his first instinct was to reach out with his superhearing to make sure nothing was wrong.

Looking forward to more!!!

Posted By: KSaraSara Re: FDK: Anchored (2/8) - 06/02/23 04:11 AM
Ahhh how fun to have Star there in a different setting!! Much more fitting this way, tbh! I'm eager to find out how Lois knows that Clark *and* Superman are in danger!

Sara smile
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: Anchored (2/8) - 06/02/23 04:10 PM
Hi Blueowl!

Here we go again smile1

Lois had no idea what she was doing in the crystal shop, but she had run out of ideas.
Molly Flynn’s? Are you crossing over with Operation Blackout?

Lois turned toward the voice to find a short, black woman who had the most gentle and inviting expression on her face.

“Er, hi,” Lois returned.

“Oh. Wow! Don’t tell me. You’re Lois Lane, right? The Daily Planet? That must be a great place to work. I don’t have a subscription, but I really love the logo. I’m Star.” She held out her hand.
Oh, Star! She just shouldn’t tell Lois that the Daily Planet is reporting yesterday’s news, which is why she doesn't subscribe.

Who was this lady? And how much caffeine had she had that day?

Lois frowned. “I see. Well, thank you very much, Star. I’m not quite sure I’ll be able to include what you’ve told me in my article, but you’ve given me something to consider at least.”
Yeah. Maybe a side panel on voodoo and what people believe in?

oh, no! Someone close to you is being targeted! I think you might . . . love them? Sorry, that’s sorta fuzzy,

“What do you mean someone I know is being targeted? And love?!” Lois asked, baffled.

How could this woman say something like that so frankly?
Yes, very inconsiderate. What if Clark overheard?

What had scared him?
Lois learning that she might love him.

I did see the questions on Discord, so the popcorn’s ready [Linked Image]

wave Michael
Posted By: Blueowl Re: FDK: Anchored (2/8) - 06/04/23 01:10 AM
SuperBek - Thanks ^_^

KSaraSara - She'll find out soon....

Darth Michael - Discord is a great feeding ground for muses smile

Glad you all are enjoying it so far! Next part will be up soon.
Posted By: bakasi Re: FDK: Anchored (2/8) - 06/11/23 07:18 AM
I just love this scene with Star. This must be the first fic I have read where she is used at all. And poor Clark!
Posted By: Blueowl Re: FDK: Anchored (2/8) - 06/11/23 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by bakasi
I just love this scene with Star. This must be the first fic I have read where she is used at all. And poor Clark!

Yeah, I like Star's character, though I'll admit she had to grow on me a bit before I did.
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