Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: bakasi Of Crystals and Spells - 05/19/23 06:11 AM
Friday's time for another dive into the MagiKal AU. And I'd need all his magic to convince you this is still a ficlet. But I felt that all of this was worth telling. So take a little more time and I hope you 'll enjoy.

Thanks to Kathryn84 for looking after Houdini.

Of Crystals And Spells

Houdini slowed his steps, his body tensing as they approached the area where four years ago the dog had tumbled into a hole.

Clark wasn't sure if the Irish Setter still remembered that fateful day or if he just sensed his master's increasing dread.

Lois' hand closed around Clark's, a gentle reminder of her presence, like the soft scent of her flowery fragrance. It mixed well with the more earthy notes of dry soil and the resin of trees.

Clark had never felt happier than when Lois had climbed out of his mother's pickup truck. Seeing the two women in his life so comfortable around each other had warmed his heart. He knew how apprehensive Lois had been of meeting his parents. If places were reversed, he would have felt the same way.

For a moment, Clark hadn't quite known how to greet Lois after putting her through a blind date with his Mom. Houdini, however, had had no such qualms. As soon as the setter had seen Lois he'd stormed toward her, welcoming her with an enthusiasm only a dog was capable of.

They'd eaten dinner in the backyard of the farm. Clark still didn't dare to go inside though his powers had been a bit more stable over the course of the last two weeks and hadn't acted up all evening. But he wasn't going to take any risks with the people he loved.

He'd spent the night in a tent, the heartbeats of Lois, his parents and Houdini keeping him company. The soothing sounds had chased away any sense of loneliness, almost as if he'd been sleeping in the house with them.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Lois interrupted his musings.

He turned to her and couldn't help but smile. His heart swelled with all the tender feelings he had for her. It still amazed him that she was here with him, coming along as they tried to find a solution for his power fluctuations.

"I was just thinking how lucky I am to have you," he replied.

A faint blush tinted Lois' cheeks.

Clark's own cheeks grew hot as he wondered if maybe he'd said too much. Was he being too obvious in his affections for her? He didn't want to make any assumptions or scare her off. It was so easy to mistake the way she looked at him for more than friendship. But that could all be wishful thinking on his part.

Lois gave his hand another gentle squeeze. "Are you nervous?"

Her words brought him back to reality. The sense of dread that for a short moment had taken a backseat to other, more pleasant feelings returned full force. The weight of the rope that he'd slung around his shoulders was suddenly pressing down on him, when mere moments ago he hadn't noticed it at all.

"Yeah." He swallowed against his suddenly dry throat. "I've avoided this place for four years, thinking that whatever affected me here would wear off over time." He heaved a resigned sigh. "But you're right, it's about time for a different approach."

Clark attempted a smile, but that quickly crumbled as he spotted a group of trees he remembered very well. They'd been the last he'd seen before floating down into the hole where an intense wave of pain had washed over him.

Houdini whimpered and turned to Clark, tail between his legs.

"It's okay, buddy." Clark laid his hand on the dog's head. He wasn't quite sure if he was trying to reassure the setter or himself.

Taking a steadying breath, he lifted the rope off his shoulders and handed one end to Lois.

She gave him a worried look. "Are you okay?"

He nodded. "So far, I don't feel a thing. I'm not going any closer to the edge, though. Be careful. I might not be able to climb in and get you out. If you feel any discomfort, let me pull you up immediately. I don’t want you to get hurt. My dad said he felt no ill effects, but…"

Clark's gut curled into a tight knot. He hoped his dad had been right.

Lois smiled tightly. "I promise not to take any unnecessary risks."

Clark raised his brows. "I'll hold you to that."

She grinned at him, before she headed for the hole. Trepidation filled Clark as he watched Lois. They exchanged a glance, before she lowered her end of the rope into the hole and climbed down. Clark held his breath, readying himself to pull her back up at the first sign of trouble.

Moments later, he felt the rope twitch in his hands as she let go of it.

"I've reached the bottom,” Lois announced. “So far, I don't see anything out of the ordinary.”

Clark let out a sigh of relief. “The last thing I remember is something green and red.”

He heard rummaging from the hole. Next to him, Houdini moved on circles, took a few steps toward the hole only to return. The dog looked about as nervous as Clark felt. His own heart was beating fast as he remembered rocks falling down and hitting both him and Houdini. He was hard pressed not to get closer and check on Lois.

Surreptitiously, he lowered his glasses. "Are you all right down there?"

"Yeah, fine," came the muffled reply. "I believe I found something. It looks like crystals. I'm coming back now."

Clark slipped his glasses back on and tightened his grip on the rope while Lois climbed up. He saw her hand first as she pushed two glowing objects over the rim of the hole so she had her hands free to climb the rest of the way.

He stared at the crystals, his breath once again catching in his throat. Vaguely he remembered seeing their iridescent glow before passing out. One rock was green, the other one red, but both were mesmerizing and terrifying at the same time.

He wanted to utter a warning as Houdini moved closer to the rocks and sniffed at them. The setter went completely still, eying the crystals almost as if he expected them to launch an attack. But when they remained on the gound, unmoving, he raised his head again, shook himself, and returned to Clark's side.

“You still okay?” Lois scrambled back to her feet and dusted off her clothes.

Clark pulled himself from the stupor that had befallen him and took stock of his current state. “Yeah, I still don’t feel any different than I did a moment ago.”

Lois’ gaze drifted toward the two glowing rocks and she bit her lip. “I guess we should test your reaction to them, what do you think?”

A shiver ran down Clark’s spine. He looked at Houdini, who stood his ground beside him, albeit now trembling, head lowered and tail between his legs. Clark’s heart went out to the poor dog. Truth be told, he felt much like Houdini, if his stance gave any indication of what the dog was thinking. Then he glanced back at Lois who studied him with concern.

He knew she wouldn't force him to go through with it.

But this was his chance, Clark reminded himself. Sure, he was also taking a risk. But in the end, life was about taking risks once in a while. He’d taken a huge risk by opening up to Lois. That had been the best decision of his life yet. He wanted a future with her and this was how he might get it. So how could he back out now?

“Okay,” he said hoarsely. “But let me have a closer look first.” Clark lowered his glasses, focusing on the crystals. As he studied the details, he let out a soft whistle. “Their structure is practically identical. The only difference I see is the color. It almost seems like these are two versions of the same substance.”

Lois closed the distance between them and laid a hand on his arm. “Are you sure you want me to bring these crystals closer to you?”

Clark took a shuddering breath. “That's what we're here for. Let’s try the red one first.”

“What if something bad happens?” Her voice was quivering slightly and she couldn’t quite look at him.

Clark guessed that she was having second thoughts, too. He couldn't deny he was scared. But the prospect of staying lonely for the rest of his life without ever trying to do something about it seemed even more terrifying all of a sudden. Particularly with a friend like Lois just within his reach.

He straightened. “I need to find out what happened to me. Let’s get this over with.”

Before he knew what was happening, she stepped on her toes and placed a kiss on his cheek. Then she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and pressed her face into the crook of his neck. Completely overwhelmed by her sudden nearness, he awkwardly returned the embrace and kissed her hair. Feeling her body flush against his was a sensation so incredible that he wasn’t sure words even existed to describe it. All the pent up tension seeped from his body and right in this moment he knew that he had to try everything he could just to get one other moment with Lois. This was worth any risk.

“Thank you for trying this,” she whispered into his ear. “Please, whatever happens, Clark, know this - I love you.”

He stood frozen, struck by lightning, as she let go of him. Clark couldn’t believe what she’d said and he couldn’t reply either. His whole body was stunned, his tongue and mouth refusing to form any coherent word. A deep flush tinted Lois’ cheeks and she ducked her head, hurrying back to the crystals as if her admission had surprised her just as much as it had surprised Clark.

She picked up the red one. “Ready?”

He could only nod. The shock and the tender feelings that had flooded his chest before were suddenly replaced by a deep sense of dread. Houdini whimpered and looked up at Clark who placed his hand on the dog's head, scratching him gently. His breath hitched as Lois stepped closer. He felt Houdini tense.

Then suddenly, all his emotions just seemed to leave him. He was strangely relaxed and calm, as if none of this mattered in any way whatsoever. His hand dropped from Houdini's head, no longer caring for the reassurance.

He saw Lois approaching him with some strange glowing object. But his eyes quickly drifted toward her ample cleavage and her luscious lips. These were lips that looked decidedly kissable. And that was exactly what he was going to do.

“Hey, babe, got any plans for tonight?” He winked at her and leaned in.

Kissing her was even better than he’d thought. She tasted sweet and sexy. Quickly his tongue darted forward, teasing her lips gently. She parted them to invite him in. Playfully he suckled at her lower lip before he went on to exploring the silky cave of her mouth that promised so much more. A low moan escaped his throat and he pulled her closer. He just couldn't get enough of her.

A loud bark resounded in his ears and he felt two large paws on his arms. Surprised, he let go of Lois, who took several steps back. Houdini pressed into him, pushing him back. A low growl escaped his throat.

“Clark.” Lois stared first at him, then at the glowing crystal in her hand. "What just happened?"

As she brought more distance between them, the cobwebs that clouded Clark's mind slowly cleared. He shook his head to get rid of the woozy sensation. His lips still tingled from their kiss, but the memory of it turned hazier with every passing second as if it had merely been a dream.

Houdini got back down and eyed Clark carefully. His muscles were still tense as he stood with his back to Lois. Had the dog intervened because he was jealous or had he sensed that Clark hadn't been in control of his actions? If only there were a way to ask him.

Confused, Clark's gaze drifted to Lois who still held the red crystal and studied it with a frown.

"I don't know," he muttered. "I believe I kissed you." His face burned hot with embarrassment. "Sorry about that, I never meant to impose on you. It was as if I was under a spell."

Her features relaxed and she smiled at him. "No harm done, you just took me by surprise. And the kiss was great, more than great, actually."

She had a dreamy expression on her face, her cheeks flushed. There was a gleam in her eyes that stirred a deep desire inside him. Though this time it felt more real than before. He exhaled slowly, fighting to get his emotions back under control.

"Um, thanks, I guess." Clark wasn't sure if it was possible to blush more furiously than he already had. He ran his hand through his hair and shifted his weight. "It was strange. When you approched me, I was so nervous. And then I was suddenly completely relaxed and nothing seemed to matter but what I wanted."

The words were out before he'd really had a chance to think about them. Clark bit his lip, an apology already sitting on the tip of his tongue.

But Lois didn't seem to take offense. "Do you believe it was the crystal?"

He shrugged. "I wouldn't know what else could have compelled me to kiss you without permission."

She grinned. "Boyscout."

For a while they watched each other without saying anything, but then both their gazes drifted toward the green crystal. Houdini seemed to notice the growing tension. He stiffened next to Clark.

Lois nibbled on her lower lip. "Ready to try the other one?"

Clark heaved a sigh and nodded. "As ready as I'll ever be."

Lois picked up the green crystal and slowly closed the distance between them.

This time the effect was rather abrupt. A brief moment of discomfort quickly mounted to an intense wave of pure agony that slammed into his chest and knocked the wind out of him.

"Lois, stop," he wanted to yell, but all that came out was a hoarse whisper.

His knees buckled underneath him and raging nausea rolled in his stomach, letting any experience with his out-of-control powers pale in comparison.

Weakness paralyzed him. Clark moaned. His vision grayed on the edges.

Vaguely, he registered how Houdini tensed beside him. The dog bared his teeth, letting out a low, warning growl. Every single hair of his thick fur stood on end.

Lois stopped, but Houdini still stood ready to attack.

"Down, boy," Clark ground out.

His voice still barely worked and was drowned out by another loud growl. Clark tilted sideways, no longer able to even remain on his knees.

"Clark!" Lois' eyes widened and she rushed in his direction.

More pain stole his breath. A panicked whimper escaped Houdini, then his body went rigid. As he leaped forward Clark's heart stopped. Terror infused his muscles with a strength he hadn't thought he still possessed.

Acting on instinct, Clark pushed himself off the ground, following his dog who headed straight for Lois. He had to get there first. Another strong wave of pain slammed into him as he pushed Lois down, shielding her just in time before Houdini's body could connect with hers.

The wave of agony subsided as the crystal flew far from her hand, replaced by a different pain as the dog's teeth settled into his arm.

Clark cried out as he landed hard on his back.

The dog's eyes met his, the dangerous gleam changing to something else.

Gritting his teeth against the searing pain, Clark took a deep breath, trying to exude a calm he didn't feel.

"Down, Houdini," he said firmly. "Everything is okay. Lois didn't mean to hurt me. I'm all right." He bore his eyes into the dog's. "Let go."

The death grip of Houdini's jaw on his arm lessened. The setter let out a startled whimper.

"Shhh, everything's fine," Clark reassured the dog.

He stroked him with his good arm and made soothing noises until Houdini's fur settled and the dog relaxed. Clark let out a slow breath and collapsed back to the ground. He craned his neck a bit to look at Lois, who'd scrambled back to her knees.

"Are you okay?" he whispered.

Then he closed his eyes against the pain that reclaimed his attention with a vengeance.

Her reply was something between a laugh and a sob. "I'm fine. What about you?"

"Been better," he admitted. "I think I need a moment."

Her hands touched his arm. "You're bleeding."

The way Houdini's teeth had felt, he wasn't surprised. "Then I lost all my powers again."

Her hand cupped his cheek. "I'm so, so sorry, Clark. I should have backed away as soon as I realized I was hurting you. When Houdini attacked…" She trailed off. The ragged sound of her breaths was all he heard. "You saved me."

"I had to." A smile crept onto his lips. "The thing is, I love you, too."
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